
Table 10. Relative importance placed on various reasons for going partyboat fishing in Massachusetts

Reason Importance Level (% of anglers) Relative Importancea
Not At All Slightly Moderately Very Extremely
Fun of catching fish 3.9 3.0 20.8 39.0 33.4 3.95
To be outdoors 2.9 4.0 19.8 44.5 28.9 3.93
Relaxation 4.5 6.4 21.6 39.3 28.3 3.81
For experience of catch 5.1 7.7 21.0 33.8 32.4 3.81
Share experiences with friends, family, others 5.6 5.4 19.9 40.3 28.8 3.81
To be close to water 6.0 10.6 23.9 35.7 23.8 3.61
For family recreation 9.3 8.1 24.0 35.1 23.6 3.56
To experience new and different things 5.9 10.6 29.6 36.5 17.4 3.49
For challenge or sport 15.9 16.2 22.9 26.5 18.6 3.16
Get away from demands of others 22.1 18.3 25.8 16.3 17.6 2.89
To catch fish to share with other people 25.9 21.5 25.5 17.6 9.6 2.64
To obtain fish to eat 27.7 24.3 21.7 16.1 10.2 2.56
To develop skills 35.4 20.1 25.0 13.3 6.2 2.35
To test equipment 64.4 18.6 11.8 2.7 2.6 1.61
To win boat "pool" 68.5 16.6 9.5 3.2 2.2 1.54

aMean score based on five-point scale: 1 = not at all important, 2 = slightly important, 3 = moderately important, 4 = very important, and 5 = extremely important.

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(Modified Jun. 13 2008)