About the NASW email lists

The National Association of Science Writers maintains eight public email lists for the discussion of subjects of interest to science writers.

The lists are not moderated and most are not limited to NASW members. Anyone may read, subscribe to, and post messages, subject to the policies and this cautionary parable on privacy. List members may also manage their subscriptions.


  • NASW-talk is for general discussion related to science writing. Messages to NASW-talk should be relevant to subjects surrounding science, science writing, or journalism.

  • NASW-freelance is for issues specific to freelancing. Messages to NASW-freelance should be relevant to subjects surrounding freelance writing.

  • NASW-pr is for issues relating to public relations. Messages to NASW-pr should be relevant to subjects surrounding public relations.

  • NASW-books is for discussion of science books and book publishing. Messages to NASW-books should be relevant to writing or marketing science books.

  • NASW-teach is for those interested in teaching science writing. Messages to NASW-teach should be relevant to teaching science writing.

  • NASW-foia is for general discussion of freedom of information issues. Messages to NASW-foia shold be relevant to freedom of information issues.

  • NASW-chat is for general discussions that need not be relevant to science writing. Messages to NASW-chat can be about any subject, subject to the other policies outlined below.


Two other lists are available to NASW members only.

  • NASW-announce is for official NASW announcements. All NASW members are invited to subscribe to this list when they join, using the address they supply with their application. To change that address, use the membership directory.

  • NASW-jobs is for help-wanted advertisements, including freelancing opportunities. NASW members may subscribe by filling out this form. They will be sent email requesting confirmation. NASW-jobs posts are archived in the NASW members web site.


Last revised: October 12, 2008

The National Association of Science Writers, Inc.
P.O. Box 7905, Berkeley, CA 94707 | (510) 647-9500

Copyright © 2008 The National Association of Science Writers, Inc. All rights reserved.