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You are here: Home Standards Projects Geospatial Profile of Z39.50, Version 2.2 Annex E: Modification History
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Annex E: Modification History


  1. Changes from 2.0 to 2.1
  2. Changes from 2.1 to 2.2
  3. Changes from 2.2 to 3.x
  4. Changes from 3.x to 4.x

E.1 Changes from 2.0 to 2.1

descript (Description) 4 105 -> 3102 112 
onlink (Online_Linkage) 3813 -> 2021

timeinfo (Time_Period_Information) 3900 -> 2062
  begdate (Beginning_Date) 3907 -> 2072
  enddate (Ending_Date) 3909 ->2073

spdom (Spatial_Domain) 3110 -> 2059
  bounding (Bounding_Coordinates)  3111 -> 2060
    westbc (West_Bounding_Coordinate) 3112 -> 2038
    eastbc (East_Bounding_Coordinate) 3113 -> 2039
    northbc (North_Bounding_Coordinate) 3114 -> 2040
    southbc (South_Bounding_Coordinate) 3115 -> 2041

dsgpoly (Bounding Polygon)      3116 Structure: 111 -> 112  
availabl (Available_Time_Period)  3643 -> 2065
timeperd (Time_Period_of_Content) 3901 115 -> 3901 112
cntemail  (Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address) 3016 -> 2030  
crossref  (Cross_Reference) 3147 -> 2068
distrib   (Distributor)  3601 -> 2000
fees      (Fees) 3638 -> 2055               
onlink    (Online_Linkage)  3813 -> 2021
place     (Place) 3125 -> 2061
ptcontac  (Point_of_Contact) 3136 -> 2067
rngdates  (Range_of_Dates)  3906 Structure: 112 -> 115
supplinf  (Supplemental_Information) 3105 -> 2050
timeinfo  (Time_Period_Information)  3900 -> 2062

cntemail (Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address) 3016 -> 2030
crossref (Cross_Reference) 3147 -> 2068
distrib (Distributor)  3601 -> 2000

Tag name vertcnt -> vertcount
Tag name columns -> colcount

Coordinate Structure tag changed         108 -> 200
Coordinate_String Structure tag changed  109 -> 201
Coordinate_Range Structure is dropped (110)
BoundingPolygon and BoundingCoordinate Structures dropped
Composite changed   112 -> 204
RealMeasurement  113 -> 205
IntMeasurement    114 -> 206
DateRange   115 -> 207

MembersEqual -> MembersContain
MembersNotEqual -> MembersNotContain

E.2. Changes from 2.1 to 2.2

  • Added a Table of Contents with hyperlinks to each section, subsection, etc. Placed annexes into separate documents. Provided additional links throughout the document to ease navigation.
  • Updated the References section, including links to the references.
  • Added definition of Extent and included the element as a mandatory search element.
  • Revised the Search section. Added clarifications.
  • Revised the Record Syntaxes section to reflect current practice. Added HTML and SGML record syntaxes.
  • Consolidated the Preferred Display Format section and old Annex into a single section in the main body of the document.
  • Revised Annex A. Separated Annex A into two annexes (A and B) for ease of use. Added links to the FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata [2] for each Use Attribute. Added definitions of Structure, Relation and Truncation Attributes. Expanded the mandatory combinations table for completeness. Provided clarifications and guidelines on using attributes.
  • Changed the Structure Attribute Year(4), Date Normalized (5), and Date Unnormalized (100) to Date String (210).
  • Changed the Structure Attribute Free-Form Text (105) to Phrase(1), Word (2), and Word List (6) for compatibility with GILS and library applications.
  • Changed the Structure Attributes Coordinate (200), Int Measurement (206), and Real Measurement (205) to Numeric String (109).
  • Added the Truncation Attributes section to Annex A.
  • Updated the definition of the Structure Attribute Coordinate String.
  • Moved the modification history to Annex E.
  • Included Attribute combination guidelines in Annex B.
  • Required Implementation Id, Name, and Version in the Z39.50 Init Service.
  • Restricted the mandatory Time Period Information Use Attribute to searching the Time Period Information of the Time Period of Content element. The Time Period Information Use Attribute is required in combination with the Date String Structure Attribute, where the date search applies to the Single Date/Time, Multiple Dates/Times, and Range of Dates/Times subordinate elements.
  • Added the Data Set G-Polygon (dsgpoly) element to the S element set.
  • Added XML as a required Record Syntax. The XML DTD is included in Annex C.
  • Added optional support for the A element set. The A element set consists of the Title and Abstract elements.
  • Changed the GRS-1 Record Syntax from optional to required.
  • Included the Structure Attribute Always Matches (103). Always Matches is now required in combination with the Any (1016) Use Attribute to obtain a count of the number of records in a Geo database.

E.2.1 Unresolved Issues

  • The need for Composite Structure Attribute; Members Contain and Members Not Contain Relation Attributes.

E.3. Changes from 2.2 to 3.x

Planned Work: Alignment of the GEO Profile with the GILS and CIP Profiles. Includes support for the Common Element Set and reference tag paths for generation of GRS-1 of the Common Element Set.

E.4. Changes from 3.x to 4.x

Planned Work: Full alignment with the ISO 15046-15 Metadata Standard.

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