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Training & Technology Transfer ›› Overview

TrainingThe focus of the LANDFIRE Technology Transfer is to conduct a national training program. The targeted audience is land managers and staff with primary responsibility for fire, fuel, vegetation, and associated programs. These individuals will in turn implement LANDFIRE technology within their spheres of influence and train their peers and staffs in its use. The goal of LANDFIRE’s Technology Transfer is to integrate LANDFIRE data and maps into land management agency culture and processes using computer applications such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and fire behavior and effects models such as FlamMap and FARSITE.

To implement this national training program, the National Interagency Fuels Technology Team (NIFTT), chartered under the National Interagency Fuels Coordination Group, has partnered with the LANDFIRE team to provide online training courses and to conduct workshops across the nation. Through these technology transfer workshops, NIFTT will work with and train managers in fuel assessment techniques using LANDFIRE data.

Note also that various tools exist to assist users of LANDFIRE data. Please visit the Helpful Data Tools section of this website for details.

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