Bureau of Reclamation Banner, Upper Colorado Region

Upper Colorado Region

Water Resources Group

                                 LAKE POWELL

         Date        Elevation      Content       Inflow      Release
                       (feet)        (AF)          (cfs)        (cfs)

       02-APR-2009     3610.32     12762538         7523        10386
       03-APR-2009     3610.25     12755481         7168        10222
       04-APR-2009     3610.23     12753465         6848         9669
       05-APR-2009     3610.22     12752458         6701         9712
       06-APR-2009     3610.16     12746412         6976        10418
       07-APR-2009     3610.12     12742383         7477        10382
       08-APR-2009     3610.00     12730300         7237        10319
       09-APR-2009     3609.98     12728287         6822        10317
       10-APR-2009     3609.94     12724261         6625        10305
       11-APR-2009     3609.92     12722249         7262         9858
       12-APR-2009     3609.84     12714201         8130         9715
       13-APR-2009     3609.82     12712190         8362        10323
       14-APR-2009     3609.76     12706157         8642        10323
       15-APR-2009     3609.76     12706157         8746        10320
       16-APR-2009     3609.70     12700126         8533        10360
       17-APR-2009     3609.70     12700126         9115        10352
       18-APR-2009     3609.71     12701131        10012         9792
       19-APR-2009     3609.74     12704147        11256         9810
       20-APR-2009     3609.79     12709173        11309        10413
       21-APR-2009     3609.83     12713196        11819        10320
       22-APR-2009     3609.86     12716213        12606        10214
       23-APR-2009     3609.92     12722249        13861        10223
       24-APR-2009     3610.03     12733320        15868        10241
       25-APR-2009     3610.17     12747419        17145         9650
       26-APR-2009     3610.39     12769597        17750         9520
       27-APR-2009     3610.48     12778677        18514        10208
       28-APR-2009     3610.74     12804931        20171        10218
       29-APR-2009     3610.99     12830210        22008        10231
       30-APR-2009     3611.26     12857547        21792        10091
       01-MAY-2009     3611.51     12882895        22728        10333
       02-MAY-2009     3611.80     12912338        22465         9983
       03-MAY-2009     3612.10     12942844        25453         9766
       04-MAY-2009     3612.41     12974417        26912        10312
       05-MAY-2009     3612.76     13010124        27436        10300
       06-MAY-2009     3613.15     13049988        27455        10633
       07-MAY-2009     3613.48     13083782        27616        10211
       08-MAY-2009     3613.82     13118659        26774        10152
       09-MAY-2009     3614.19     13156684        26654         9869
       10-MAY-2009     3614.62     13200965        31560         9617
       11-MAY-2009     3615.09     13249477        34730        10125
       12-MAY-2009         ---          ---          ---          ---

     All data is provisional and subject to review and modification


Email comments/inquires to: ResourceMgr@uc.usbr.gov