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FDIC Law, Regulations, Related Acts

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6500 - FDIC Consumer Protection

Appendix A—Effect on State Laws

Request for determination

  A request for a determination that a state law is inconsistent or that a state law is substantially the same as the act and regulation shall be in writing and addressed to the Secretary, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551. The request shall be made pursuant to the procedures herein and the Board's Rules of Procedure (12 CFR Part 262).

Supporting documents

  A request for a determination shall include the following items:
    (1)  The text of the state statute, regulation, or other document that is the subject of the request.
    (2)  Any other statute, regulation, or judicial or administrative opinion that implements, interprets, or applies the relevant provision.
    (3)  A comparison of the state law with the corresponding provision of the federal law, including a full discussion of the basis for the requesting party's belief that the state provision is either inconsistent or substantially the same.
    (4)  Any other information that the requesting party believes may assist the Board in its determination.

Public notice of determination

  Notice that the Board intends to make a determination (either on request or on its own motion) will be published in the Federal Register, with an opportunity for public comment,
{{4-30-01 p.6670.05}}unless the Board finds that notice and opportunity for comment would be impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest and publishes its reasons for such decision.
  Subject to the Board's Rules Regarding Availability of Information (12 CFR Part 261), all requests made, including any documents and other material submitted in support of the requests, will be made available for public inspection and copying.

Notice after determination

  Notice of a final determination will be published in the Federal Register, and the Board will furnish a copy of such notice to the party who made the request and to the appropriate state official.

Reversal of determination

  The Board reserves the right to reverse a determination for any reason bearing on the coverage or effect of state or federal law.
  Notice of reversal of a determination will be published in the Federal Register and a copy furnished to the appropriate state official.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. Part 226, Appendix A]

[Appendix A amended at 46 Fed. Reg. 29246, June 1, 1981]

Appendix B—State Exemptions


  Any state may apply to the Board for a determination that a class of transactions subject to state law is exempt from the requirements of the act and this regulation. An application shall be in writing and addressed to the Secretary, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551, and shall be signed by the appropriate state official. The application shall be made pursuant to the procedures herein and the Board's Rules of Procedure (12 CFR Part 262).

Supporting documents

  An application shall be accompanied by:
    (1)  The text of the state statute or regulation that is the subject of the application, and any other statute, regulation, or judicial or administrative opinion that implements, interprets, or applies it.
    (2)  A comparison of the state law with the corresponding provisions of the federal law.
    (3)  The text of the state statute or regulation that provides for civil and criminal liability and administrative enforcement of the state law.
    (4)  A statement of the provisions for enforcement, including an identification of the state office that administers the relevant law, information on the funding and the number and qualifications of personnel engaged in enforcement, and a description of the enforcement procedures to be followed, including information on examination procedures, practices, and policies. If an exemption application extends to federally chartered institutions, the applicant
{{12-31-87 p.6671}}must furnish evidence that arrangements have been made with the appropriate federal agencies to ensure adequate enforcement of state law in regard to such creditors.
    (5)  A statement of reasons to support the applicant's claim that an exemption should be granted.

Public notice of application

  Notice of an application will be published, with an opportunity for public comment, in the Federal Register, unless the Board finds that notice and opportunity for comment would be impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest and publishes its reasons for such decision.
  Subject to the Board's Rules Regarding Availability of Information (12 CFR Part 261), all applications made, including any documents and other material submitted in support of the applications, will be made available for public inspection and copying. A copy of the application also will be made available at the Federal Reserve Bank of each district in which the applicant is situated.

Favorable determination

  If the Board determines on the basis of the information before it that an exemption should be granted, notice of the exemption will be published in the Federal Register, and a copy furnished to the applicant and to each federal official responsible for administrative enforcement.
  The appropriate state official shall inform the Board within 30 days of any change in its relevant law or regulations. The official shall file with the Board such periodic reports as the Board may require.
  The Board will inform the appropriate state official of any subsequent amendments to the federal law, regulation, interpretations, or enforcement policies that might require an amendment to state law, regulation, interpretations, or enforcement procedures.

Adverse determination

  If the Board makes an initial determination that an exemption should not be granted, the Board will afford the applicant a reasonable opportunity to demonstrate further that an exemption is proper. If the Board ultimately finds that an exemption should not be granted, notice of an adverse determination will be published in the Federal Register and a copy furnished to the applicant.

Revocation of exemption

  The Board reserves the right to revoke an exemption if at any time it determines that the standards required for an exemption are not met.
  Before taking such action, the Board will notify the appropriate state official of its intent, and will afford the official such opportunity as it deems appropriate in the circumstances to demonstrate that revocation is improper. If the Board ultimately finds that revocation is proper, notice of the Board's intention to revoke such exemption will be published in the Federal Register with a reasonable period of time for interested persons to comment.
  Notice of revocation of an exemption will be published in the Federal Register. A copy of such notice will be furnished to the appropriate state official and to the federal officials responsible for enforcement. Upon revocation of an exemption, creditors in that state shall then be subject to the requirements of the federal law.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. Part 226, Appendix B]

Appendix C—Issuance of Staff Interpretations

Official staff interpretations

  Officials in the Board's Division of Consumer and Community Affairs are authorized to issue official staff interpretations of this regulation. These interpretations provide the protection afforded under
§ 130(f) of the act. Except in unusual circumstances, such interpretations will not be issued separately but will be incorporated in an official commentary to the regulation which will be amended periodically.
{{12-31-87 p.6672}}

Requests for issuance of official staff interpretations

  A request for an official staff interpretation shall be in writing and addressed to the Director, Division of Consumer and Community Affairs, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551. The request shall contain a complete statement of all relevant facts concerning the issue, including copies of all pertinent documents.

Scope of interpretations

  No staff interpretations will be issued approving creditors' forms, statements, or calculation tools or methods. This restriction does not apply to forms, statements, tools, or methods whose use is required or sanctioned by a government agency.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. Part 226, Appendix C]

Appendix D—Multiple Advance Construction Loans

Section 226.17(c)(6) permits creditors to treat multiple advance loans to finance construction of a dwelling that may be permanently financed by the same creditor either as a single transaction or as more than one transaction. If the actual schedule of advances is not known, the following methods may be used to estimate the interest portion of the finance charge and the annual percentage rate and to make disclosures. If the creditor chooses to disclose the construction phase separately, whether interest is payable periodically or at the end of construction, Part I may be used. If the creditor chooses to disclose the construction and the permanent financing as one transaction, Part II may be used.

