

Joint Scientific Review Group Workshop Agenda
April 13-14, 1999, Seattle, Washington

1. Introduction and logistics
    1.1. Rapporteur, and protocol for producing final minutes
    1.2. Objectives for the meeting
    1.3. Approval of draft agenda
2. General issues
    2.1. Role of the SRGs
        2.1a. Standardization of the recommendation process, the relationship between different SRGs and NMFS, and the future role of the SRGs
        2.1b. SRG review of SARs and primary documents
    2.2. ZMRG proposed definition
        2.2a. Status update (Eagle)
    2.3. Serious injury proposed guidelines
        2.3a. Status update (Eisele)
    2.4. MMPA reauthorization
        2.4a. NMFS activities (Barlow)
        2.4b. Is there a role for the SRGs?
    2.5. Stranding programs
        2.5a. Proposed recommendation to change focus to collection of data relevant to monitoring populations (Heyning)
    2.6. Native take issues and discussion
3. Stock assessment report issues
    3.1. Schedule for SAR revision
        3.1a. Status quo (annual revision and publication)
        3.1b. Alternative schedules
    3.2. Standards for inclusion of data/estimates/information into SARs
        3.2a. Proposed citation standards (Clapham)
        3.2b. Discussion
    3.3. Rmax values used in PBR calculations
        3.3a. Guidelines for use of observed rates instead of defaults
    3.4. Incidental take reporting methods
        3.4a. Standardization of reports in SAR tables
        3.4b. Other issues
    3.5. Recovery factors for ESA-listed species
        3.5a. Review of NMFS activities on ESA reclassification criteria (DeMaster)
        3.5b. Proposed starting point for discussion (Taylor)
        3.5c. Other issues/discussion
    3.6. Stock definition
        3.6a. Issues
        3.6b. Case study descriptions to illustrate issues/problems
    3.7. Transboundary stocks (extending beyond the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone)
        3.7a. Issues (Read)
4. Conclusion
    4.1. Approval of joint recommendations
    4.2. Other

List of Documents for the Joint Meeting

1. "Recovery Factors for Endangered Marine Mammals: A Discussion Paper for the Joint SRG Meetings," by B.L. Taylor, P.R. Wade, D.P. DeMaster, and J. Barlow.
2. "Citation Standards for Stock Assessment Reports," by P. Clapham.
3. "Current PBR Guidelines," from Wade and Angliss (1997).

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