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Data Products ›› Data Product Quality ›› Feedback


Feedback Process LANDFIRE provides opportunities for users to give feedback on the quality of the products and has a process in place to review and address user comments. Users of LANDFIRE data products can provide feedback through the Contact Us link ( and participation in After Action Reviews, workshops, and meetings (please see the How to Participate section of this website)

Following is an example of this feedback process:

Informal reviews of the initial maps of the Great Basin and Southwest raised concerns about the quality of some products. The issue was brought to the attention of the LANDFIRE organization and was reviewed and evaluated. A decision was made to proceed through a change request process with a formal agreement between the Bureau of Land Management and the LANDFIRE Project to remap certain LANDFIRE National geospatial layers to address the over-mapping of pinyon-juniper communities and the under-mapping of non-native grass communities. Click here for the complete report.

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