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Contact: Stephanie Fitzpatrick 202-225-4165


Gun Show Loophole Press Conference


Washington  - Today, with the U.S. Capitol in the background, Rep. Mike Castle (R-DE) and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) kicked-off a campaign to pass The Gun Show Loophole Closing Act, legislation to require background checks on all firearm sales at gun shows.  Every year there are thousands of gun shows across the country and U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has estimated that at least 25% of the gun-sellers at these events are unlicensed.  Requiring background checks on all gun sales at gun shows, not just transactions with licensed dealers, will help ensure that firearms do not fall into the hands of criminals, terrorists or the mentally ill.   

Reps. Castle and McCarthy believe that now is the ideal time for this bill to gain traction in Congress as Senator Frank Lautenberg recently introduced similar legislation and on the 2008 Presidential campaign trail, the concept enjoyed the bipartisan support of both candidates.

"Over ten years after the Columbine shooting and two years after the Virginia Tech shooting, we still have not taken this simple step to require background checks and keep guns away from those who have a history of violence or mental illness." said Rep. Castle.  "With Representative McCarthy, our Senate colleagues, and the dedicated advocates who have pushed us to hear their voices for years, I am hopeful that we can finally make progress to prevent firearms sales from going around the law."

“Closing the gun show loophole is a commonsense measure that we know can save lives.  There is no logical reason that gun purchases at gun shows should not require the same background checks that are necessary in stores," said Rep. McCarthy. "The gun show loophole has made it possible for thousands of deadly illegal guns fall into the wrong hands, as was the case with the tragedy at Columbine High School in Littleton, CO ten years ago, where the perpetrators acquired the weapons they used to carry out their crimes at a gun show without undergoing a background check.  The time has long since past to fix this loophole in our system and make our communities safer and prevent more illegal guns from pouring out onto our streets.”

At the press conference, the lawmakers joined with Paul Helmke, the President of the Brady Campaign and victims of the Virginia Tech shooting to highlight their continued commitment to work with colleagues in Congress to pass this legislation and strengthen violence prevention laws.

“I commend Representatives Castle and McCarthy for introducing a bill to prevent dangerous people from buying guns without a Brady background check from unlicensed sellers at gun shows nationwide," said Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign. "Ten years after the Columbine tragedy is more than long enough for the American people to wait to see Congress eliminate this dangerous loophole.  We urge a bipartisan majority of Congress to pass this bill and send it to President Obama for his signature.”

International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) also lent their support to the legislation.

“The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) is proud to support the Gunshow Loophole Closing Act of 2009, said IACP President Russell B. Laine. "The IACP calls on Congress and all levels of government to mandate that all gun purchases are made through holders of a Federal Firearms License to ensure a single, consistent system for conducting gun sales, including background checks, will be established.”


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