How to Obtain Data
Contact FDIC / OTS
MSA Listing
Survey Forms and Instructions
Explanatory Notes
- Zip Code Queries
Generate a detailed branch office deposit listing by entering the zip code directly.
- Summary Tables - State Totals by Year, Timeline
Generate a snapshot of institutions, offices or deposits for each state for every year back to 1994.
- Pro Forma HHI Market Share Report
Two reports are now offered, the Deposit Market Share and the Pro Forma HHI Market Reports.
The Deposit Market Share Report shows the market based on existing institution conditions. In addition to showing the HHI, the Pro Forma
shows the impact on a specified market as a result of proposed mergers.
- New 2000 MSA's
The new Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) are based on the 2000 Census. These areas correspond to the state/county/CBSA relationship as defined by the Census Bureau. For the purpose of the Summary of Deposit, MSA's reflect only the
CBSA codes for metropolitan areas (use CBSA_METROB for the Summary of Deposits). Micropolitan Areas and Metropolitan Divisions are excluded for publication
purposes. All of the new MSA related fields (see table below) are available in the SOD database and download.
- MSA Listing
Please note that all Summary of Deposit data, back to 1994, have been populated with the new codes. The old codes, MSA and CMSA, will not be maintained after the 2003 data.
- Expanded National Downloads
The national downloads have been expanded for all years to include additional information
such as the bank holding company.
- National and regional downloads
In order to provide the Summary of Deposit data more efficiently, we have expanded the
download features to include a full national download file as well as a separate
download file for each FDIC SOD geographic region.
- Market Share Capabilities
To simplify some of the custom market share capabilities, the market share option has been
expanded to include market share reports by FDIC geographic region reports, eliminating
the need to manually compile all individual states within the selected region.
- Top 50 Institutions / Bank Holding Companies
Reports list the top 50 FDIC-insured institutions and the top 50 Bank Holding Companies
based on national domestic deposits.
- Additional Geographical Selections
Institution and Branch Search has been expanded to list all branches/offices within a
selected MSA or all branches/offices of a selected institution within
a MSA.
The Market Share and Bank Holding Company (BHC) reports have been expanded to
include the ability to produce reports based on MSA(s) and zip code(s).
- Reported City vs. USPS City (preferred)
In addition to the USPS preferred city, you can now locate branches/offices or
get reports by the city name that the institution reported. Previously, only
the USPS preferred city was used in SOD (and still is the only option
for Market Share reports). The USPS preferred city is the standard city
based on the reported zip code.
- Printer-Friendly Versions of the Reports
All reports are now available in a printer-friendly version. This will produce a
cleaner version of the report without the Internet navigation bar, hyperlinks and drop
boxes. After you have generated the selected report, click on the link at the top left
corner of the report and the printer-friendly version will appear. From this screen
you can also save the report to an Excel file.
- Data-Driven Drop Boxes
Geographical selections are limited to locations where offices exist. This means
that states, cities, counties and zip codes that do not have offices will not
be displayed as selection options.
Download Summary of Deposit Data
Summary of Deposit data are available on-line via the SOD Download
. The data are available for all years back to 1994. You may do a customized download,
selecting specific variables, by state, or get the complete national download (All
States and U.S. possessions) for each available year. For more information about this
procedure or variables, select SOD Download or select
the Download option from the gold navigation bar at the top of this page.
Obtaining Data on Magnetic Tape or Hardcopy Facsimile:
The data sets are available on magnetic tape, cartridge, and CD-ROM from the
National Technical Information Service (NTIS), a branch of the U.S. Department
of Commerce. Please note that to acquire data for all FDIC-insured institutions,
you must include both the OTS and the FDIC data sets.
To order NTIS products:
Telephone (NTIS): 800-363-2068 or 703-605-6000
Internet: http://www.ntis.gov/index.asp
OTS institutions (1986-Present)
FDIC institutions (1966-Present)
The FDIC can provide individual institution report facsimiles for $10 each; and State
or County level facsimiles for $25 each. Hardcopy report requests must be prepaid and
should be mailed, with payment, to the FDIC, Department 0670, Washington, D.C. 20073-0670.
