Bureau of Reclamation Banner, Upper Colorado Region
Fontenelle Dam


Releases from Fontenelle are currently 950 cfs while inflows are averaging 1400 cfs.  Releases will likely be increased to approximately 1,700 cfs (powerplant capacity) around May 26th. The reservoir elevation is 6476.7 feet above sea level, about 29 feet from top of pool, or 43% of capacity. The reservoir elevation is steadily rising with inflows from spring runoff.

To view the most current reservoir elevation, content, inflow and release, click on: Fontenelle Reservoir Data

The stilling basin at Fontenelle Dam is currently being dewatered, cleaned and inspected.  This work began on April 28th and is scheduled to continue until approximately May 22nd.  During this time releases from Fontenelle will remain at 950 cfs to avoid interference with this work. 

The April forecast for the April to July runoff season is 750,000 acre-feet (87% of average). Based on this forecast, current modeling projects the reservoir will fill this runoff season and it is likely that bypasses (releases above 1,700 cfs) will be required to safely route the inflow to the reservoir. In addition, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and the Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge have requested that these bypasses be consolidated into a peak release of 6,000 cfs or more for three to five days.  Given the forecast, current modeling projects a peak release of 4,000 cfs to 6,000 cfs for three to five days is attainable and potentially necessary for safe routing. These releases would likely occur in June or early July.  Basin snowpack conditions and reservoir inflows will be monitored and bypass releases will only be made if and when it is clear that the reservoir will fill.  If very high inflows occur, it is possible that releases could go above 6,000 cfs. 

Potential inflow and release scenarios can be viewed at: Fontenelle 2009 Inflow-Release Scenarios. Potential inflow scenarios are selected based on similar spring runoff volumes to what is currently being forecasted.

The next Fontenelle Working Group meeting is scheduled for August 18, 2009 at 10:00 am at the City of Green River city hall.  The Fontenelle Working Group is an open public forum for information exchange between Reclamation and other parties associated with the operation of Fontenelle Reservoir.  For more information about the Fontenelle Working Group, contact Ed Vidmar at 801-379-1182.

Notes from the April 2009 Working Group meeting at Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge can be viewed at: April 2009 Working Group Minutes. The hydrology presentation is available at: Hydrology Presentation.

Updated May 8, 2009
Katrina Grantz

Email comments/inquires to: ResourceMgr@uc.usbr.gov