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South Carolina

Award Number 08HQAG0010, Category 3: Fifty States Initiative

South Carolina GIS State Outreach

The goal of this project is to help increase coordination and cooperation throughout the state and build relationships with local government organizations through consensus building exercises. This will be accomplished through a series of facilitated meetings held throughout the state where local government organization will be invited to participate. A contractor with facilitation experience will be utilized in order to maximize the effectiveness of the meetings. The goal of the meetings will be to determine key barriers and challenges to participation in collaborative statewide GIS efforts. Following the meetings, the information gained will be used to produce a plan proposing what can be done in order to help remove said barriers and effect a positive change in the relationship between state and local GIS.

Interim Report

South Carolina Department of Natural Resources


Dr. Timothy De Troye, GISP
South Carolina GIS Coordinator
detroyet [at]

Gary Merrill, USGS Geospatial Liaison for South Carolina
glmerrill [at]

James D. Scurry, Ph.D.
South Carolina GIS Coordinator Technology Development Program Director
ScurryJ [at]

Link to more information about the 50 States Initiative