Bureau of Reclamation Mid-Pacific Region : NEPA
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Central California Area
Click for More Information 1. Folsom Dam Safety and Flood Damage Reduction EIS/EIR************************************************** 2. Folsom Dam Safety and Flood Damage Reduction Supplemental Environmental assessment/Initial Study 1. Reclamation seeks to improve public safety downstream of Folsom Dam by modifying the dam and its ...
Click for More Information American River Division Long Term Contract Renewal EIS Cumulative impacts...
Click for More Information Auburn State Recreational Area Resource Management Plan/General Plan EIS/EIR Auburn State Recreation Area, managed by California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), is loc...
Click for More Information Central California Area Office Building Replacement Project Environmental Assessment The Bureau of Reclamation is proposing the construction of new facilities at the Central California ...
Click for More Information El Dorado County Water Agency Proposed Water Service Contract EIS/EIR The proposed project consists of a water supply contract for the El Dorado County Water Agency under...
Click for More Information El Dorado Irrigation District Warren Act Contract Environmental Assessment - Ditch rights and Weber Reservoir The Bureau of Reclamation proposes to enter into a long-term (40-year) Warren Act contract with the ...
Click for More Information El Dorado Irrigation District Warren Act Contract Environmental Assessment - Project 184 The Bureau of Reclamation proposes to enter into a long-term (40-year) Warren Act contract with the ...
Click for More Information El Dorado Irrigation District's Pump Station Temperature Control Device Environmental Assessment Reclamation and EID plan to install a TCD on EID's existing water supply intake in Folsom Reservoir ...
Click for More Information Folsom Lake State Recreation Area General Plan/Resource Management Plan EIS/EIR Purpose is to guide long-term management of Folsom Lake State Recreation Area. Major issues are imp...
Click for More Information International Drive Extension Kilgore to Sunrise Project Initial Study/Environmental Assesment The City of Rancho Cordova (City) proposes to extend International Drive between its existing termin...
Click for More Information Mormon Island Auxiliary Dam Modification, Folsom Dam Safety of Dams EIS/EIR The purpose of the Proposed Action is to reduce the seismic and static risk of failure of Mormon Isl...
Click for More Information New Melones Resource Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement (RMP/EIS) The purpose of the RMP is to develop a framework for long-term management of recreation facilities a...
Click for More Information North Fork Trail Project EA/IS Placer County is proposing to construct a multiple-use trail with adequate parking and staging faci...
Click for More Information Old Camp 9 Bridge Removal EA Reclamation proposes to demolish and remove the Old Camp Nine Bridge and approaches to eliminate a p...
Click for More Information Sacramento Suburban Water District Warren Act Contract EA Purpose is to convey up to 29,000 acre-feet of Placer County Water Agency water per year to Sacramen...
Click for More Information Summary of Recent Categorical Exclusion Checklists Attached in the Documents section are the titles of Categorcal Exclusion Checklists for the Central ...
Click for More Information Visitor Services Plan for the Lake Berryessa Resource Area EIS Develop a Visitor Services Plan for the Lake Berryessa Resource Area. This will identify the type an...

Klamath Basin Area
Click for More Information Klamath Project Long-term Operations Plan EIS The proposed action, its purpose and need, and the scope of the EIS redefined in response to issues ...
Click for More Information Summary of recent categorical checklists Attached in the Documents section are the titles for any recent Categorcal Exclusion Checklists for ...
Click for More Information Upper Klamath Lake Fish Screen Program Draft Environmental Assessment Reclamation proposes to provide funding to Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to install fish sc...

Lahontan Basin Area
Click for More Information Below Derby Dam Low Flow Channel EA The project to be analyzed is augmenting the fishway at Derby Dam, Truckee River, east of Reno, Neva...
Click for More Information Conveyance of Non-Project Treated Effluent Water in Newlands Project Lower Deep Diagonal Drain Environmental Assessment Reclamation proposes to authorize the continued conveyance of up to 840 acre-feet per year of non-pr...
Click for More Information Fernley Right-of-Way Crossings Environmental Assessment The City of Fernley (City), Nevada is requesting Reclamation for permission to cross the TC-4 Latera...
