

Pete's Perspective on Legislative Response to North Korean Provocation

Washington, Apr 30 -

In response to North Korea’s recent unsuccessful long-range missile launch over Japan, I became an original co-sponsor of H.R. 1980, the North Korea Sanctions and Diplomatic Nonrecognition Act.

Introduced by Rep. Illeana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), H.R. 1980 would impose both economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation on North Korea until it abandons its nuclear weapons program and resolves its poor human rights records.

The missile launch was in clear violation of United Security Council resolutions. Coupled with its growing partnership with Iran and reported assistance to Syria’s nuclear program, North Korea’s aggressive behavior not only threatens U.S. interests, but also global stability and security.

The world community must pursue all diplomatic and economic options as it considers its response to address North Korea’s provocations and do everything else it can to pursue stability in the region. The North Korea Sanctions and Diplomatic Nonrecognition Act serves as a well-constructed response to address North Korea’s pattern of destructive and illicit behavior.