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Award Number 07HQAG0040, Category 3: Fifty States Initiative

Strategic and Business Plans to implement State-wide NSDI priorities in Missouri

The goal of this project is develop strategic and business plans for the State of Missouri to facilitate program and resource coordination. The resulting effort will facilitate the implementation of National Spatial Data Infrastructure while creating and assisting in the development of educational material to advance understanding of these plans.

Project outcomes are two-fold. First, define Missouri’s geospatial strategic and business plans’ primary goals and structures. Secondly, ‘implement’ key plan components by creating and distributing targeted education materials for the Missouri legislature and local government groups.

Strategic plan outcomes focus on gaining state governmental and legislative recognition, establishing sustainable funding mechanisms, improving funding coordination (both for state and national programs); and strengthening existing coordination groups, and improving data development.

Business plan outcomes focus on identifying funding resources and mechanisms, adopting tools to identify and secure data, and improving statewide GIS coordination by creating consistent relationships among stakeholder groups. Creating and distributing education materials will assist in improving legislative and governmental awareness and support. This educational effort will help formalize regional and county group coordination. These activities provide a tangible medium to educate and raise awareness, as well as formally connect regional and county groups in sharing information, coordinating educational efforts and tracking progress.

Final Report -- Strategic Plan -- Business Plan -- "How to" Guide

Annual Report - March 19, 2008

Interim Report - September 19, 2007

Missouri Geographic Information Office


Tim Haithcoat
tim.haithcoat [at]

Pam Kelrick
gisc [at]

Dan Ross
Dan.Ross [at]

Ray Fox, USGS Geospatial Liaison for Missouri
rfox [at]

Link to more information about the 50 States Initiative