All other requests should be sent to the address below. All requests should include
the mailing address and telephone number of the requester.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Public Information Center - Room 1002
3501 North Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22226
We rely on your comments to improve our products. If you have any suggestions or
comments about this product, we would love to hear from you. Please send your comments
to Questions, Suggestions & Requests. If possible, include your telephone
For questions regarding the Summary of Deposits data or survey, please
refer to the contacts listed in the box below.
OTS Branch Information ONLY
Statistical Analysis and Internet application questions and/or suggestions
Questions, Suggestions & Requests
Data Collection and/or Structure
Revisions Reports Analysis & Quality Control Section
Telephone: (800) 688-3342
Email: SOD@fdic.gov
Office of Thrift Supervision
Ms. Cheyann Houts
Telephone: (972) 277-9617
Email: Cheyann.Houts@ots.treas.gov
If you need the actual survey forms and/or instructions for filing purposes, please refer to the
Financial Institution Letter for the Summary of Deposits survey.
All Links on this page reference Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Adobe
Acrobat, a reader available for free on
the Internet, is required to display or print PDF files.
Scope of the Surveys
To provide a means for measuring deposits in local banking markets, the surveys
obtain deposit figures for each banking office of branch banking systems, and
for each insured U.S. branch of a foreign bank. Deposit figures for unit banks
(which do not have branch offices) were obtained from the June Reports
of Condition.
Deposit Reporting - Institutions should report their deposits in a manner consistent
with their existing internal record-keeping practices, however, other methods that
logically reflect the deposit gathering activity of the bank's branches may be used.
It is recognized that certain classes of deposits and deposits of certain types of
customers may be assigned to a single office. Please refer to the reporting
instructions for more information (see above).
Arrangement of Published Data
Because these publications are used as a source of market share information for
individual banking markets, the figures for each geographical area only include
deposits of offices located within that area. Several institutions have designated
home offices that do not accept deposits; these have been included in the survey
to provide a more complete listing of all offices.
Additional points that should be noted:
1. With the exception noted above, "banking office" is defined to include all
offices and facilities that actually hold deposits, and does not include loan
production offices, computer centers, and other nondeposit installations, such
as automated teller machines (ATMs).
2. Institutions are allowed to combine deposit data from two or more offices
within the same county for the following office types: drive-in offices,
seasonal branches, and military facilities. Where centralized bookkeeping or
other conditions make it impossible to report exact figures, estimates are
3. International Banking Facility (IBF) deposits are considered deposits in
foreign offices and are not included in the Summary of Deposits Survey.
4. Offices and deposits are reported by the institution that owned the office as
of the close of business on June 30.
5. The term "offices" includes both main offices and branches. An institution with
four branches operates a total of five offices.
6. All reports submitted to the FDIC and the OTS have been validated and corrected
to the extent possible. There may be rounding differences or minor reporting errors
reflected in the tables.
7. Savings Institutions include all FDIC-Insured (OTS-regulated and FDIC-regulated)
financial institutions that operate under federal or state thrift banking charters.
Prior to August 9, 1989, all institutions insured by the Federal Savings and Loan
Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) and all savings banks insured by the FDIC are included
in any applicable chart.
Asset Size
See Summary Tables
Dollar amount of assets held by the reporting financial institution.
Bank Charter Class
A classification code assigned by the FDIC on the basis of the institution's
charter type (commercial or savings institution), charter agent (state or federal),
Federal Reserve membership status (Fed member, Fed nonmember) and its primary federal
regulator (state chartered institutions are subject to both federal and state
N = commercial bank, national (federal) charter and Fed member,
supervised by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
SM = commercial bank, state charter and Fed member, supervised by the
Federal Reserve (FRB)
NM = commercial bank, state charter and Fed nonmember, supervised by the
SB = savings banks, state charter, supervised by the FDIC
SA = savings associations, state or federal charter, supervised by the
Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS)
OI = insured U.S. branch of a foreign chartered institution (IBA)
Bank Charter Type
The legal authorization to conduct business granted to a financial
institution by federal or state government
All Charters - Includes commercial banks, savings institutions and U.S.
branches of foreign banks insured by the FDIC
Insured Commercial Banks - Includes commercial banks insured by the
FDIC. These institutions are regulated by one of
the three Federal commercial bank regulators (FDIC, Federal Reserve Board or
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency). They submit financial reports to the
Federal Reserve (state member banks) or the FDIC (state non-member banks and
national banks).
