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Data Access

Data Production and Distribution Status

Status ligtht - yellow SeaWiFS is still in safe haven. GeoEye is investigating.

NOTE: FTP connections must be made in PASSIVE mode

Level 1 and 2 Browser

Visually search the ocean color data archive. Directly download or order data from a single file to an entire mission.

Level 3 Browser

Browse the entire global ocean color data set for many parameters and time periods and download PNG images or digital data in HDF format.

Global Time Series

Time series plots of selected SeaWiFS, MODIS and OCTS Standard Mapped Images for a set of selected regions or the entire globe.

Data by FTP

The FTP access to our most popular data products, including the complete Level 3 data archive.

Ocean Productivity

Ocean Net Primary Productivity data products derived from MODIS and/or SeaWiFS data available from Oregon State University.


An easy-to-use, Web-based interface for the visualization and analysis of Earth Science data provided by the GES DISC DAAC.
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Ocean Color Web Feature

Recent topics and imagery of interest to the OceanColor community.

Orinoco Flow

The Orinoco River regularly sends a plume of water into the Caribbean in the fall. This has already been documented in the early days of satellite ocean color measurement using CZCS data and more recently via time series of in situ measurements from a station south of Puerto Rico. Researchers in the area have remarked that this year's plume is unusually large and occurs at an unusual time prompting some to suggest that the Amazon River may instead be the source of this plume.

You can see the green water extending northward past Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands in the above image. Move your pointer over the image to see computed chlorophyll concentrations in the plume (purples and blues: low; yellows and reds: high). Larger chlorophyll and true color images are also available.

Image Gallery

NOTE: All SeaWiFS images presented here are for research and educational use only. All commercial use of SeaWiFS data must be coordinated with GeoEye

Ocean Color Distribution Statistics

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Support Services


A comprehensive image analysis package for the processing, display, analysis, and quality control of ocean color data.


An archive of in situ oceanographic and atmospheric data for use in algorithm development and satellite data product validation.

Registration for support services:

Near Real-Time (NRT) Services:

  • NRT Data Subscriptions
    Subscriptions allow users to specify regions for NRT data to be continually staged on our FTP server for download.

Information Services:

Other Services:

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Curator: OceanColor Webmaster

Authorized by: gene carl feldman
Privacy Policy and Important Notices

Updated: Tuesday, 10-Feb-2009 08:35:40 EST
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