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Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for two-thirds of all cardiovascular deaths (9s). It is generally acknowledged that coronary heart disease is a multifactorial process; that is, a variety of factors are involved in the development and clinical manifestations of this disease. Therefore, it is not a simple task to determine the etiology and time course of atherogenic development. In addition, the study of atherosclerosis is singularly difficult because no model in the experimental animal exactly replicates the human disease in physiological, morphological, and clinical detail. Investigations in human subjects are further limited by the inability to diagnose the disease in preischemic phases (44). Most studies of the pathology of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) have been based on autopsies by coroners or on hospital populations in which only a limited fraction of decedents have been examined. Individuals may show considerable variance in the degree of atherosclerosis identified at autopsy, limiting the value of retrospec- tive analysis (137). In 1971, the U.S. Government established the Task Force on Arteriosclerosis to assess research needs and to make recommenda- tions on priorities for future program plans in this area. Most of the recommendations of this task force have been implemented during the past decade, and important advances have been made in basic and clinical research (96'). Most important, major epidemiological associations of cardiovascular disease risk not only have been established, but also have been supported by examinations of the arterial wall itself, enabling an increased understanding of the basic mechanisms of disease processes. Research in cell and molecular biology has provided new informa- tion about the interaction of blood-borne components, such as cholesterol, with the arterial wall. Basic research regarding this risk will help to increase our understanding of the effects of other circulating components, such as inhaled cigarette smoke constitu- ents, and will elucidate the susceptibility of arterial cells to these effects. The most firmly established modifiable risk factors for atheroscle- rotic CVD are hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, and cigarette smoking. In addition to these, diabetes mellitus, lack of exercise, obesity, and type A behavior have all been suggested as contributors to the multifactorial process known as atherogenesis (82). The assessment of any risk factor, such as cigarette smoking, must be made within the constellation of other risks, i.e., susceptibility to disease that is predicted by multifactorial analysis (53, 82). In the case of cigarette smoking, we are faced with an extremely difficult effort in determining direct cause and effect phenomena that are attributable to single factors. Over 4,000 different com- pounds have been identified in tobacco smoke (45), and the determi- nation of the direct or indirect actions of each upon the arterial wall seems an impossible task. We will attempt, however, to examine the major components believed to be associated with increased risk for CVD and to remember the multiple risk factors that might be associated with the development of cardiovascular dysfunctions in cigarette smokers. The variety of possible pharmacological and toxicological implica- tions of smoke and its constituents-and the absence of firm proof of what mechanisms are precisely involved in the unequivocal cause and effect relationship between smoking and cardiovascular dis- ease--should not detract from our confidence in the epidemiological- ly and clinically irrefutable evidence of the cause and effect role of cigarette smoking in contributing importantly toward heart disease. Tobacco Smoke: Physical Nature and Chemical Composition Inside the burning cone of a cigarette, a variety of physical and chemical processes occur in an oxygendeficient, hydrogen-rich environment at temperatures up to 900oC. Two major regions for the smoke formation are primarily observed-the heat-producing com- bustion zone and the pyrolysisdistillation zone (II). The mainstream smoke (MS) is formed during puff drawing; the sidestream smoke (SS) is generated largely by the smoldering of the cigarette between puffs. Throughout this review, data are discussed relating to cigarette smoke generated by smoking machines, unless otherwise noted. The standard machine smoking parameters for cigarettes were primarily developed for comparing smoke yields obtained under identical conditions. Today, these smoking parameters do not