Part I—Construction period disclosed separately.

  A.  If interest is payable only on the amount actually advanced for the time it is outstanding:
    1.  Estimated interest--Assume that one-half of the commitment amount is outstanding at the contract interest rate for the entire construction period.
    2.  Estimated annual percentage rate--Assume a single payment loan that matures at the end of the construction period. The finance charge is the sum of the estimated interest and any prepaid finance charge. The amount financed for computation purposes is determined by subtracting any prepaid finance charge from one-half of the commitment amount.
    3.  Repayment schedule--The number and amounts of any interest payments may be omitted in disclosing the payment schedule under § 226.18(g). The fact that interest payments are required and the timing of such payments shall be disclosed.
    4.  Amount financed--The amount financed for disclosure purposes is the entire commitment amount less any prepaid finance charge.
  B.  If interest is payable on the entire commitment amount without regard to the dates or amounts of actual disbursement:
    1.  Estimated interest--Assume that the entire commitment amount is outstanding at the contract interest rate for the entire construction period.
    2.  Estimated annual percentage rate--Assume a single payment loan that matures at the end of the construction period. The finance charge is the sum of the estimated interest and any prepaid finance charge. The amount financed for computation purposes is determined by subtracting any prepaid finance charge from one-half of the commitment amount.
    3.  Repayment schedule--Interest payments shall be disclosed in making the repayment schedule disclosure under § 226.18(g).
    4.  Amount financed--The amount financed for disclosure purposes is the entire commitment amount less any prepaid finance charge.


  Assume a $50,000 loan commitment at 10.5% interest with a 5-month construction period and a prepaid finance charge of 2 points.
{{2-28-06 p.6673}} Estimated Interest

Part II—Construction and permanent financing disclosed as one transaction.

  A.  The creditor shall estimate the interest payable during the construction period to be included in the total finance charge as follows:
    1.  If interest is payable only on the amount actually advanced for the time it is outstanding, assume that one-half of the commitment amount is outstanding at the contract interest rate for the entire construction period.
    2.  If interest is payable on the entire commitment amount without regard to the dates or amounts of actual disbursement, assume that the entire commitment amount is outstanding at the contract rate for the entire construction period.
  B.  The creditor shall compute the estimated annual percentage rate as follows:
    1.  Estimated interest payable during the construction period shall be treated for computation purposes as a prepaid finance charge (although it shall not be treated as a prepaid finance charge for disclosure purposes).
    2.  The number of payments shall not include any payments of interest only that are made during the construction period.
    3.  The first payment period shall consist of one-half of the construction period plus the period between the end of the construction period and the first amortization payment.
  C.  The creditor shall disclose the repayment schedule as follows:
    1.  For loans under paragraph A.1. of Part II, without reflecting the number or amounts of payments of interest only that are made during the construction period. The fact that interest payments must be made and the timing of such payments shall be disclosed.
    2.  For loans under paragraph A.2. of Part II, including any payments of interest only that are made during the construction period.
  D.  The creditor shall disclose the amount financed as the entire commitment amount less any prepaid finance charge.

Assume a $50,000 loan commitment at 10.5% interest with a 5-month construction period and a prepaid finance charge of 2 points, followed by 30-year permanent financing at the same rate with monthly amortization payments of $457.37.
{{2-28-06 p.6674}} Computation
of Estimated APR

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. Part 226, Appendix D]

[Appendix D amended at 46 Fed. Reg. 29246, June 1, 1981]

Appendix E—Rules for Card Issuers That Bill on a Transaction-by-Transaction Basis

  The following provisions of Subpart B apply if credit cards are issued and (1) the card issuer and the seller are the same or related persons; (2) no finance charge is imposed; (3) consumers are billed in full for each use of the card on a transaction-by-transaction basis,
{{10-31-00 p.6675}}by means of an invoice or other statement reflecting each use of the card; and (4) no cumulative account is maintained which reflects the transactions by each consumer during a period of time, such as a month:
Section 226.6(d), and, as applicable, § 226.6(b) and (c).  The disclosure required by § 226.6(b) shall be limited to those charges that are or may be imposed as a result of the deferral of payment by use of the card, such as late payment or delinquency charges.
  Section 226.7(b) and § 226.7(k).   Creditors may comply by placing the required disclosures on the invoice or statement sent to the consumer for each transaction.
  Section 226.9(a).  Creditors may comply by mailing or delivering the statement required by § 226.6(d) (See Appendix G-3) to each consumer receiving a transaction invoice during a one-month period chosen by the card issuer or by sending either the statement prescribed by § 226.6(d) or an alternative billing error rights statement substantially similar to that in Appendix G-4, with each invoice sent to a consumer.
  Section 226.9(c).
  Section 226.10.
  Section 226.11.  This section applies when a card issuer receives a payment or other credit that exceeds by more than $1 the amount due, as shown on the transaction invoice. The requirement to credit amounts to an account may be complied with by other reasonable means, such as by a credit memorandum. Since no periodic statement is provided, a notice of the credit balance shall be sent to the consumer within a reasonable period of time following its occurrence unless a refund of the credit balance is mailed or delivered to the consumer within 7 business days of its receipt by the card issuer.
  Section 226.12 including § 226.12(c) and (d), as applicable.  Section 226.12(e) is inapplicable.
  Section 226.13, as applicable.  All references to "periodic statement" shall be read to indicate the invoice or other statement for the relevant transaction. All actions with regard to correcting and adjusting a consumer's account may be taken by issuing a refund or a new invoice, or by other appropriate means consistent with the purposes of the section.
  Section 226.15, as applicable.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. Part 226, Appendix E]

[Appendix E amended at 46 Fed. Reg. 60190, December 9, 1981]

