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Rapid Refresh and Refresh

Updated Products The Rapid Refresh was a six month "rapid response" improvement task to be completed by June 2008. The short duration of the project limited scope to data updates associated only with wildland fire disturbances. The Rapid Refresh involved subject matter expert (SME) review to improve the quality of the updated products and gather valuable information that benefited the design and execution of the Refresh update project. For more information on the SME review click here.

The transition from the LANDFIRE Project to the LANDFIRE Program is known as "Refresh." The goal of Refresh is to update existing vegetation and wildland fuel layers to 1) reflect changes resulting from recent natural disturbances and management activities and 2) address discrepancies between the existing data and known field conditions. Refresh products will be incorporated into a new base map for the nation, which will be served on the National Map LANDFIRE in addition to the original LANDFIRE data products.

LANDFIRE Refresh got underway in October 2008. Assistance is needed from land management professionals because Refresh relies primarily on the contributions of data reflecting landscape changes, which are the key inputs used in Refresh to update LANDFIRE products. Data needed for the Refresh project include spatial polygon layers of 1) recent wildland fires, 2) insect and disease infestations, 3) storm damage, 4) various land-management activities, plus 5) any other natural resource information that can be used to improve the existing maps of vegetation and fuel for the nation. Data contributions must include mapped attributes that are associated with spatial polygons (rather than points) and accurately delineated on the landscape, depicting events or indicating conditions from 1999 or later. In addition to these spatial polygon layers, Refresh also benefits from contributions of any geo-referenced digital photos of vegetation or fuel conditions, vegetation or fuel plot data, and project descriptions or final reports.

Click here to download the formal data request letter for LANDFIRE Refresh.

Click here to download the frequently asked questions document associated with the data request letter for LANDFIRE Refresh.

For additional information on Refresh data needs and details on how to participate, please click here.

For additional details on LANDFIRE's Updating Products Operations and Maintenance Strategy, click here.

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