Insured Savings Institutions - Includes savings institutions insured by
the FDIC that operate under state or federal banking codes applicable to
thrift institutions. These institutions are regulated by and submit financial
reports to one of two Federal regulators (FDIC or Office of Thrift Supervision).
Insured Branches of Foreign Banks - Includes FDIC-insured branches in the U.S.
established by banks chartered and headquartered in foreign
countries. These insured branches are regulated by one of the three Federal commercial
bank regulators and submit financial data to the Federal Reserve.
Bank Holding Company
Regulatory top holder is any company that
directly or indirectly owns, controls or has power to vote 25 percent or more
of a bank's or direct holding company's shares or
controls in any manner the election of a majority of the directors or trustees
of a bank or direct holding company or
exercises a controlling influence over the management or policies of a bank
or direct holding company.
The unique number assigned by the Federal Reserve Board to the
regulatory high holding company of the institution
For the Summary of Deposits (SOD), a branch/office is any location, or facility,
of a financial institution, including its main office, where deposit accounts are
opened, deposits are accepted, checks paid, and loans granted. Some branches
include, but are not limited to, brick and mortar locations, detached or attached
drive-in facilities, seasonal offices, offices on military bases or government
installations, paying/receiving stations or units, and Internet and Phone Banking
locations where a customer can open accounts, make deposits and borrow money.
A branch does not include Automated Teller Machines (ATM), Consumer
Credit Offices, Contractual Offices, Customer Bank Communication Terminals (CBCT),
Electronic Fund Transfer Units (EFTU), and Loan Production Offices. Summary
of Deposits information is required for each insured office located in any state,
the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or any U.S. territory or
possession such as Guam or the U.S. Virgin Islands, without regard to the location of
the main office.
Branch/Office Address
Physical location of branch/office.
Branch Search
Query of the Summary of Deposit database for offices or branches which
match the selected search criteria (e.g. in specific state or county, for a
selected Institution, etc).
Certificate Number (Cert, FDIC Certificate Number)
A unique number assigned by the FDIC to identify Institutions and for
the issuance of insurance certificates.
a. Reported - Actual location of office/branch as reported by the Institution.
b. USPS - Preferred or "central" city based on the reported zip code of the
office/branch by the United States Postal Service.
Commercial Banks (FDIC insured)
Includes commercial banks insured by the FDIC. These institutions are
regulated by one of the three Federal commercial bank regulators (FDIC, Federal
Reserve Board or Office of the Comptroller of the Currency). They submit financial
reports to the Federal Reserve (state member banks) or the FDIC (state non-member
banks and national banks).
The reported county of the home office/branch of an institution
Custom Market Share
The selection option which enables the user to drill down to the
desired geographic location from the state level. Up to 10 geographic locations
may be considered.
Data as of
The date of the survey. Data is available online back to 1994. All Summary
of Deposit surveys represent deposits for offices and branches as of June 30th of
each year.
For Insured Commercial Banks and FDIC-Supervised Savings Banks, the definition of
deposit is the same as in the Consolidated Report of Condition. The definition relates
to domestic deposits held, or accepted, by the reporting bank in its main office and in any
branch located in any State, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,
or any U.S. territory or possession which include but are not limited to Guam and the
U.S. Virgin Islands.
Docket Number
A unique number assigned by the OTS used to identify institutions.
Financial Institution with Branches or Facilities
A financial institution is, for the purpose of this survey, an FDIC insured commercial
bank or an FDIC supervised savings bank which has a main office with one or more
locations or facilities that are extensions of the main office of the financial entity.
