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Adjudications and Settlements


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AZ Water Banking Authority (AWBA)

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Compliance and Enforcement

Dam Safety and Flood Mitigation.




Rural Programs

Water Protection Fund

Surface Water Rights


 updated May 15, 2007

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3550 N. Central Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85012
(602) 771-8500


Arizona Flood Warning and Drought Monitoring System

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality

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Arizona-Mexico Commission
 Water Committee

For additional information, please click here

Employee Information:
Click here for DWR employee phone number & e-mail address.

Then click on
State Employees (Internal) to search.

 Community Water Planning
Click me to go to the Drought Planning Home page. Click me to go to the Water Conservation Program Home page.
 Groundwater Data

GWSI Map.jpg

NewSearch and download groundwater data for ADWR’s entire Groundwater Site Inventory database (GWSI) including automated sites and index wells. Use the simple search wizard to find data, create custom hydrographs and locate wells with an interactive map.
 Hot Topics

Professional registration requirements for persons filing hydrogeologic and engineering studies

Effective, 04/17/2009, the Arizona Department of Water Resources requires hydrologic, geologic and engineering reports, studies, drawings and maps, specifications, analyses or related data submitted to support the evaluation of applications for various types of Department permits or approvals provided under Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) Title 45 that qualify as the practice of geology or engineering to be signed and sealed by a professional geologist or qualified professional engineer who is registered in the State of Arizona under the authority of A.R.S. Title 32, Chapter 1. Click to view the complete announcement (pdf).

Online Filing of 2008 Annual Reports

NewCLICK HERE TO FILE 2008 Electronic Annual Reports

The Arizona Department of Water Resources online filing tool for Annual Water Withdrawal and Use Reports inside an AMA is now up and running.

Providers outside AMAs can access the eCWS online reporting tool on the Community Water System web page.

The following reports may be filed electronically for the 2008 reporting year:


*If you did not pump or receive any water from another source (i.e. water provider, grandfathered right, etc…) pursuant to your Grandfathered Right or Permit and NOT in the Ag BMP program, you are also eligible to file zero-use online.

Free Workshop about System Audits, Metering, and Leak Detection

This workshop for municipal water providers will include a variety of informative presentations and case-studies. It is scheduled for Tuesday, March 10, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Department. Registration is required.

ADWR releases Zuni Indian Water Rights Settlement Preliminary Catalog of Non-exempt Registered Wells

The Arizona Department of Water Resources released a preliminary catalog of non-exempt registered wells in the Eastern Little Colorado River Basin (Preliminary Catalog) for inspection and comment.

ADWR plans to review comments received on the Preliminary Catalog for inclusion in a Final Catalog to be submitted to the Court by December 19, 2009.

ADWR compiled the Preliminary Catalog in accordance with the Zuni Indian Tribe Water Rights Settlement, approved by the Little Colorado River Adjudication Court (Court) on November 27, 2006. The purpose of the Preliminary Catalog is to identify and verify existing, non-exempt registered wells in the area by registration number, legal description, and owner. To view the catalog (24 MB), click here

Click here for the transmittal letterPDF

Click here for the News release

New The Department is announcing a Voluntary Well Registration Program. Click here for information.

A map of the settlement area is here.

The documents also are available for viewing at a number of sites around northeastern Arizona. For a complete list, consult the News Release linked above.

ADWR releases Hydrographic Survey Report for Hopi Indian Reservation

The Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) released the preliminary Hydrographic Survey Report for the Hopi Indian Reservation (Hopi Preliminary Report) for inspection and comment.

The Hopi Preliminary Report was prepared by ADWR as part of the Little Colorado River General Stream Adjudication (LCR Adjudication), which is pending before the Apache County Superior Court.

The purpose of the Hopi Preliminary Report is to provide the Hopi, the United States and interested parties with the opportunity to inspect the information that ADWR gathered, and to file comments with ADWR.
In accordance with A.R.S. § 45-256(H), the ADWR Director gives notice that the comment period on the Hopi Preliminary Report shall extend until March 31, 2009.


ADWR News Release
02_Table of Contents
05_Figures (29 MB)
07_Appendices A through F (142 MB)
07a_Appendix A-3 *
08_Appendix G-1 (219 MB)
09_Appendix G-2 (10 MB)
10_Appendix G-3 (337 MB)
11_Appendix G-4

* This folder contains database and "shapefiles" which require ESRI GIS software to view. The files illustrate Hopi-claimed water sources - wells, springs and impoundments.

