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What is the digital TV (DTV) Transition?

The switch from analog to digital broadcast television is referred to as the digital TV (DTV) transition. In 1996, Congress authorized the distribution of an additional broadcast channel to each broadcast TV station so that they could start a digital broadcast channel while simultaneously continuing their analog broadcast channel. Later, Congress mandated that June 12, 2009 would be the last day for full-power television stations to broadcast in analog. Broadcast stations in all U.S. markets are currently broadcasting in both analog and digital. After June 12, 2009, full-power television stations will broadcast in digital only.

For additional information about the DTV Transition and what you may need to do to prepare for it, visit the Federal Communications Commission's Web site http://www.dtv.gov/ or call the Federal Communications Commission at 1-888-225-5322 (TTY: 1-888-835-5322). Or to request a coupon for a digital-to-analog convertor boxes, consumers can apply online at www.dtv2009.gov. The government also has created a 24-hour hotline to take requests, 1-888-DTV-2009 (1-888-388-2009).

FAQ's on the Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan

On March 4, 2009 President Barack Obama recently announced new details of its Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan.

Here is what it could mean for you.

Information on the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s Foreclosure Relief Program

On November 11, 2008 the Federal Housing Finance Agency announced a new program that targets the highest risk borrower who missed three payments or more, owns and occupies the property as a primary residence, and has not filed for bankruptcy. To be considered for the program, a delinquent borrower should contact his or her mortgage service provider and make available the requested income information. The program creates a fast-track method of getting troubled borrowers to an affordable monthly payment in which “affordable” is defined as a first mortgage payment, including homeowner association dues, of no more than 38 percent of the household’s monthly gross income. Servicers are expected to begin offering the program on December 15, 2008.

To learn more about the program please click here.

Is there any federal assistance for those impacted by the storms in northern Michigan?

First, local governments in cooperation with the state must decide to pursue a federal disaster declaration. If the local and state agencies determine that the extent of the damage is beyond what they can mitigate, then the Governor must request a federal disaster declaration from FEMA and the President. The request would be reviewed and, if it is signed by the President, federal assistance will become available. For more information on the declaration process, visit here.

The federal government also provides tax relief to individuals on uninsured loses because of disasters. For more information, please consult a certified tax professional and visit here.

Information on Economic Stimulus Tax Rebates

Starting in May 2008, the Treasury will begin sending economic stimulus payments to more than 130 million individuals. The stimulus payments will go out through the late spring and summer.  To find out if you are eligible, please visit the Internal Revenue Service's Web site.

Can you help me with the Friend of the Court and the Family Independence Agency?

The federal government does not have direct jurisdiction to assist you in matters involving state agencies. I encourage you to contact your state senator and state representative with your concerns.

FY 2010 Requested Appropriations

For a list of requested appropriations for Fiscal Year 2010, please click here.

How can I receive copies of my military records and awards?

Answers to these questions can be found in my Constituent Services section.

What is your position on ...

The answer to your question may be found in the Issues section. If you could not find it there, please contact me.

Do I live in Michigan's Second Congressional District?

Click here to find out if you live in the Michigan's Second Congressional District

How do I contact you and your office?

Please visit my Contact Pete page.

Where do I go with questions about Social Security?

An answer to this question can be found in my constituent services section.

What committees do you serve on in the U.S. House of Representatives?

I serve as Ranking Member on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in addition to serving on the House Committee on Education and Labor.