Click for More Information Homestretch Geothermal Pilot Project EA Reclamation proposes to temporarily transfer water from Homestretch Energys geothermal plant to Wal...
Click for More Information Independence Lake Acquisition Environmental Assessment Reclamation is preparing an EA to analyze the action directed by Congress through Public Law 110-161...
Click for More Information Newlands Project Resource Management Plan (RMP) Reclamation will be preparing an environmental document for the purpose of evaluating options for ma...
Click for More Information Patua Bypass Road EA Reclamation has withdrawn land in Churchill County, Nevada, for the Newlands Project. Vulcan Power ...
Click for More Information Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Fisheries Improvement Environmental Assessment This project is funded under the Reclamation's Desert Terminal Lakes (DTL) Program created under Pub...
Click for More Information Summary of Categorical Exclusion Checklists through November 2008 Attached in the Documents section are the titles of recent Categorical Exclusion Checklists for the ...
Click for More Information Truckee River Operating Agreement EIS/EIR The action considered is implementation of the Truckee River Operating Agreement (TROA) in accordanc...
Click for More Information Truckee River Restoration Environmental Assessment Reclamation is co-lead with BLM for this NEPS project for the restoration of three sites on the lowe...
Click for More Information Walker River Basin Acquisition Program EIS The Walker River Basin Acquisition is funded under the Bureau of Reclamation's Desert Terminal Lakes...

Northern California Area
Click for More Information Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District Long-Term Water Transfer to the City of Shasta Lake EA Reclamation proposes to approve a lon-term water transfer of up to 140 acre-feet per year from the A...
Click for More Information Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District Long-Term Water Transfer to the Shasta Community Services District The proposed action is the long-term transfer of up to 464 acre-feet of Central Valley Project water...
Click for More Information Coleman National Fish Hatchery Water Intakes Rehabilitation Project EA/IS Reclamation and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) propose to modify water intakes and con...
Click for More Information Drumheller Slough and White Mallard Dam and Associated Diversion Project IS/EA White Mallard Dam would be modified to enhance water management and fish passage. Subsequent phases...
Click for More Information Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District Short-Term Water Transfer to the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority EA The proposed action is a short-term one-year transfer of up to 85,000 acre-feet of Central Valley Pr...
Click for More Information Orland Project - Construction of a Small Regulatory Reservoir Reclamation proposed to approve the Orland Unit Water Users'Association proposal to construct and us...
Click for More Information Red Bluff Diversion Dam Fish Passage Project EIS/EIR Objective is to improve fish passage, particularly for Spring-run Chinook, and improve the reliabili...
Click for More Information Stony Gorge Reservoir Fire Management Plan 2007 Environmental Assessment The Fire Management Plan (FMP) was developed to guide a range of fire management activities permitte...
Click for More Information Summary of Recent Categorical Exclusion Checklists Attached in the Documents section are the titles of recent Categorcal Exclusion Checklists for the N...
Click for More Information Trinity River Restoration Program - Completion of Phase 1 Channel Rehabilitation Projects with Planned Phase 2 Channel Rehabilitation and Sediment Management Projects Master EA/EIR The environmental document will consist of two parts: Part 1 will be a Master EIR to programmatical...
Click for More Information Trinity River Restoration Program: Lewiston-Dark Gulch Rehabilitation Project: Trinity River Mile 105.4 to 111.7 EA/EIR This mechanical channel rehabilitation project is one of those originally identified in the Interior...

Regional Office
Click for More Information American Basin Fish Screen and Habitat Improvement Project EIS/EIR. Project objectives include: Installing positive barrier fish screens to minimize the entrainment of ...
Click for More Information Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project EIS/EIR The proposed project is to restore approximately 48 miles of habitat in Battle Creek and its tributa...
Click for More Information Contra Costa Water District Alternative Intake Project EIR/EIS Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) relies entirely upon the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta for its sup...
Click for More Information Delta Mendota Canal (DMC) Recirculation Project EIS/EIR The objective of the DMC Recirculation Feasibility Study is to determine whether recirculation of ex...
