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Award Number 07HQAG0038, Category 3: Fifty States Initiative

Strategic and Business Plan Development in Support of the NSDI Future Directions Fifty States Initiative

The goal of this project is to further California’s Spatial Data Infrastructure Strategic Plan (CASDI). The resulting effort will facilitate the implementation of National Spatial Data Infrastructure while providing regional input from California’s 16 regional collaborative organizations in the strategic planning process.

This project will conduct a series of workshops for regional collaboratives. The workshops will provide regional input on the strategic goals, priorities, and implementation elements of the draft Strategic Plan, and develop reiterative mechanisms for their continued participation. Critical input from California’s 16 regional GIS collaboratives can be received, organized, and integrated into the existing draft CASDI Strategic Plan. It will facilitate development of mechanisms for broader inclusion of these groups, which are composed of representatives of California’s counties, city and tribal governments, federal and state GIS practitioners, private sector GIS users and vendors, the academic sector, non-profit organizations, utilities, and the general public.

This project will fund a vendor to facilitate and summarize the products of regional workshops. The workshops will include discussions for

(1) NSDI and the Fifty States Initiative Action Plan

(2) Strategic planning and the draft plan

(3) Additional strategies and priorities for developing a California Spatial Data Infrastructure.

Historically, GIS in California functions with greatest relevance at the regional level. No statewide strategic plan in a state this large and complex can be considered representative without integration of this regional experience, variation, and wisdom.

Final Report -- California GIS Strategic Plan -- PowerPoint Presentation

Interim Report -- Detailed Status Report from the contractor

California GIS Council
California Geographic Information Association (CGIA) 
CGIA Phase 2 Strategic Planning Project


Michael Byrne
mbyrne [at]

George White
gwhite [at]

Carol Ostegren, USGS Geospatial Liaison for California
costergren [at]

Link to more information about the 50 States Initiative