Alamo Dam


Alamo Dam is located in west-central Arizona. The dam is on the Bill Williams River approximately 39 miles upstream from the river's confluence with the Colorado River at Lake Havasu. Alamo Dam and Lake is a multiple-purpose facility providing the following benefits: flood control, water supply and conservation, recreation, and fish and wildlife enhancement.

Alamo Dam was authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1937 (Public Law 75-406, 28 August 1937, as amended). The initial proposal for the project was contained in House Document No. 625, 78th congress, 2nd Session, dated April 11, 1944.

The current approved water control manual (WCM) for Alamo Dam and Lake is dated April 1973. The WCM is scheduled for revision in 2001.



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(More to Come)

Physical Data (Table needs to be completed)

Type Earth-fill
Crest Elevation 1,265 feet NGVD XXX meters NGVD
Streambed elevation 982 feet NGVD XXX meters NGVD
Maximum height above streambed 283 feet XXX meters
Crest Length 975 feet XXX meters
Freeboard 5.4 feet XXX meters
Type Detached, broad-crested
Crest Elevation 1235 feet NGVD XXX meters NGVD
Crest Length 284 feet XXX meters
Vertical Lift Gates 3-5 feet (W) x 8 feet (H) 2-xxx meters
Low-flow Butterfly Valve 18-inches  
Conduit Length 1290 feet XXX meters
Entrance Invert Elevation 990 feet NGVD  
Area at Spillway Crest 13,300Acres XXX sm
Gross Storage at Spillway Crest 995,300 Acre-feet xxx MCM
Flood Control Allocation 608,000 Acre-feet xxx MCM
Water Conservation Allocation 230,000 Acre-Feet  
Sedimentation Allocation (100-yr) 50,000 Acre-feet xxx MCM
Reservoir Design Flood
Total Volume 613,000 Acre-feet xxx MCM
Peak Inflow 389,000 cfs xxx cms
Peak Outflow 7,000 cfs xxx cms
Resulting Peak Water Surface Elevation 1,233 feet, NGVD XXX meters, NGVD
Spillway Design Flood
Total Volume 1,390,000 Acre-feet xxx MCM
Peak Inflow 820,000 cfs xxx cms
Peak Outflow 375,315 cfs xxx cms
NGVD = National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929.
MCM = million cubic meters
cfs = cubic feet per second
cms = cubic meters per second
sm = square meters
"allocated" storages are not the same as present condition storages.

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Last Updated on November 20, 1997 by R. Stuart