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Public Affairs Services include...
Acronyms A listing of Acronyms relating to Reclamation and its mission. If possible, we have linked to the actual information.
All Reclamation areas All Reclamation recreation areas.
All Recreation The Federal source for all Recreational information and more such as Auto Touring, Biking, Boating Camping Climbing Historic/Cultural Sites Educational Programs Fishing Fish Hatcheries Hiking Horseback Riding Hunting Lodging Off-Highway Vehicle Access Recreational Vehicles Museum/Visitors Centers Water Sports Wildlife Viewing Winter Sports
Central Valley Project (CVP) Main website for the CVP - The Central Valley Project (CVP) was originally conceived as a State project to protect the Central Valley from crippling water shortages and devastating floods. The basic concept and facilities of today's massive project were included in the State Water Project formulated in the 1930's. In the depression era, however, the State was unable to finance the project. Most of the water development envisioned by the State was accomplished by the Federal CVP, beginning with its initial authorization in 1935. Work began in 1937 with the Contra Costa Canal which began delivering water in 1940. The next facility built was Shasta Dam, the keystone of the project. Work on the dam began in 1938, and water storage started even before its completion in 1945. Congress subsequently passed 13 separate measures to authorize the development of other major project facilities over the next 3 decades. The final dam, New Melones, was completed in 1979.
Central Valley System-wide water Management Program Trifold information and invitation for participation for a joint technical investigation - Natural Heritage Institute
Commercial Use Commercial use of public lands and property. The following information applies to the Mid-Pacific Region for commercial photography and filming on Reclamation lands and waters.
Contract Renewals Sacramento River Settlement Contractors - Renewal Contract Effort
CVPIA Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA) In one of its last actions of the session, the 102nd Congress passed multipurpose water legislation which was signed into law October 30, 1992. Previously referred to as H.R. 429, Public Law 102-575 contains 40 separate titles providing for water resource project throughout the West.
DWR & Other agency links California Department of Water Resources DWR and other agency websites included are: State Agencies, Water Agencies, Associations, Local Water districts and US Army Corps of Engineers
Folsom-South Canal Recreation Trail Detailed information about the paved service roadway which is also used as the Folsom South Recreation Trail. Map shows the road as it parallels the canal from Nimbus Dam to Sloughhouse road
History, Reclamation Reclamation's history program attempts to assist Reclamation and non-Reclamation researchers in efficient completion of research work. The experience of history program staff is provided regarding records, their location, and their uses. The senior historian also provides a history perspective to records management activities when consulted by the responsible offices within Reclamation.
Hydrilla - A serious Water weed Problem Trifold describing the Hydrilla water weed problem
Managing for Excellence August issue of the progress report Managing for Excellence
MP Region Overview Quick Info card 4x11 containing thumbnail information about Reclamation, Our Laws, mission and other overviews
News, Reclamation News Releases and other information for Reclamation
Performance Measures Bureau of Reclamation performance data relating to the ExpectMore.gov database and website. The Federal Government is working to ensure its programs perform well. At ExpectMore.gov, they provide you information about where we have been successful and where we fall short. All Federal Agencies are included at ExpectMore.gov
Recreation Areas A automobile style pocket map of all Recreational areas within the Bureau of Reclamation
San Joaquin Basin Action Plan A tri-fold informative map regarding the Cooperative Restoration Program
San Luis Drainage San Luis Drainage Feature Re-evaluation Dated June 2005. This Briefing Booklet Provides and overview of the history and status of the Feature Re-evaluation from it's comception to the develoipment of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement
The Grassland Wetlands Excellent color production identifying California's Largest Wetland Treasure color pamphlet
The Past Belongs To All Of Us Full color map folded brocure defining and describing cultural Resources on Reclamation lands
Trinity River Restoration Program Publication for the Trinity River Restoration Program The Summary of the United States secretary of the Interior Record of Decision (ROD) dated December 19, 2000
Year in Review Mid-Pacific Region Year in Review (2007)

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Bureau of Reclamation,
Mid-Pacific Region

2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento CA  95825-1898
Main (916) 978-5100   |   FAX (916) 978-5114   |   TDD (916) 978-5608

Reclamation Officials' Telephone Numbers

January 27, 2009

Non-interactive MP Region map relative to the rest of the Western USA States

Fact Sheets
Public Involvement