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The deadline to submit appropriations requests for FY 2010 has passed.  However, applications for the SAFETEA-LU Reauthorization bill are still being taken.  Please note that the final deadline for SAFETEA-LU requests is Wednesday, April 29. Due to the short time frame, we cannot guarantee the full consideration of any incomplete requests or requests submitted after this date. Below is the pertinent information for interested applicants. 

Under current law, the U.S. Department of Transportation, States, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, and public transit agencies are responsible for the vast majority of surface transportation investment decisions. Although the current Federal-state-local partnership has served highway and transit systems well, not all communities are treated equally in the decision-making process.

To complement the work done by these agencies, a small percentage of the overall investment of the authorization bill will be available for High Priority Projects (HPP). To ensure that projects that receive funding in this surface transportation authorization act result in tangible transportation and safety benefits, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee has adopted the following principles for High Priority Projects:....

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Representing Indiana's 9th Congressional District