Tom Carper | United States Senator for Delaware E-mail Senator Carper

Delaware National Park Proposal

Listen to Senator Carper talk about why Delaware deserves a national park, and about his efforts and plans to create one.

Delaware is currently the only state without a national park. In 2004, after nearly two years of research and planning involving state officials, community leaders and activists, I unveiled a proposal to create the Delaware National Coastal Heritage Park.

This national park would link various sites across the state that tell the story of Delaware's coastal heritage, from the days of our state's earliest inhabitants to the bustling financial, tourism and recreational location that Delaware has become today.

Among the themes our park will highlight are: the history of indigenous peoples; colonization and establishment of the frontier; the nation's founding; industrial development; transportation; coastal defense; the Underground Railroad; and the coastal environment.

The proposal calls on the National Park Service to construct interpretive centers - or hubs - that would help residents and tourists alike learn more about how our coastline has contributed to the development of our state and our nation. These centers would provide information and guidance about the many existing historic sites, natural areas, recreational opportunities and other attractions that are part of our unique coastal region.

Before a national park could be established in Delaware, the National Park Service had to study the need and feasibility of building and running such a park. The National Park Service was authorized to do such a study under legislation I introduced and the Congress passed 2006 in cooperation with the state of Delaware, coastal communities and the general public and finished in January 2009.

In January 2009, the Park Service finalized its Special Resource Study, concluding that a park should be placed in Delaware, and gave some suggestions on what is should look like and how much it would cost to establish.

The next step in 2009 is to draft legislation to authorize and fund a national park in Delaware. My congressional staff is working with the other members in the delegation and state of Delaware to write this legislation that I hope to have enacted into law by the end of this Congress.

For more information, feel free to contact any of my office locations or E-MAIL ME.