Where indicated, some files are extremely large. Downloading without broadband Internet service is not recommended.

The documents also are available for viewing at a number of sites around northeastern Arizona. For a complete list, consult the News Release linked above.

Moratorium on rulemaking

New Governor Jan Brewer has instituted a moratorium on all rulemaking activities by state agencies to give her appointees an opportunity to review any new or pending rules.

Governor Brewer issued a directive to all agency directors instructing them to take no further action on rulemaking pending this review.

The directive is effective until April 30, 2009. To comply, the Department is suspending all rulemaking activities.

For information on rules related to the Arizona Department of Water Resources, click here.

Department Issues Decision on Prescott Application to Modify Assured Water Supply Designation

On November 12, ADWR issued an appealable decision on the City of Prescott's application for modification of its designation as having an assured water supply.

Prescott submitted its application on October 12, 2007. During the Public Notice period, the Department received multiple objections. After considering the application, the objections, the response of Prescott, and further analysis by Department staff, the Department determined that the application satisfies all of the requirements for a designation of assured water supply.

Click here to view the decision (2 MB)

NewADWR Releases the AMA Assessment Data Templates 

Water use information for each AMA by source and sector, and recharge data, is now available for the years 1985-2006. Click here to see the data.


The Well Supply Application for the Phoenix AMA Assured Water Supply re-Designation process is now available. If you have received your log-in information you may log in and begin using the application. Click here to go to the log-in page. Any questions or problems logging in or using the application? Please contact Wesley Hipke at (602) 771-8560.

ADWR Releases Updated and Enhanced Compliance and Enforcement Manual

ADWR achieves compliance within the regulatory programs under its authority through increased education and public awareness efforts. To view the ADWR Compliance and Enforcement Manual. click here.

ADWR 2007 Compliance and Enforcement Report click here.

ADWR 2008 Compliance and Enforcement Report (January 1, 2008 through June 30, 2008) click here.

ADWR Compliance and Enforcement Report (July 1, 2008 through December, 31, 2008) click here

Arizona Water Atlas

Arizona Water Atlas Volumes 1 The Arizona Water Atlas is a compilation of currently available water-related information for the State of Arizona. To date, Volumes 1 - 8 are posted on this website. Atlas Volumes are posted in draft form in order to allow for review and comment by the public prior to finalization. Comments on all volumes must be received by October 31, 2008. Final versions of each volume will be posted in early 2009, along with Volume 9 – Water Sustainability Evaluation.


Arizona Land Subsidence Maps 

ADWR has developed land subsidence maps for all those areas around the State where ADWR collects, processes, and interprets Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data. ADWR’s InSAR program started in 2005 with a NASA Earth Science Grant. The program has been greatly enhanced through cooperative efforts and funding with numerous government and private water companies.

Home page last updated .





ADWR Director Herb Guenther

ADWR Director

Herb Guenther

Welcome to the Arizona Department of Water Resources, where our mission is to ensure a long-term, sufficient and secure water supply for the State. I hope you find this Web site provides you with easy access to information about the department, its programs and services.

Director's Biography

ADWR Annual Report 2008



ADWR Statewide Hydrologic Monitoring Program
ADWR is tasked with providing stewardship of the State’s precious and limited groundwater resources through active management and enforcement of the Arizona Groundwater Code. The Department’s Hydrology Division engages in a wide variety of ... More»

Check Your Water Supply

Arizona County Map
Click on your county for information about your water provider, assured and adequate water supplies, and information about watershed groups.


Fix A Leak Week

ADWR and EPA launched a major household conservation effort March 16 in Phoenix. Observe the leaks in your home and make the easy repairs. It saves you money  For more information go here


Join a Watershed Group
Click here for the Watershed Group Interactive Map with more detail on the 17 watersheds.
Arizona has 17 watershed groups and partnerships actively working on preserving and protecting our precious water resources.  Click on your area for information on a group in your area.

   ADWR Affiliates:

Arizona @ Your Service, Arizona Government Services, image links to

Small image of Arizona Governor Janice Brewer with small image of State Seal.  Image links to the Governor's Homepage at

Arizona Department of Water Resources
3550 N. Central Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85012

Effective November 28th, 2005, our location & Driving Directions to ADWR
ADWR privacy and web site

Phone: (602) 771-8500
Long Distance within Arizona: (800) 352-8488

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