Appendix F—Annual Percentage Rate Computations for Certain Open-End Credit Plans

  In determining the denominator of the fraction under § 226.14(c)(3), no amount will be used more than once when adding the sum of the balances
1 subject to periodic rates to the sum of the amounts subject to specific transaction charges. In every case, the full amount of transactions subject to specific transaction charges shall be included in the denominator. Other balances or parts of balances shall be included according to the manner of determining the balance subject to a periodic rate, as illustrated in the following examples of accounts on monthly billing cycles:
    1.  Previous balance--none.
  A specific transaction of $100 occurs on the first day of the billing cycle. The average daily balance is $100. A specific transaction charge of 3% is applicable to the specific transaction. The periodic rate is 11/2% applicable to the average daily balance. The numerator is the amount of the finance charge, which is $4.50. The denominator is the amount of the transaction (which is $100), plus the amount by which the balance subject to the periodic rate exceeds the amount of the specific transactions (such excess in this case is 0), totaling $100.
  The annual percentage rate is the quotient (which is 41/2%) multiplied by 12 (the number of months in a year), i.e., 54%.
{{10-31-00 p.6676}}
    2.  Previous balance--$100.
  A specific transaction of $100 occurs at the midpoint of the billing cycle. The average daily balance is $150. A specific transaction charge of 3% is applicable to the specific transaction. The periodic rate is 11/2% applicable to the average daily balance. The numerator is the amount of the finance charge which is $5.25. The denominator is the amount of the transaction (which is $100), plus the amount by which the balance subject to the periodic rate exceeds the amount of the specific transaction (such excess in this case is $50), totaling $150. As explained in example 1, the annual percentage rate is 31/2% × 12 = 42%.
    3.  If, in example 2, the periodic rate applies only to the previous balance, the numerator is $4.50 and the denominator is $200 (the amount of the transaction, $100, plus the balance subject only to the periodic rate, the $100 previous balance). As explained in example 1, the annual percentage rate is 21/4% × 12 = 27%.
    4.  If, in example 2, the periodic rate applies only to an adjusted balance (previous balance less payments and credits) and the consumer made a payment of $50 at the midpoint of the billing cycle, the numerator is $3.75 and the denominator is $150 (the amount of the transaction, $100, plus the balance subject to the periodic rate, the $50 adjusted balance). As explained in example 1, the annual percentage rate is 21/2% × 12 = 30%.
    5.  Previous balance--$100.
  A specific transaction (check) of $100 occurs at the midpoint of the billing cycle. The average daily balance is $150. The specific transaction charge is $.25 per check. The periodic rate is 11/2% applied to the average daily balance. The numerator is the amount of the finance charge, which is $2.50 and includes the $.25 check charge and the $2.25 resulting from the application of the periodic rate. The denominator is the full amount of the specific transaction (which is $100) plus the amount by which the average daily balance exceeds the amount of the specific transaction (which in this case is $50), totaling $150. As explained in example 1, the annual percentage rate would 12/3% × 12 = 20%.
    6.  Previous balance--none.
  A specific transaction of $100 occurs at the midpoint of the billing cycle. The average daily balance is $50. The specific transaction charge is 3% of the transaction amount or $3.00. The periodic rate is 11/2% per month applied to the average daily balance. The numerator is the amount of the finance charge, which is $3.75, including the $3.00 transaction charge and $.75 resulting from application of the periodic rate. The denominator is the full amount of the specific transaction ($100) plus the amount by which the balance subject to the periodic rate exceeds the amount of the transaction ($0). Where the specific transaction amount exceeds the balance subject to the periodic rate, the resulting number is considered to be zero rather than a negative number ($50 -- $100 = -- $50). The denominator, in this case, is $100. As explained in example 1, the annual percentage rate is 33/4% × 12 = 45%.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. Part 226, Appendix F]

Appendix G—Open-End Model Forms and Clauses

  G--1 Balance-Computation Methods Model Clauses (§§ 226.6 and 226.7)
  G--2 Liability for Unauthorized Use Model Clause (§ 226.12)
  G--3 Long-Form Billing-Error Rights Model Form (§§ 226.6 and 226.9)
  G--4 Alternative Billing-Error Rights Model Form (§ 226.9)
  G--5 Rescission Model Form (When Opening an Account) (§ 226.15)
  G--6 Rescission Model Form (For Each Transaction) (§ 226.15)
  G--7 Rescission Model Form (When Increasing the Credit Limit) (§ 226.15)
  G--8 Rescission Model Form (When Adding a Security Interest) (§ 226.15)
  G--9 Rescission Model Form (When Increasing the Security) (§ 226.15)
  G--10(A) Applications and Solicitations Model Forms (Credit Cards) (§ 226.5a(b))
  G--10(B) Applications and Solicitations Sample (Credit Card) (§ 226.5a(b))
  G--10(C) Applications and Solicitations Model Form (Charge Cards) (§ 226.5a(b))
{{4-30-01 p.6676.01}}
  G--11 Applications and Solicitations Made Available to General Public Model Clauses (§ 226.5a(e))
  G--12 Charge Card Model Clause (When Access to Plan Offered by Another) (§ 226.5a(f))
  G--13(A) Change in Insurance Provider Model Form (Combined Notice) (§ 226.9(f))
  G--13(B) Change in Insurance Provider Model Form (§ 226.9(f)(2))
  G--14A Home Equity Sample
  G--14B Home Equity Sample
  G--15 Home Equity Model Clauses


(a)  Adjusted balance method

  We figure [a portion of] the finance charge on your account by applying the periodic rate to the "adjusted balance" of your account. We get the "adjusted balance" by taking the balance you owed at the end of the previous billing cycle and subtracting [any unpaid finance charges and] any payments and credits received during the present billing cycle.
(b)  Previous balance method

  We figure [a portion of] the finance charge on your account by applying the periodic rate to the amount you owe at the beginning of each billing cycle [minus any unpaid finance charges.] We do not subtract any payments or credits received during the billing cycle. [The amount of payments and credits to your account this billing cycle was $ _______.]
(c)  Average daily balance method (excluding current transactions)

  We figure [a portion of] the finance charge on your account by applying the periodic rate to the "average daily balance" of your account (excluding current transactions). To get the "average daily balance" we take the beginning balance of your account each day and subtract any payments or credits [and any unpaid finance charges]. We do not add in any new [purchases/advances/loans]. This gives us the daily balance. Then, we add all the daily balances for the billing cycle together and divide the total by the number of days in the billing cycle. This gives us the "average daily balance."
(d)  Average daily balance method (including current transactions)

  We figure [a portion of] the finance charge on your account by applying the periodic rate to the "average daily balance" of your account (including current transactions). To get the "average daily balance" we take the beginning balance of your account each day, add any new [purchases/advances/loans], and subtract any payments or credits, [and unpaid finance charges]. This gives us the daily balance. Then, we add up all the daily balances for the billing cycle and divide the total by the number of days in the billing cycle. This gives us the "average daily balance."
(e)  Ending balance method

  We figure [a portion of] the finance charge on your account by applying the periodic rate to the amount you owe at the end of each cycle (including new purchases and deducting payments and credits made during the billing cycle).