Click for More Information Delta-Mendota Canal/California Aqueduct Intertie EIS The proposed Delta-Mendota Canal/California Aqueduct Intertie (Intertie)project consists of construc...
Click for More Information Environmental Water Account EIS/EIR (Short-Term EWA) The Environmental Water Account was established in the CALFED Programmatic EIS/EIR. The purpose of E...
Click for More Information Franks Tract Project EIR/EIS The Franks Tract Project would consist of the construction of one or more instream operable gates ar...
Click for More Information Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District Stony Creek Fan Aquifer Performance Testing Plan EA Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District (GCID) has been cooperating with neighboring water purveyors, the B...
Click for More Information Grassland Incremental Level 4 Groundwater Acquisition Pilot Project - Water Years 2008-2010 Environmental Assessment Under the proposed action, Reclamation would purchase up to approximately 10,000 acre-feet of water ...
Click for More Information Gray Lodge Wildlife Area, Agreement for the Reimbursement of Deep Well Pumping Costs between the United States and the State of California Bureau of Reclamation proposes to extend the performance period for the Agreement for the Reimbursem...
Click for More Information Long-Term Environmental Water Account EIS/EIR The Environmental Water Account (EWA) was established in the CALFED Programmatic EIS/EIR. The purpo...
Click for More Information Los Vaqueros Expansion Studies EIS/EIR(LVES) The objectives of the Los Vaqueros Expansion Studies are to develop water supplies for environmental...
Click for More Information Lower American River Salmonid Spawning Gravel Augmentation and Side-Channel Habitat Establishment Program (American River Steelhead and Salmon Habitat Restoration) EA/IS Reclamation proposes to add spawning gravel to the lower American River at seven sites from Nimbus D...
Click for More Information Lower Yuba River Accord EIS/EIR The Yuba Accord includes three separate but interrelated agreements that would result in enhancement...
Click for More Information Mendota Wildlife Area - Conveyance of Refuge Water Supply South San Joaquin Valley Study Area EA/IS Purpose is to provide infrastructure (conveyance capacity) to transport water supplies to refuges. ...
Click for More Information Meridian Farms Fish Screen Project EA/IS Reclamation proposes to provide funds from the Anadromous Fish Screen Program to allow Meridian Farm...
Click for More Information Middle Rosewood Creek Restoration Project, Implementation Area F Environmental Assessment The proposed project represents continued efforts to stabilize a portion of a watershed that has bee...
Click for More Information North of the Delta EIS/EIR The purpose of North of the Delta Offstream Storage is to investigate surface storage north of the D...
Click for More Information North San Pablo Bay Restoration and Reuse Project EIS/EIR The Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA) has worked with Congressman Thompson to introduce H.R. 1326, w...
Click for More Information North Sonoma County Agricultural Reuse Project (Title XVI), EIR/EIS The proposed Project is located in Sonoma County, in the vicinity of Santa Rosa, California. The So...
Click for More Information RD 2035 Fish Screen Diversion Project EA/IS Reclamation District 2035 proposes to construct a new 400 cfs pump station and flat plate-wedge-wire...
Click for More Information Reallocation of Refuge Water Supply from North of Delta Refuges to South of Delta Refuges Environmental Assessment The proposed action by Reclamation is to reallocate existing refuge supplies currently assigned to t...
Click for More Information Sacramento River Diversion Feasibility Study EIS/EIR (a.k.a. Sacramento River Water Reliability Study (SRWRS)) The purpose of the study is to develop a water supply plan that is consistent with the Water Forum o...
Click for More Information San Joaquin River Restoration Program Programmatic EIS/EIR Reclamation and the California Department of Water Resources propose to prepare a PEIS/EIR for the S...
Click for More Information San Luis Reservoir Low Point EIS/EIR The Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) has proposed the San Luis Reservoir Low Point Improvem...
Click for More Information Shasta Lake Water Resources Investigation EIS Reclamation is conducting a feasibility study including preparation of a decision document and envir...
Click for More Information Short-term Sacramento Valley Water Management Program EIS/EIR. The Short-term phase of the SVWM Program resolves water quality and water rights issues arising from...
Click for More Information South Delta Improvements Program EIS/EIR The SDIP is a joint California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and Reclamation project that cont...
