
Table 69. Economic impacts generated from saltwater shore fishing expenditures in Zone 2 in 1998

Expenditure Category Total Expenditures ($000s) Impacts
Direct Indirect Induced Total
Sales ($000s)
Automobile 3,253 935 243 378 1,556
Bait and tackle 5,464 2,577 536 1,141 4,253
Restaurant 3,564 3,564 1,091 1,319 5,974
Groceries 3,272 785 153 369 1,307
Lodging 2,382 2,382 790 862 4,034
Parking 457 457 126 176 759
Site entrance fee 866 866 303 327 1,495
Public transportation 0 0 0 0 0
Total 19,257 11,565 3,243 4,571 19,378
Income ($000s)
Automobile 3,253 419 97 148 664
Bait and tackle 5,464 1,336 208 447 1,991
Restaurant 3,564 1,440 381 517 2,337
Groceries 3,272 440 57 145 641
Lodging 2,382 914 319 338 1,571
Parking 457 201 43 69 313
Site entrance fee 866 340 117 128 585
Public transportation 0 0 0 0 0
Total 19,257 5,088 1,223 1,791 8,102
Employment (jobs)
Automobile 3,253 10 3 5 18
Bait and tackle 5,464 49 5 14 68
Restaurant 3,564 93 10 17 120
Groceries 3,272 24 2 5 31
Lodging 2,382 36 9 11 56
Parking 457 9 1 2 12
Site entrance fee 866 28 3 4 35
Public transportation 0 0 0 0 0
Total 19,257 249 33 58 340

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