You may be liable for the unauthorized use of your credit card [or other term that describes the credit card.] You will not be liable for unauthorized use that occurs after you notify [name of card issuer or its designee] at [address], orally or in writing, of the loss, theft, or possible unauthorized use. In any case, your liability will not exceed [insert $50 or any lesser amount under agreement with the cardholder.]
{{4-30-01 p.6676.02}}


This notice contains important information about your rights and our responsibilities under the Fair Credit Billing Act.
Notify Us In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Bill
If you think your bill is wrong, or if you need more information about a transaction on your bill, write us [on a separate sheet] at [address] [the address listed on your bill]. Write to us as soon as possible. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the first bill on which the error or problem appeared. You can telephone us, but doing so will not preserve your rights.
In your letter, give us the following information:
• Your name and account number.
• The dollar amount of the suspected error.

• Describe the error and explain, if you can, why you believe there is an error. If you need more information, describe the item you are not sure about.

If you have authorized us to pay your credit card bill automatically from your savings or checking account, you can stop the payment on any amount you think is wrong. To stop the payment your letter must reach us three business days before the automatic payment is scheduled to occur.
Your Rights and Our Responsibilities After We Receive Your Written Notice
We must acknowledge your letter within 30 days, unless we have corrected the error by then. Within 90 days, we must either correct the error or explain why we believe the bill was correct.
After we receive your letter, we cannot try to collect any amount you question, or report you as delinquent. We can continue to bill you for the amount you question, including finance charges, and we can apply any unpaid amount against your credit limit. You do not have to pay any questioned amount while we are investigating, but you are still obligated to pay the parts of your bill that are not in question.
If we find that we made a mistake on your bill, you will not have to pay any finance charges related to any questioned amount. If we didn't make a mistake, you may have to pay finance charges, and you will have to make up any missed payments on the questioned amount. In either case, we will send you a statement of the amount you owe and the date that it is due.
If you fail to pay the amount that we think you owe, we may report you as delinquent. However, if our explanation does not satisfy you and you write to us within ten days telling us that you still refuse to pay, we must tell anyone we report you to that you have a question about your bill. And, we must tell you the name of anyone we reported you to. We must tell anyone we report you to that the matter has been settled between us when it finally is.
If we don't follow these rules, we can't collect the first $50 of the questioned amount, even if your bill was correct.
Special Rule for Credit Card Purchases
If you have a problem with the quality of property or services that you purchased with a credit card, and you have tried in good faith to correct the problem with the merchant, you may have the right not to pay the remaining amount due on the property or services. There are two limitations on this right:
(a)  You must have made the purchase in your home state or, if not within your home state, within 100 miles of your current mailing address; and
(b)  The purchase price must have been more than $50.
These limitations do not apply if we own or operate the merchant, or if we mailed you the advertisement for the property or services.


In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Bill
If you think your bill is wrong, or if you need more information about a transaction on your bill, write us [on a separate sheet] at [address] [the address shown on your bill] as soon as possible. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the first bill on which the error or problem
{{4-30-01 p.6676.03}}appeared. You can telephone us, but doing so will not preserve your rights.
In your letter, give us the following information:

  • Your name and account number.
  • The dollar amount of the suspected error.
  • Describe the error and explain, if you can, why you believe there is an error. If you need more information, describe the item you are unsure about.

You do not have to pay any amount in question while we are investigating, but you are still obligated to pay the parts of your bill that are not in question. While we investigate your question, we cannot report you as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount you question.
Special Rule for Credit Card Purchases
If you have a problem with the quality of goods or services that you purchased with a credit card, and you have tried in good faith to correct the problem with the merchant, you may not have to pay the remaining amount due on the goods or services. You have this protection only when the purchase price was more than $50 and the purchase was made in your home state or within 100 miles of your mailing address. (If we own or operate the merchant, or if we mailed you the advertisement for the property or services, all purchases are covered regardless of amount or location of purchase.)


1.  Your Right to Cancel.
We have agreed to establish an open-end credit account for you, and you have agreed to give us a [mortgage/lien/security interest] [on/in] your home as security for the account. You have a legal right under federal law to cancel the account, without cost, within three business days after the latest of the following events:

  (1)  the opening date of your account which is _______ ; or

  (2)  the date you received your Truth-in-Lending disclosures; or

  (3)  the date you received this notice of your right to cancel the account.
If you cancel the account, the [mortgage/lien/security interest] [on/in] your home is also cancelled. Within 20 days of receiving your notice, we must take the necessary steps to reflect the fact that the [mortgage/lien/security interest] [on/in] your home has been cancelled. We must return to you any money or property you have given to us or to anyone else in connection with the account.
You may keep any money or property we have given you until we have done the things mentioned above, but you must then offer to return the money or property, if it is impractical or unfair for you to return the property, you must offer its reasonable value. You may offer to return the property at your home or at the location of the property. Money must be returned to the address shown below. If we do not take possession of the money or property within 20 calendar days of your offer, you may keep it without further obligation.
2.  How to Cancel.
If you decide to cancel the account, you may do so by notifying us, in writing, at
  (creditor's name and business address).

  You may use any written statement that is signed and dated by you and states your intention to cancel, or you may use this notice by dating and signing below. Keep one copy of this notice no matter how you notify us because it contains important information about your rights.
If you cancel by mail or telegram, you must send the notice no later than midnight of                      (date)                       (or midnight of the third business day following the latest of the three events listed above). If you send or deliver your written notice to cancel some other way, it must be delivered to the above address no later than that time. I WISH TO CANCEL.
Consumer's Signature            Date  
{{4-30-01 p.6677}}


1.  Your Right to Cancel.

  We have extended credit to you under your open-end credit account. This extension of credit will increase the amount you owe on your account. We already have a [ mortgage/lien/security interest] [on/in] your home as security for your account. You have a legal right under federal law to cancel the extension of credit, without cost, within three business days after the latest of the following events:

  (1)  the date of the additional extension of credit which is _______ ; or

  (2)  the date you received your Truth-in-Lending disclosures; or

  (3)  the date you received this notice of your right to cancel the additional extension of credit.

