Bacterial Kidney Disease - Challenge for the 21st Century

November 15-17, 2005
Museum of History and Industry
Seattle, WA

Bacterial kidney disease (BKD), caused by Renibacterium salmoninarum, continues to be a limiting factor for the successful culture of salmonids, especially Pacific salmon. Over the past thirty years significant resources have been invested in finding ways to control this problem. The development of new molecular tools has made available innovative approaches for management and, perhaps, prevention of BKD. This two and one half day conference will bring together experts to report on and examine the latest research and management techniques used to deal with this important pathogen and recommend the next steps that need to be taken. Included among the presentations will be a session devoted to the R. salmoninarum Genome Sequencing Project.

Meeting Wrapup

The conference was attended by over 80 people, with participants from the U. S., Canada, Iceland, and Norway -- if I've forgotten a country, let me know! A variety of organizations were represented, including federal, state, and national resource agencies and laboratories, local utility districts, and private industry.

My thanks to everyone who participated. I also thank the members of the steering and planning committee and session chairs for organizing the scientific talks (all listed here). I thank all the sponsors for their financial support. I thank Aquaseed and Per Heggelund for their help with conference registrations, and especially Esther Lockwood of Aquaseed who really handled everything from registration checks, name badges, to the catering. And of course, I thank the members of the NWFSC Microbiology Program who pitched in when it looked like I was going to melt down as the day of the conference approached!

Most of the presentations given during the conference are contained within as pdf slide shows with the permission of the presenters. Any use of this information or photos contained within them should also be by permission with the appropriate attribution. In addition, the conference abstracts can be downloaded here.

-Mark Strom (mark.strom @

Organizing Committee and Session Chairs
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