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Model Letter of Acceptance

Food and Drug Administration
Rockville MD 20857

Dennis Brydges
Executive Officer
Food and Agriculture Organization
1001 22nd Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20437

Dear Mr. Bridges:

On behalf of the Food and Drug Administration, I am pleased to acknowledge your invitation to Mr. Sidney H. Rogers, Director, Investigation Branch to review the Food and Agriculture Organizations National Export Certification Program and its application in the field of export practices. The travel will take place in Rome, Italy from July 10-27, 2002.

In accordance with your letter of May 12, 2002, we understand that your organization will reimburse the costs for air fare, lodging, meals, and miscellaneous expenses. When Mr. Rogers has returned and presented his claim, you will be notified by our Accounting Receivable Branch of the amount to be reimbursed. Checks are to be made payable to the Food and Drug Administration.

Enclosed for your reference is some general information on guidelines for FDA employees who speak or participate in outside seminars and conferences.



Malcolm Frazier
Director, Office of Resource Management


FMD 13

Distribution: Regional Food and Drug Directors and District Directors
FDA Headquarters Offices
Issued by: ORA/ORO/Division of Field Investigations (HFC-130)
Authority: ORA
Publication Date: November 2002

This page was last updated on: 02/20/2003.