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Workforce Diversity

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image of a colorful puzzle Workforce diversity is an ongoing dynamic of successful organizations.

In the 21st century, Reclamation will continue to face increasing demands for the most limited resource in the west – water. Limited water resources in the west will pose formidable challenges to Reclamation, the nation’s premier water agency. To meet these challenges successfully, Reclamation will need to enlist the full participation of all citizens from all communities in carrying out its mission. For these reasons, it is essential that Reclamation be able to attract and retain a highly skilled and diverse workforce. This underscores the need for all Reclamation employees, supervisors and managers to promote and maintain a positive work environment including the benefit and value of individual differences.

The purpose of workforce diversity is to promote a bureauwide diversity program. This includes, but is not limited to promoting, coordinating, facilitating, monitoring, reporting on, developing and assessing the implementation of bureauwide strategic plans, policies, and procedures and initiatives for achieving a diversified workforce. This includes implementation of the Department of the Interior’s Strategic Plan for Achieving and Retaining A Highly Skilled and Diverse Workforce FY2005 - 2009 (PDF 3.3MB) and integration of diversity initiatives and plans in Reclamation’s Management Directive 715, Reclamation Workforce Plans and ongoing workforce succession needs and participating with Reclamation EEO/Civil Rights staff in managing MD-715 requirements.

Additional responsibilities of the Workforce Diversity staff include:

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Last Update: January 30, 2009 2:08 PM