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Award Number 07HQAG0035, Category 3: Fifty States Initiative

Strategic and Business Plan Development in Support of the NSDI Future Directions Fifty States Initiative: Property Boundary Data – Capture and Integration Framework

The goal of this project is to produce sustainable technical and political architecture to capture and maintain the Sate of Maine property data at the parcel level. The resulting effort will facilitate the implementation of National Spatial Data Infrastructure by focusing on the delivery of statewide cadastral data while working with the local level governments, the holders of this geospatial information.

The GeoLibrary Board will update its 2002 Strategic Plan to bring this into alignment with formal NSGIC Coordination Criteria. Maine meets most of NSGIC criteria as a result of a long history of interagency and interjurisdictional GIS planning and implementation. Maine will direct activities toward coordination of local governments, academia and the private sector, as well as cultivating political champions to grow support for future geospatial initiatives. Sustainable funding sources will also be pursued. This effort will serve to fortify existing weaknesses. Because the utility of and need for this land records layer intersects such a wide cross section of the overall Maine geospatial user base, it will provide an unequaled opportunity to revisit the primary precepts of the 2002 study by focusing on delivery of a single data resource.

Maine RFP

Interim Report  --  MLGI Strategic Plan Summary

Maine Library of Geographic Information


Larry Harwood
larry.harwood [at]

Dan Walters, USGS Geospatial Liaison for Maine
danwalter [at]

Link to more information about the 50 States Initiative