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Case: Exxon Bayway, NJ and NY

Date of incident: January 1-2, 1990.

Location: The Arthur Kill (a saltwater channel between New Jersey and Staten Island, New York).


Case status: Exxon Corporation agreed to pay $10 million in civil settlements to federal and state natural resource trustees to restore the injured resources. In addition, a $1.5 million criminal restitution paid by Exxon has been allocated for natural resource restoration.

Overview: Arthur Kill is a major shipping corridor and center for the petrochemical industry. Its diverse wetland habitats support significant bird and other wildlife populations.
In January, 1990, a pipeline running beneath the Arthur Kill ruptured, spilling 567,000 gallons of home heating oil. Over 100 acres of salt marsh were oiled, killing the marsh vegetation as well as fish, crabs, clams, and other invertebrates dependent on the wetland habitat. An estimated 700 birds died as a result of the spill.

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