reflect the smoking behavior of many of the cigarette smokers and especially not that of smokers of low-yield cigarettes who tend to draw puffs of greater volume more frequently (64, 68,145). The mainstream smoke of tobacco products represents a very dense aerosol. In the case of a cigarette without a filter tip, it contains about 5 x 10' spherical particles per milliliter. The size of the particles varies between 0.1 and 1.0 pm, with an average diameter of 0.4 pm (12). Three to eight percent of the weight of the total mainstream smoke of a cigarette without a filter tip is attributable to the particulate matter. The remainder consists of vapor phase components with nitrogen (So to 70 percent), oxygen (10 TABLE l.-Approximate number of smoke compounds identified in some major compound classes Compound class Number identified Amiden, imidea, lactonea Carboxylic acids LWtOneS Ektem Aldehydea KetOIlCS Alcohols Phenols Aminm N-Hetemcyclics Hydrocarbons Nit&n Anhydridee Carbohydridea Ethers Total SOURCE: Dube and Groeo W'J. 237 227 150 414 108 521 379 292 196 921 755 106 11 42 311 4,720 to 15 percent), carbon dioxide (10 to 15 percent), and carbon monoxide (3 to 6 percent) as major constituents (27,106). Of the more than 4,060 components identified in cigarette smoke, 400 to 500 are present in the vapor phase (27, 45). Table 1 lists some major classes of smoke components as recently recorded by Dube and Green (45). The total number of 4,720 in the table exceeds by far the total number of identified compounds because of repeated listing of the compounds that contain multifunctional groups. The acute toxicity of tobacco smoke is influenced not only by the chemical composition, aerosol concentrations, and particle sizes of the smoke, but also by the smoke pH. With a pH greater than 6.2, the smoke contains increasing amounts of unprotonated nicotine, which is the most toxic form of this habituating agent (Figure 1) (26). The unprotonated nicotine is at least partially present in the vapor phase and thus is likely to be more rapidly absorbed by the smoker (5). The U.S. cigarette is filled with a blend of tobaccos consisting of Bright, Burley, and Turkish types. Its mainstream smoke pH lies between 5.5 and 6.1. The smoke of cigarettes and cigars made up entirely of Burley or dark tobacco varieties has pH values of about 6.5 for the first puffs and up to 8.0 for the last puffs (2s). Sidestream smoke, which is formed between puff drawings, is freely emitted into the air from the smoldering tobacco products. The peak temperature in the burning cone of a cigarette during puff drawing is about 900oC and between puffs it is about 600oC (162). This is an important factor for the divergence of specific toxic agents generated in mainstream and sidestream smoke. Another major 207 FIGURE l.-Protonation of nicotine SNJRCJC Srunnemann and Hofimann LX9. difference is that the side&ream smoke leaving the site of formation is subjected to greater air dilution and faster temperature decline than is the mainstream smoke, which travels through the tobacco column and is then inhaled as a concentrated aerosol. These conditions for sidestream smoke generation favor formation of aerosol particles of smaller size (0.01 to 0.1 pm) than those occurring in the mainstream smoke (0.1 to 1.0 urn) (12). The pH of sidestream smoke of a U.S. blended cigarette varies between 6.7 and 7.5, compared with pH values of less than 6.2 for the mainstream smoke of the same cigarette (26). This sidestream smoke thus contains free nicotine, which is essentially absent in mainstream smoke. Further- more, during smoldering, sidestream smoke is generated in a zone that is even more oxygen deficient than the zones involved in mainstream smoke generation during puff drawing. Consequently, components that are primarily formed in a reducing atmosphere are released into the environment to a greater extent than those formed in mainstream smoke that is inhaled by the smoker. Table 2 lists the amounts of some selected toxic compounds in mainstream smoke and the ratios of undiluted sidestream smoke components to mainstream smoke components (691. The air dilution of sidestream smoke emitted into the atmosphere is, of course, a determining factor for any assessment of human exposure. Nonetheless, in risk assessment, consideration must also TABLE t.