Homeland Security

Homeland Security

The United States has been blessed with a strong, dedicated military which can and will defend our nation’s security and preserve the freedoms we cherish each day.  I believe in the mission of our men and women fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan and support providing them with the necessary funding they need to achieve success overseas.  Our commanders on the ground deserve praise as they have taken the fight to the enemy in both Afghanistan and Iraq and have prevented terrorists from striking us here at home.  I support their efforts to combat terrorism, to ensure the safety of our country, and to further democracy in other parts of the world.


Last July, I was fortunate enough to meet with our soldiers and military officials in Iraq, Kuwait, Pakistan, Ireland and Germany.  While in Germany, I was honored to visit American troops at Landstuhl Regional Medical Facility, the largest American military hospital outside the United States.   In the brief time I spent with some of our brave men and women, it was clear to me that they not only understood the importance of their mission, but they were determined to complete it.  


Leaving Iraq too soon would jeopardize our national security and give the terrorists a tremendous victory in the war on terror.  However, I believe that the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) should continue moving forward with their contingency planning for a redeployment of U.S. Armed Forces from Iraq.  Recently, I voted for H.R. 3087 which sheds light on the DoD’s standard operating procedure of contingency planning.  This measure would not impose one specific exit strategy on our military commanders, but would encourage the President, in coordination with the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and other senior military leaders, to develop and transmit to Congress a comprehensive strategy for the redeployment of our troops. 


We have an obligation to future generations of Americans to ensure our country keeps terrorism off U.S. soil.  I will continue to support efforts to strengthen our national defense and support our uniformed men and women who are committed to protecting America.

Related Documents:

Bachmann Blog - Cracking Down on Conservatives 4.23.2009

Columns - OP-ED: The Israel - Gaza Conflict 1.13.2009

Press Releases - Bachmann Defends Israel's Right to Protect Its People 1.9.2009

Press Releases - Bachmann Memorializes September 11th, 2001 9.11.2008

Columns - Thanking our Veterans for their Service 11.11.2007

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