If you cancel the additional extension of credit, your cancellation will only apply to the additional amount and to any increase in the [mortgage/lien/security interest] that resulted because of the additional amount. It will not affect the amount you presently owe, and it will not affect the [mortgage/lien/security interest] we already have [on/in] your home. Within 20 calendar days after we receive your notice of cancellation, we must take the necessary steps to reflect the fact that any increase in the [mortgage/lien/security interest] [on/in] your home has been cancelled. We must also return to you any money or property you have given to us or to anyone else in connection with this extension of credit.

  You may keep any money or property we have given you until we have done the things mentioned above, but you must then offer to return the money or property. If it is impractical or unfair for you to return the property, you must offer its reasonable value. You may offer to return the property at your home or at the location of the property. Money must be returned to the address shown below. If we do not take possession of the money or property within 20 calendar days of your offer, you may keep it without further obligation.
2.  How to Cancel.

  If you decide to cancel the additional extension of credit, you may do so by notifying us, in writing, at
  (creditor's name and business address).

  You may use any written statement that is signed and dated by you and states your intention to cancel, or you may use this notice by dating and signing below. Keep one copy of this notice no matter how you notify us because it contains important information about your rights.

  If you cancel by mail or telegram, you must send the notice no later than midnight of             (date)         (or midnight of the third business day following the latest of the three events listed above). If you send or deliver your written notice to cancel some other way, it must be delivered to the above address no later than that time.
Consumer's Signature              Date


1.  Your Right to Cancel.
We have agreed to increase the credit limit on your open-end credit account. We have a [mortgage/lien/security interest] [on/in] your home as security for your account. Increasing the credit limit will increase the amount of the [mortgage/lien/security interest] [on/ in] your home. You have a legal right under federal law to cancel the increase in your credit limit, without cost, within three business days after the latest of the following events:
(a)  the date of the increase in your credit limit which is _______ ; or
(2)  the date you received your Truth-in-Lending disclosures; or
{{4-30-01 p.6678}}
(3)   the date you received this notice of your right to cancel the increase in your credit limit.
If you cancel, your cancellation will apply only to the increase in your credit limit and to the [mortgage/lien/security interest] that resulted from the increase in your credit limit. It will not affect the amount you presently owe, and it will not affect the [mortgage/lien/security interest] we already have [on/in] your home. Within 20 calendar days after we receive your notice of cancellation, we must take the necessary steps to reflect the fact that any increase in the [mortgage/lien/security interest] [on/in] your home has been cancelled. We must also return to you any money or property you have given to us or to anyone else in connection with this increase.

  You may keep any money or property we have given you until we have done the things mentioned above, but you must then offer to return the money or property. If it is impractical or unfair for you to return the property, you must offer its reasonable value. You may offer to return the property at your home or at the location of the property. Money must be returned to the address shown below. If we do not take possession of the money or property within 20 calendar days of your offer, you may keep it without further obligation.

2.  How to Cancel.

  If you decide to cancel the increase in your credit limit, you may do so by notifying us, in writing, at (creditor's name and business address).

  You may use any written statement that is signed and dated by you and states your intention to cancel, or you may use this notice by dating and signing below. Keep one copy of this notice no matter how you notify us because it contains important information about your rights.

  If you cancel by mail or telegram, you must send the notice no later than midnight of             (date)         (or midnight of the third business day following the latest of the three events listed above). If you send or deliver your written notice to cancel some other way, it must be delivered to the above address no later than that time.

Consumer's Signature          Date  



1.  Your Right to Cancel.

You have agreed to give us a [mortgage/lien/security interest] [on/in] your home as security for your existing open-end credit account. You have a legal right under federal law to cancel the [mortgage/lien/security interest], without cost, within three business days after the latest of the following events:
(1)  the date of the [mortgage/lien/security interest] which is _______ ; or
(2)  the date you received your Truth-in-Lending disclosures; or
(3)  the date you received this notice of your right to cancel the [mortgage/lien/security interest].
If you cancel the [mortgage/lien/security interest], your cancellation will apply only to the [mortgage/lien/security interest]. It will not affect the amount you owe on your account. Within 20 calendar days after we receive your notice of cancellation, we must take the necessary steps to reflect that any [mortgage/lien/security interest] [on/in] your home has been cancelled. We must also return to you any money or property you have given to us or to anyone else in connection with this increase.
You may keep any money or property we have given you until we have done the things mentioned above, but you must then offer to return the money or property. If it is impractical or unfair for you to return the property, you must offer its reasonable value. You may make the offer at your home or at the location of the property. Money must be returned to the address shown below. If we do not take possession of the money or property within 20 calendar days of your offer, you may keep it without further obligation.
{{4-30-01 p.6678.01}}

2.  How to Cancel.

  If you decide to cancel the [mortgage/lien/security interest], you may do so by notifying us, in writing, at
  (creditor's name and business address).

You may use any written statement that is signed and dated by you and states your intention to cancel, or you may use this notice by dating and signing below. Keep one copy of this notice no matter how you notify us because it contains important information about your rights.

  If you cancel by mail or telegram, you must send the notice no later than midnight of             (date)        (or midnight of the third business day following the latest of the three events listed above). If you send or deliver your written notice to cancel some other way, it must be delivered to the above address no later than that time.
Consumer's Signature             Date  



1.  Your Right to Cancel.

  You have agreed to increase the amount of the [mortgage/lien/security interest] [on/in] your home that we hold as security for your open-end credit account. You have a legal right under federal law to cancel the increase, without cost, within three business days after the latest of the following events:

  (1)  the date of the increase in the security which is _______ ; or

  (2)  the date you received your Truth-in-Lending disclosures; or

  (3)  the date you received this notice of your right to cancel the increase in the security.

If you cancel the increase in the security, your cancellation will apply only to the increase in the amount of the [mortgage/lien/security interest]. It will not affect the amount you presently owe on your account, and it will not affect the [mortgage/lien/security interest] we already have [on/in] your home. Within 20 calendar days after we receive your notice of cancellation, we must take the necessary steps to reflect that any increase in the [mortgage/lien/security interest] [on/in] your home has been cancelled. We must also return to you any money or property you have given to us or to anyone else in connection with this increase.

  Your may keep any money or property we have given you until we have done the things mentioned above, but you must then offer to return the money or property. If it is impractical or unfair for you to return the property, you must offer its reasonable value. You may offer to return the property at your home or at the location of the property. Money must be returned to the address shown below. If we do not take possession of the money or property within 20 calendar days of your offer, you may keep it without further obligation.