Click for More Information Suisun Marsh Habitat Management, Preservation, and Restoration Plan Programmatic EIS/EIR Develop a regional plan for Suisun Marsh that balances implementation of the CALFED Program, the Sui...
Click for More Information Summary of Recent Categorical Exclusion Checklists Attached in the Documents section are the titles of recent Categorcal Exclusion Checklists for the R...
Click for More Information Upper San Joaquin River Basin Storage Project EIS/EIR The purpose of the study is to evaluate proposed actions to increase the storage of water from the S...
Click for More Information Upper Truckee River and Marsh Restoration Project EIS/EIS/EIR The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, California Tahoe Conservance and Reclamation are proposing a joi...
Click for More Information Upper Truckee River Restoration Project Middle Reaches 3 and 4 EA/IS/IEC The City of South Lake Tahoe with grant funding from the California Tahoe Conservancy and Reclamatio...
Click for More Information Westlands Water District Transfer of Stored Water to Semitropic Water District in 2008 - Environmental Assessment Westlands Water District has been participating in groundwater banking at Semitropic Water Storage D...

South-Central California Area
Click for More Information 2008 Conditional One Year Pre-approval of Transfers and Exchanges Between Friant and Cross Valley Long-Term CVP Contractors and Non-CVP Contractors The Bureau of Reclamation proposes to programmatically pre-approve transfers and exchanges of up to ...
Click for More Information Cachuma Lake Resource Management Plan EIS The purpose of the RMP is to establish management objectives, guidelines, and actions to be impleme...
Click for More Information Categorical Exclusion Checklist Summaries June 2008 Attached in the Documents section are the titles of recent Categorcal Exclusion Checklists for the S...
Click for More Information Chowchilla Water District - Annexation of Subordinate Lands Reclamation will approve the annexation of 3,393.62 acres of land to be included in Chowchilla Water...
Click for More Information Delta Lands Reclamation District 770 Long-term Warren Act Contract and License Reclamation proposes the execution of two legal instruments with the Delta Lands Reclamation Distric...
Click for More Information Delta-Mendota Canal 2008 Approval of One-Year Temporary Warren Act Contracts for the Conveyance of Non-CVP Water 2008 Reclamation proposes to issue one-year temporary Warren Act Contracts to requesting Central Valley ...
Click for More Information Fresno County Central Valley Project Service Area Boundary Change EA Reclamation proposes to approve the County of Fresno's Central Valley Project (CVP) service area bou...
Click for More Information Grassland Bypass Project, 2010-2019 EIS/EIR The Bureau of Reclamation and the San Luis & Delta Mendota Water Authority propose implementing a ne...
Click for More Information Installation and Rehabilitation of Stream Gages on the San Joaquin River Environmental Assessment Reclamation proposes to rehabilitate and retrofit the existing stream gage stations at the bifurcati...
Click for More Information Ivanhoe Irrigation District to Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District, Partial Assignment of CVP Contract and Associated water Supply Reclamation proposes to approve the partial assignment of 1,200 acre-feet per year (af/yr) of Class ...
Click for More Information Kern-Tulare Water District and Rag Gulch Water District Contract for Conveyance of Non-Central Valley Project Water 2008 Reclamation proposes to execute a one-year Warren Act Contract for 2008 to convey 20,000 acre-feet o...
Click for More Information Lake Casitas Resource Management Plan EIS Resource Management Plan for Federal lands associated with the Casitas Dam and Lake Casitas, Ventura...
Click for More Information Lindsay-Strathmore Irrigation District One-Year Warren Contract, Kaweah River (Wutchumna) Water Supply 2008 Only Reclamation proposes to enter into a temporary Warren Act Contract for one year with Lindsay-Strathm...
Click for More Information Long-term Contract Renewal for Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency, Santa Clara Valley Water District and Westlands Water District's portion of the Mercy Springs Water District Contract Assignment - EA In 1999, Reclamation approved a contract assignment for a portion of the Mercy Springs long-term con...
Click for More Information Long-term Renewal of CVP Contracts - San Felipe Division EA EA is being developed to evaluate the effects of renewal of long-term CVP contracts for Zone 6 of Sa...
