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How to Participate ›› Field Reference Database ›› Sharing your Existing Data

The LANDFIRE mapping efforts rely heavily on field-referenced data describing vegetation composition and structure and wildland fuel. The LANDFIRE reference database comprises data from numerous sources, both government and non-government, and provides “training” information for LANDFIRE mapping tasks. The LANDFIRE team relies on the user community for access to vegetation or fuel data compiled for inventory, monitoring, mapping, research, or similar purposes. The following table lists examples of data that are particularly useful to the LANDFIRE Project.

You need not provide all listed data to make an important contribution to LANDFIRE; subsets of these or similar field data are welcome and appreciated. The only requirement for all records included in the LANDFIRE reference database is a geo-reference for each sampling point, preferably as determined with a Global Positioning System device in the field.

If you have geo-referenced plot data that meet the LANDFIRE reference database’s needs OR know of possible data sources, please contact Karen Short at (406) 549-7478 ( You can also download our formal data request letter or learn details about our fuel data needs.

Examples of field data useful to LANDFIRE

Data typeAttribute
 Sampling date
Vegetation Cover type
  Full or partial list of plant taxa present
  Canopy cover of each taxon
  Height of each taxon
  Diameters of individual trees
  Heights of individual trees
  Crown ratios of individual trees OR
  Crown base heights of individual trees
  Crown classes of individual trees
  Tree densities
Fuel Counts or biomass of fine material
  Counts or biomass of coarse material
  Depth or biomass of litter layer
  Depth or biomass of duff layer

Frequently asked questions
about LANDFIRE data needs,
submission cut-off dates, and
means of data transfer

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