-Distribution of selected toxic compounds in cigarette mainstream smoke (MS) and sidestream smoke (SS) of nonfilter cigarettea Compound MS ss/Ms Gas phase Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide Formaldehyde Acmlein Acetone Pyridine SVinylpyridine Hydrogen cyanide Nitrogen oxidea (NW Ammonia N-NitrcsdimethyLemine N-Nitroeopyrrolidine Particulate phase lo-23 mg 2.M.l =mg a11 70-100 jig 0.1150 -100 )lg a15 lo&250 pg 2-5 20-4ow lo-20 1-w 20-40 -I@ 0.1-0.25 l~lG3 4-10 50-130 pg 4U-130 10-4oW 20-100 ma3 6-30 Particulate matter Nicotine Phenol Catechol Aniline 2-Toluidine 2Naphthylamine EZen$aJanthracene B-Mw=ne Quinoline N'-Nitmeonomicotine N-Nitmecdiethanolamine Nickel Polonium-210 1mmg 1.3-1.9 l-2.3 mg 2.63.3 ML120 pg 2.&3Jl 100-280 pg 0.M.9 3@Jng 30 l@J w 19 1.7 ng 30 2.0-7.0 ng 2-t mng 2.5-3.5 5f3w@30 ng 8-11 2@J-w@J w 0.53 2&70 ng 1.2 -ng 13-30 0.0345 pci ? SOURCE Hoffmann et al. ( 70). be given to the fact that nitrogen oxide (NO), emitted into the environment as a sidestream smoke component, is rapidly oxidized to the more toxic nitrogen dioxide (NOz) (27). Nicotine Chemistry A number of observations have supported the concept that nicotine is the major habituating agent in tobacco and tobacco smoke (90). In addition to nicotine, tobacco contains a large variety of other alkaloids, most of which are 3-pyridyl derivatives (Figure 2). In the blended U.S. cigarette, nicotine constitutes 85 to 95 percent of the total alkaloids. Its concentration in the leaf depends primarily on the tobacco type and variety, stalk position, and cultivating practices (140). A study on the fate of Wlabeled nicotine, added in the form of 209 a salt solution to the tobacco rod of a filter cigarette, revealed that 14.9 percent of labeled nicotine emerged in the mainstream smoke and 37 percent appeared in the sidestream smoke; 18.5 percent of Wnicotine was deposited in the butt, and the remainder (= 30 percent) was broken down into pyrolysis products (Table 3) (73). The major pyrolysis products of nicotine in MS and SS of cigarettes are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, 3-vinylpyridine, 3-methylpyridine, pyridine, myosmine, and 2,3'dipyridyl(130). In most countries, cigarettes have shown a gradual and significant reduction over the last three decades in the sales-weighted average delivery of nicotine. In the United States the sales-weighted average nicotine yields decreased from 2.7 mg in 1955 to 2 1.0 mg in 1982 (146). These nicotine reductions have been achieved primarily by technological modifications and perhaps some agricultural changes. The technological methods encompass extraction, oxidation or transformation of nicotine into less toxic compounds (91), formula- tion, and whole leaf curing. Reduction of nicotine delivery may be achieved by lowering the transfer of the alkaloid from tobacco into the smoke. This is accomplished by use of expanded tobacco laminae, adding leaf mid-veins and stems in the form of tobacco sheets (reconstituted tobacco), and by modifications of cigarette paper and by filtration (air dilution). From an agricultural standpoint, breeding lines have been developed with low levels of nicotine; however, these are not being used in commercial varieties at present (35). In 1982, about 90 percent of the U.S. cigarettes sold had filter tips made of cellulose or cellulose acetate or combinations of these with charcoal. Twenty-five percent of these filter cigarettes were perforat- ed to allow greater air dilution of the drawn smoke puffs. More recent filter construction utilizes longitudinal air channels in addition to perforation for maximal smoke dilution by air (70, 146). From the machine smoking of cigarettes, using standardized parameters of taking one puff per minute of 2 seconds' duration with a volume of 35 ml, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission reported in March 1983 that the nicotine values of 208 commercial brands ranged from ~0.05 to 2.0 mg per cigarette (146). However, many people who smoke these cigarettes derive very different levels of smoke components from them, primarily because nicotine delivery in the mainstream smoke influences human smoking behavior and causes many smokers of low-yield products to draw puffs more frequently, take larger puff volumes, and inhale more deeply. This phenomenon has been observed by determining the smoking profiles of individuals or by assaying nicotine and cotinine in the sera of smokers (64,65,127). Cigarette filter construction that allows partial occlusion of the perforations or air channels of the filter tip may also lead to delivery of higher concentrations of mainstream smoke (89). Nicotine in mainstream and sidestream smoke of tobacco products is 210 Nrcotine (loo-3,000 "g)l ?a' -Formylnornicotine (40-200 uq) Nornicotine (20-100 ug) CP 0 I N Anabasine (3-20 ug) Cotinine Nicotine-Xl-Oxide (9-57 ug) (n.d.)' N'-Acetylnornicotine (n-d.1 Nrcotyrine (