Click for More Information Madera Irrigation District One-Year Warren Act Contract and Additional Point of Delivery into Fresno County Water Works #18 2008 Only Reclmation proposes to execute a one-year Warren Act Contract with Madera Irrigation District (MID) ...
Click for More Information Madera Irrigation District Pilot Recharge and Recovery Project at Madera Ranch Supplemental EA Reclamation proposes to award a Water 2025 Challenge grant to MID for their Pilot Recharge and Recov...
Click for More Information Madera Irrigation District Water Supply Enhancement Project EIS/EIR Madera Irrigation District (MID)proposes to construct a groundwater bank on the property known as Ma...
Click for More Information Millerton Lake Resource Management Plan and General Plan Programmatic EIS/EIR The plan will establish management objectives, guidelines and actions to protect water supply and qu...
Click for More Information North Kern Water Storage District Permit for the Temporary Bridge Crossing of the Friant-Kern Canal at Shellabarger Road EA Reclamation proposes to issue a Transportation and Utility Systems and Facilities on Federal Lands p...
Click for More Information Poso Creek LLC: Execution of One Year Temporary Water Service Contracts for Groundwater Banking Reclamation proposes to execute a series of one-year temporary water service contracts with Poso Cre...
Click for More Information Renewal of Interim Water Service Contracts through February 28, 2010 Reclamation proposes to renew 15 interim water service contracts for a two-year period from March 1,...
Click for More Information San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors Water Authority, 25-Year Water Transfer Project, Environmental Assessment/Initial Study The EA/IS evaluates the transfer of up to 20,000 acre-feet of substitute water from the Exchange Con...
Click for More Information San Luis Reservoir and Los Banos Creek State Recreation Area Joint General Plan and Resource Management Plan Programmatic EIS/EIR Purpose is to establish management objectives, guidelines, and actions to be implemented to protect ...
Click for More Information San Luis Unit Long Term Contract Renewal EIS EIS evaluating the effects of the renewal of 9 San Luis Unit Contractors long-term CVP water contrac...
Click for More Information San Luis Unit Water Service Interim Renewal Contracts 2008 - 2011 The purpose of the proposed action is to execute seven San Luis Unit interim renewal contracts for u...
Click for More Information Santa Clara Conduit Shutdown, Inspection and Repair Project Environmental Assessment Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) proposes to implement routine and preventative maintenance...
Click for More Information Santa Clara Valley Water District Pipeline Maintenance Program for the Pacheco and Santa Clara Conduits and Tunnels The Santa Clara Valley Water District is proposing a Pipeline Maintenance Program (PMP) for their 14...
Click for More Information South Coast Conduit Upper Reach Reliability Project EIS/EIR Reclamation and the Cachuma Operations and Maintenance Board propose to construct a redundant pipeli...
Click for More Information Tulare Irrigation District In-Basin Exchange with Consolidated Peoples Ditch Company and Farmers Ditch Company Reclamation proposes to approve a long-term exchange of up to 40,000 AF/y of Tulare Irrigation Distr...
Click for More Information Water Conservation Field Service Grant to the Henry Miller Reclamation District EA Reclamation proposes to award a Water Conservation Field Service Grant to the Henry Miller Reclamati...
Click for More Information Westands Water District Storage and Return of CVP Water in Semitropic Water Storage District Westlands Water District (WWD) would bank up to 50,000 acre-feet of their 2008 allocated Central Val...
Click for More Information Westlands Water District and Westlands Water District Distribution District #1 Warren Act Contracts for Placer County Water Agency Water Environmental Assessment Reclamation proposes to enter into one-year Warren Act contracts with Westlands Water District (WWD)...
Click for More Information Westside Parkway Bridge Construction on Reclamation Right-of-Way Environmental Assessment Reclamation proposes to issue permits to the City of Bakersfield to construct the Westside Parkway B...
Click for More Information Wind Warning Light Upgrade at San Luis Reservoir State Recreation Area Environmental Assessment Reclamation proposes to retrofit four existing wind warning lights (WWL) and to install a new WWL at...