2.  How to Cancel.

  If you decide to cancel the increase in security, you may do so by notifying us, in writing, at
  (creditor's name and business address).

  You may use any written statement that is signed and dated by you and states your intention to cancel, or you may use this notice by dating and signing below. Keep one copy of this notice no matter how you notify us because it contains important information about your rights.

  If you cancel by mail or telegram, you must send the notice no later than midnight of             (date)         (or midnight of the third business day following the latest of the three events listed above). If you send or deliver your written notice to cancel some other way, it must be delivered to the above address no later than that time.

Consumer's Signature             Date  
{{4-30-01 p.6678.02}}


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(a) Disclosure of Required Credit Information
The information about the costs of the card described in this [application] [solicitation]is accurate as of (month/year). This information may have changed after that date. To find out what may have changed, [call us at (telephone number)] [write to use at (address)].
(b) Disclosure With Account Opening Statement
To find out about changes in the information in this [application] [solicitation], [call us at (telephone number)] [write to us at (address) ].
(c) No Disclosure of Credit Information
There are costs associated with the use of this card. To obtain information about these costs, call us at (telephone number) or write to us at (address).


  This charge card may allow you to access credit offered by another creditor. Our decision about issuing you a charge card will be independent of the other creditor's decision about allowing you access to a line of credit. Therefore, approval by us to issue you a card does not constitute approval by the other creditor to grant you credit privileges. If we issue you a charge card, you may receive it before the other creditor decides whether or not to grant you credit privileges.


  The credit card account you have with us is insured. This is to notify you that we plan to replace your current coverage with insurance coverage from a different insurer.

  If we obtain insurance for your account from a different insurer, you may cancel the insurance.

  [Your premium rate will increase to $ _______ per _______ .]

  [Your coverage will be affected by the following:
  Checkbox The elimination of a type of coverage previously provided to you. [(explanation)] [See _______ of the attached policy for details.]
  Checkbox A lowering of the age at which your coverage will terminate or will become more restrictive. [(explanation)] [See _______ of the attached policy or certificate for details.]
  Checkbox A decrease in your maximum insurable loan balance, maximum periodic benefit payment, maximum number of payments, or any other decrease in the dollar amount
{{6-30-89 p.6678.04}}of your coverage or benefits. [(explanation)] [See _______ of the attached policy or certificate for details.]
  Checkbox A restriction on the eligibility for benefits for you or others. [(explanation)] [See _______  of the attached policy or certificate for details.]
  Checkbox A restriction in the definition of "disability" or other key term of coverage. [(explanation)] [See _______ of the attached policy or certificate for details.]
  Checkbox The addition of exclusions or limitations that are broader or other than those under the current coverage. [(explanation)] [See _______ of the attached policy or certificate for details.]
  Checkbox An increase in the elimination (waiting) period or a change to nonretroactive coverage. [(explanation)] [See _______ of the attached policy or certificate for details).]

  [The name and mailing address of the new insurer providing the coverage for your account is (name and address).]


  We have changed the insurer providing the coverage for your account. The new insurer's name and address are (name and address). A copy of the new policy or certificate is attached.

  You may cancel the insurance for your account.



  This disclosure contains important information about our Home Equity Line of Credit. You should read it carefully and keep a copy for your records.
  Availability of Terms:   To obtain the terms described below, you must submit your application before January 1, 1990.
  If these terms change (other than the annual percentage rate) and you decide, as a result, not to enter into an agreement with us, you are entitled to a refund of any fees that you have paid to us or anyone else in connection with your application.
  Security Interest:   We will take a mortgage on your home. You could lose your home if you do not meet the obligations in your agreement with us.
  Possible Actions:   Under certain circumstances, we can (1) terminate your line, require you to pay us the entire outstanding balance in one payment, and charge you certain fees; (2) refuse to make additional extensions of credit; and (3) reduce your credit limit.
  If you ask, we will give you more specific information concerning when we can take these actions.
  Minimum Payment Requirements:   You can obtain advances of credit for 10 years (the "draw period"). During the draw period, payments will be due monthly. Your minimum monthly payment will equal the greater of $100 or 1/360th of the outstanding balance plus the finance charges that have accrued on the outstanding balance.
  After the draw period ends, you will no longer be able to obtain credit advances and must pay the outstanding balance over 5 years (the "repayment period"). During the repayment period, payments will be due monthly. Your minimum monthly payment will equal 1/60th of the balance that was outstanding at the end of the draw period plus the finance charges that have accrued on the remaining balance.
  Minimum Payment Example:   If you made only the minimum monthly payments and took no other credit advances, it would take 15 years to pay off a credit advance of $10,000 at an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE
{{6-30-89 p.6678.05}}RATE of 12%. During that period, you would make 120 monthly payments varying between $127.78 and $100.00 followed by 60 monthly payments varying between $187.06 and $118.08.
  Fees and Charges:   To open and maintain a line of credit, you must pay the following fees to us:
  •   Application fee: $150 (due at application)
  •   Points: 1% of credit limit (due when account opened)
  •   Annual maintenance fee: $75 (due each year)
  You also must pay certain fees to third parties to open a line. These fees generally total between $500 and $900. If you ask, we will give you an itemization of the fees you will have to pay to third parties.
  Minimum Draw and Balance Requirements:   The minimum credit advance you can receive is $500. You must maintain an outstanding balance of at least $100.
  Tax Deductibility:   You should consult a tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest and charges for the line.
  Variable-Rate Information:   The line has a variable-rate feature, and the annual percentage rate (corresponding to the periodic rate) and the minimum payment can change as a result.
  The annual percentage rate includes only interest and not other costs.
  The annual percentage rate is based on the value of an index. The index is the monthly average prime rate charged by banks and is published in the Federal Reserve Bulletin. To determine the annual percentage rate that will apply to your line, we add a margin to the value of the index.
  Ask us for the current index value, margin and annual percentage rate. After you open a credit line, rate information will be provided on periodic statements that we will send you.
  Rate Changes:   The annual percentage rate can change each month. The maximum ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE that can apply is 18%. Except for this 18% "cap," there is no limit on the amount by which the rate can change during any one-year period.
  Maximum Rate and Payment Examples:   If you had an outstanding balance of $10,000 during the draw period, the minimum monthly payment at the maximum ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 18% would be $177.78. This annual percentage rate could be reached during the first month of the draw period.
  If you had an outstanding balance of $10,000 at the beginning of the repayment period, the minimum monthly payment at the maximum ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 18% would be $316.67. This annual percentage rate could be reached during the first month of the repayment period.
  Historical Example:   The following table shows how the annual percentage rate and the minimum monthly payments for a single $10,000 credit advance would have changed based on changes in the index over the past 15 years. The index values are from September of each year. While only one payment amount per year is shown, payments would have varied during each year.
  The table assumes that no additional credit advances were taken, that only the minimum payments were made each month, and that the rate remained constant during each year. It does not necessarily indicate how the index or your payments will change in the future.
{{6-30-89 p.6678.06}} 