Institution Name
Name of an institution associated with a Certificate or Docket
Institution Search
Query of the Summary of Deposit database by specific Name,
Certificate Number or Docket Number.
Market Share
Report of the percentage of deposits, by institution, for a specific
geographic area.
Inside of Market - amounts represented by branches/offices of each
institution within the selected geographic criteria.
Outside of Market - amounts represented by branches/offices of each
institution outside of the selected geographic criteria.
The sum of Inside and Outside of Market is the total reported for each institution.
Metropolitan Statistical
Area (MSA)
The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Metropolitan Statistical
Area (MSA) code is a number representing the institution location in one
contiguous metropolitan area.
NOTE: If an institution is not defined in a MSA, the value of the field will
be zeroes (values based on FIPS PUB 8.5).
Number of Institutions
Number of FDIC insured institutions that are included in the Summary of
Deposits survey.
Number of Branches/Offices
Number of branches/offices of FDIC insured institutions.
Office Codes
M - Main Offices
C - Consolidated
E - Estimated
N - Non Deposit
Other Areas
Puerto Rico
U.S. Virgin Islands
Pacific Islands
American Samoa
Marshall Islands
Northern Mariana Islands
Regions (FDIC)
Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont,
Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia
Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin
Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota
Arkansas, Louisana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon,
Utah, Washington, Wyoming, American Samoa, Guam, Marshall Islands, Micronesia,
Northern Mariana Islands, Palau
Report Type
Market Share report selection options.
Savings Institution (FDIC insured)
Includes FDIC-insured savings institutions that operate under state
or federal banking codes applicable to thrift institutions. These institutions
are regulated by and submit financial reports to one of two Federal regulators
(FDIC or Office of Thrift Supervision).
Selected Criteria
The data entered by the user to generate the report.
Sort By
Order by which the deposit data is displayed.
Location of branches/offices of FDIC insured institutions.
State and County Map Search
A point and click application that produces a list of all FDIC insured
branches/offices within the selected county.
US Branches of Foreign Banks
Includes FDIC-insured insured branches that operate in the U.S. established
by banks chartered and headquartered in foreign countries. These branches
are regulated by one of the three Federal commercial bank regulators and submit
financial data to the Federal Reserve.
Zip Code
The first five digits of the full postal zip code representing
physical location of the institution or branch/office.
Solutions to Common Problems
Browser Settings - Cookies
In order to use the Summary of Deposits system, you must have cookies enabled within
your browser. The latest version of the Summary of Deposits System makes use of
user "sessions". User sessions allow the system to "remember" your search selections
and other required information as you navigate from page to page. That temporary
information is stored at the FDIC and accessed by a random session name. In order to
match the user with the correct temporary information, a small piece of data, the session
name, is written to a cookie on your hard drive. Nothing is written to your registry.
Your user session remains active only during the current browser session. Once your
browser is closed, or after a period of inactivity, the session information is deleted.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0
- Select View from the menu bar.
- Select Internet Options.
- Click on the Advanced tab.
- Scroll down to the Security Section
- Under Cookies select the 'Always Accept Cookies' radio button.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0+
- Select Tools from the menu bar.
- Select Internet Options.
- Click on the Security tab.
- Click the 'Custom Level' button.
- Scroll down to the Cookies section.
- Select the Enable radio buttons under 'Allow cookies that are stored on your computer.' and
'Allow per-session cookies (not stored)'
Netscape 4.04+
- Select Edit from the menu bar.
- Select Preferences.
- Select the Advanced category.
- Select the 'Accept all cookies' or 'Accept only cookies that get sent back
to originating server' radio button.
If you are accessing the Summary of Deposits application by using a bookmark from
your browser, you may receive a bookmark error 404 error , "Error Occurred While Processing Request". This may be due to the new version
of the Summary of Deposits. In order to properly access this site correctly,
you will need to navigate to the page that you want and then add a new
bookmark. Bookmarks that were created prior to the release of the new version should be removed.