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How to Participate ›› Fuel Workshops ›› FBFM Assignment Workshops

ParticpationAs part of quality assurance and quality control, LANDFIRE scientists are conducting workshops that allow expert users an opportunity to develop and critique fuel layers. Two kinds of workshops are held periodically to assist the LANDFIRE team in producing the highest quality fuel data possible. These workshops include fire behavior fuel model calibration workshops and fire behavior fuel model assignment workshops…

Fire Behavior Fuel Model (FBFM) Assignment Workshops

The goal of these workshops is to create crosswalks used to assign FBFMs – both the Anderson (1982) set and the Scott and Burgan (2005) set – to LANDFIRE fuelbeds (which differ from the calibration workshops that focus on evaluating the fire behavior fuel model layers derived from the assignment process). These FBFM assignment workshops provide the LANDFIRE team with the expertise of fire and fuel specialists to enhance the efficacy of the final LANDFIRE fuel products. The table below shows an example crosswalk:

Example LANDFIRE fuelbed assignments from a Great Basin
Pinyon-Juniper existing vegetation type.

Fuelbed # Cover (%)Height (m)ESP1FBFM132FBFM40
1 0 - 50 AnyXeric 6SH1
2 0 - 50 Any Mesic 2 GS2
3 50 - 100 ≥ 3 Any 8 TL1
4 50 - 100 ≤ 3 Any 6 SH1

1ESP is environmental site potential.
2FBFM13 and FBFM40 are fire behavior fuel models from
Anderson (1982) and Scott and Burgan (2005), respectively.

General Information

What will the workshops involve? In the workshops, hosted by the LANDFIRE fuel team and technology transfer group, participants will help build crosswalks between LANDFIRE fuel beds (vegetative characteristics) and fire behavior models.
How will the feedback be used? Local expert feedback will be used by LANDFIRE scientists to improve the fuel layers. The meetings will solicit user knowledge to develop rule sets using variables such as canopy cover, vegetation height, and existing vegetation type to estimate fire behavior fuel models. This commentary will then be used to develop fire behavior fuel model maps.
Who should attend the workshops? Desired workshop participants include both agency and private sector employees with an integrated knowledge of fuels, fuel modeling systems, and fire behavior.
When and where are the workshops held? Dates and locations of LANDFIRE fuel workshops will be posted as determined. Please check back for information on fuel workshops to be held in your area.

Assignment Workshops Held to Date

Location Date
Missoula, MT July 19 – 21, 2005
Phoenix, AZ Nov. 29, 2005

If you have questions or would like more information about the LANDFIRE fuel workshops, please contact the LANDFIRE helpdesk at

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