Annual Percentage Rate Table



  This disclosure contains important information about our Home Equity Line of Credit. You should read it carefully and keep a copy for your records.
  Availability of Terms:   All of the terms described below are subject to change.
  If these terms change (other than the annual percentage rate) and you decide, as a result, not to enter into an agreement with us, you are entitled to a refund of any fees you paid to us or anyone else in connection with your application.
  Security Interest:  We will take a mortgage on your home. You could lose your home if you do not meet the obligations in your agreement with us.
  Possible Actions:  We can terminate your line, require you to pay us the entire outstanding balance in one payment, and charge you certain fees if:
  • You engage in fraud or material misrepresentation in connection with the line.
  • You do not meet the repayment terms.
  • Your action or inaction adversely affects the collateral or our rights in the collateral.
  We can refuse to make additional extensions of credit or reduce your credit limit if:
  • The value of the dwelling securing the line declines significantly below its appraised value for purposes of the line.
  • We reasonably believe you will not be able to meet the repayment requirements due to a material change in your financial circumstances.
  • You are in default of a material obligation in the agreement.
  • Government action prevents us from imposing the annual percentage rate provided for or impairs our security interest such that the value of the interest is less than 120 percent of the credit line.
  • A regulatory agency has notified us that continued advances would constitute an unsafe and unsound practice.
  • The maximum annual percentage rate is reached.
  The initial agreement permits us to make certain changes to the terms of the agreement at specified times or upon the occurrence of specified events.
  Minimum Payment Requirements: You can obtain advances of credit for 10 years (the "draw period"). You can choose one of three payment options for the draw period:
  • Monthly interest-only payments.  Under this option, your payments will be due
{{6-30-89 p.6678.07}}monthly and will equal the finance charges that accrued on the outstanding balance during the preceding month.
  • Quarterly interest-only payments.  Under this option, your payments will be due quarterly and will equal the finance charges that accrued on the outstanding balance during the preceding quarter.
  • 2% of the balance.  Under this option, your payments will be due monthly and will equal 2% of the outstanding balance on your line plus finance charges that accrued on the outstanding balance during the preceding month.
  If the payment determined under any option is less than $50, the minimum payment will equal $50 or the outstanding balance on your line, whichever is less.
  Under both the monthly and quarterly interest-only payment options, the minimum payment will not reduce the principal that is outstanding on your line.
  After the draw period ends, you will no longer be able to obtain credit advances and must repay the outstanding balance (the "repayment period"). The length of the repayment period will depend on the balance outstanding at the beginning of it. During the repayment period, payments will be due monthly and will equal 3% of the outstanding balance on your line plus finance charges that accrued on the outstanding balance or $50, whichever is greater.
  Minimun Payment Examples:  If you took a single $10,000 advance and the ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE was 9.52%.
  •  Under the monthly interest-only payment option, it would take 18 years and 1 month to pay off the advance if you made only the minimum payments. During that period, you would make 120 payments of $79.33, followed by 96 payments varying between $379.33 and $50 and one final payment of $10.75.
  •  Under the 2% of the balance payment option, it would take 10 years and 8 months to pay off the advance if you made only the mininum payments. During that period, you would make 120 payments varying between $279.33 and $50, followed by 7 payments of $50 and one final payment of $21.53.
  Fees and Charges:  To open and maintain a line of credit, you must pay us the following fees:
  •  Application fee: $100 (due at application)
  •  Points: 1% of credit limit (due when account opened)
  •  Annual maintenance fee: $50 during the first 3 years, $75 thereafter (due each year)
  You also must pay certain fees to third parties to open a line. These fees generally total between $500 and $900. If you ask, we will give you an itemization of the fees you will have to pay to third parties.
  Minimum Draw Requirement:  The minimum credit advance that you can receive is $200.
  Tax Deductibility:  You should consult a tax adviser regarding the deductibility of interest and charges for the line.
  Variable-Rate Feature:  The line has a variable-rate feature, and the annual percentage rate (corresponding to the periodic rate) and the minimum monthly payment can change as a result.
  The annual percentage rate includes only interest and not other costs.
  The annual percentage rate is based on the value of an index. During the draw period, the index is the monthly average prime rate charged by banks. During the repayment period, the index is the weekly average yield on U.S. Treasury securities adjusted to a constant maturity of one year. Information on these indices is published in the Federal Reserve Bulletin. To determine the annual percentage rate that will apply to your line, we add a margin to the value of the index.
  The initial annual percentage rate is "discounted"--it is not based on the index and margin used for later rate adjustments. The initial rate will be in effect for the first year your credit line is open.
  Ask us for the current index values, margin, discount and annual percentage rate. After you open a credit line, rate information will be provided on periodic statements that we send you.
  Rate Changes:   The annual percentage rate can change monthly. The maximum ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE that can apply is 18%. Apart from this rate "cap," there is no limit on the amount by which
{{6-30-89 p.6678.08}}the rate can change during any one-year period.
  Maximum Rate and Payment Examples:   If the ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE during the draw period equaled the 18% maximum and you had an outstanding balance of $10,000:
  •  Under the monthly interest-only payment option, the minimum monthly payment would be $150.
  •  Under the 2% of the balance payment option, the minimum monthly payment would be $350.
  This annual percentage rate could be reached during the first month of the draw period.
  If you had an outstanding balance of $10,000 during the repayment period, the minimum monthly payment at the maximum ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 18% would be $450. This annual percentage rate could be reached during the first month of the repayment period.
  Historical Example:   The following table shows how the annual percentage rate and the monthly payments for a single $10,000 credit advance would have changed based on changes in the indices over the past 15 years. For the draw period, the index values for the prime rate are from September of each year. For the repayment period, the index values for the yield on U.S. Treasury securities are from the first week ending in July. While only one payment amount per year is shown, payments under the 2% of the balance payment option and during the repayment period would have varied during each year.
  The table assumes that no additional credit advances were taken, that only the minimum payments were made, and that the rate remained constant during each year. It does not necessarily indicate how the indices or your payments will change in the future.  

