Gov. Jack Markell


I greatly appreciate the support I have received from people up and down the state of Delaware and look forward to this opportunity to serve as your Governor. I am truly honored by the trust that has been placed in me by the people of our state and will do everything I can to reward that trust over the next four years.

This website is designed to help you learn more about my efforts and to keep you informed about the latest news and announcements regarding my administration. Most importantly, I hope you will use this opportunity to share your insights, to help us improve the ways in which state government meets the needs of the people it serves and to deliver the change our state needs.

May 12, 2009
Markell: Delaware Joins Multi-State Commitment to Chart New Course for Chesapeake Bay Recovery

May 12, 2009
Markell Nominates Brendan O'Neill to be Next Public Defender

May 12, 2009
Markell to be Featured on ESPN’s E:60 Tonight

May 11, 2009
Karyl T. Rattay, MD, MS FAAP, FACPM Appointed Head of Public Health

May 11, 2009
To Reduce Repeat Offenses, Governor Markell Releases Re-entry Plan

May 7, 2009
Markell Proposes Increased DUI Fines to Deter Drunk Driving

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"These are difficult times and these are difficult decisions. However, I remain firmly convinced that our state's best days are ahead of us. These problems may confront us, but they will not define us."

- Governor Jack Markell
2009 Budget Address

 Governor's 2009 Budget Address Video: 2009 Budget Address - A Blueprint for Solving the Budget Crisis
Streaming (recommended) | .wmv (Windows/417M) | .mov (Mac/213M)

Transcript | Slideshow [PDF]

 Governor's briefing on the scope of the shortfall Video: Governor's briefing on the scope of the shortfall.
Streaming (recommended) | .wmv (Windows/142M) | .mov (Mac/83M)

Last Updated: Tuesday, 12-May-2009 16:24:12 EDT
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