Annual Percentage Rate Table

{{4-30-99 p.6678.09}}

G–15—Home Equity Model Clauses

  (a)  Retention of Information:  This disclosure contains important information about our Home Equity Line of Credit. You should read it carefully and keep a copy for your records.
  (b)  Availability of Terms:  To obtain the terms described below, you must submit your application before (date). However the (description of terms) are subject to change. or
  All of the terms described below are subject to change.
  If these terms change [(other than the annual percentage rate)] and you decide, as a result, not to enter into an agreement with us, you are entitled to a refund of any fees you paid to us or anyone else in connection with your application.
  (c)  Security Interest:  We will take a [security interest in/mortgage on] your home. You could lose your home if you do not meet the obligations in your agreement with us.
  (d)  Possible Actions:  Under certain circumstances, we can (1) terminate your line, require you to pay us the entire outstanding balance in one payment [, and charge you certain fees]; (2) refuse to make additional extensions of credit; (3) reduce your credit limit [; and (4) make specific changes that are set forth in your agreement with us].
  If you ask, we will give you more specific information about when we can take these actions. or
  Possible Actions:  We can terminate your account, require you to pay us the entire outstanding balance in one payment[, and charge you certain fees] if:
  •  You engage in fraud or material misrepresentation in connection with the line.
  •  You do not meet the repayment terms.
  •  Your action or inaction adversely affects the collateral or our rights in the collateral.
  We can refuse to make additional extensions of credit or reduce your credit limit if:
  •  The value of the dwelling securing the line declines significantly below its appraised value for purposes of the line.

[The page following this is 6678.11.]

{{8-31-01 p.6678.11}}
  •  We reasonably believe you will not be able to meet the repayment requirements due to a material change in your financial circumstances.
  •  You are in default of a material obligation in the agreement.
  •  Government action prevents us from imposing the annual percentage rate provided for or impairs our security interest such that the value of the interest is less than 120 percent of the credit line.
  •  A regulatory agency has notified us that continued advances would constitute an unsafe and unsound practice.
  •  The maximum annual percentage rate is reached.
  [The initial agreement permits us to make certain changes to the terms of the agreement at specified times or upon the occurrence of specified events.]
  (e)  Minimum Payment Requirements:  The length of the [draw period/repayment period] is (length). Payments will be due (frequency). Your minimum payment will equal (how payment determined).
  [The minimum payment will not reduce the principal that is outstanding on your line./The minimum payment will not fully repay the principal that is outstanding on your line.] You will then be required to pay the entire balance in a single "balloon" payment.
  (f)  Minimum Payment Example:  If you made only the minimum payments and took no other credit advances, it would take (length of time) to pay off a credit advance of $10,000 at an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of (recent rate). During that period, you would make (number) (frequency) payments of $ _______ .
  (g)  Fees and Charges:  To open and maintain a line of credit, you must pay the following fees to us:
  (Description of fee) [$ _______ / _______ % of _______ ] (When payable)
  (Description of fee) [$ _______ / _______ % of _______ ] (When payable)
  You also must pay certain fees to third parties. These fees generally total [$ _______  / _______ % of _______ /between $ _______  and $ _______ ]. If you ask, we will give you an itemization of the fees you will have to pay to third parties.
  (h)  Minimum Draw and Balance Requirements:  The minimum credit advance you can receive is $ _______ . You must maintain an outstanding balance of at least $ _______ .
  (i)  Negative Amortization:  Under some circumstances, your payments will not cover the finance charges that accrue and "negative amortization" will occur. Negative amortization will increase the amount that you owe us and reduce your equity in your home.
  (j)  Tax Deductibility:  You should consult a tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest and charges for the line.
  (k)  Other Products:  If you ask, we will provide you with information on our other available home equity lines.
  (l)  Variable-Rate Feature:  The plan has a variable-rate feature and the annual percentage rate (corresponding to the periodic rate) and the [minimum payment/term of the line] can change as a result.
  The annual percentage rate includes only interest and not other costs.
  The annual percentage rate is based on the value of an index. The index is the (identification of index) and is [published in/available from] (source of information). To determine the annual percentage rate that will apply to your line, we add a margin to the value of the index.
  [The initial annual percentage rate is "discounted"--it is not based on the index and margin used for later rate adjustments. The initial rate will be in effect for (period).]
  Ask us for the current index value, margin, [discount,] and annual percentage rate. After you open a credit line, rate information will be provided on periodic statements that we send you.
  (m)  Rate Changes:  The annual percentage rate can change (frequency). [The rate cannot increase by more than _______ percentage points in any one year period./There is no limit on the amount by which the rate can change in any one year period.] [The maximum ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE that can apply is _______ %. /The ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE cannot increase by more than _______ percentage points above the initial rate.] [Ask us for the specific rate limitations that will apply to your credit line.]
  (n)  Maximum Rate and Payment Examples:  If you had an outstanding balance of
{{8-31-01 p.6678.12}}$10,000, the minimum payment at the maximum ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of _______ % would be $ _______ . This annual percentage rate could be reached (when maximum rate could be reached).
  (o)  Historical Example:  The following table shows how the annual percentage rate and the minimum payments for a single $10,000 credit advance would have changed based on changes in the index over the past 15 years. The index values are from (when values are measured). [While only one payment amount per year is shown, payments would have varied during each year.]
  The table assumes that no additional credit advances were taken, that only the minimum payments were made, and that the rate remained constant during each year. It does not necessarily indicate how the index or your payments will change in the future.

Annual Percentage Rate Graph

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. Part 226, Appendix G]

[Appendix G amended at 54 Fed. Reg. 13868, April 6, 1989, effective April 3, 1989, but compliance is optional until August 31, 1989; 54 Fed. Reg. 24689, June 9, 1989, effective June 7, 1989, but compliance is optional until November 7, 1989; 65 Fed. Reg. 58908, October 3, 2000, effective September 27, 2000; compliance is mandatory as of October 1, 2000; 66 Fed. Reg. 43463, August 20, 2001]

  1 Where a portion of the finance charge is determined by application of one or more daily periodic rates, the phrase "sum of the balances" shall also mean the "average of daily balances."
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