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 Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Program 
  La Verkin Springs Unit

Upper Colorado Regional Office

Washington County, Utah

General Description

 The La Verkin Springs Unit is located on the Virgin River in southwestern Utah.  The springs flow at a rate of 11.5 cubic feet per second with a salinity of 9,650 mg/L.  The springs contribute an estimated 109,000 tons of salt per year.  Reclamation has evaluated several alternatives for the unit, but has not yet found a feasible method of salinity control.

In 1981, Reclamation suspended further studies and prepared a concluding report on the unit.  Simultaneously, with the development and submittal of the concluding report, the Washington County Water Conservancy District and the State of Utah were approached with a proposal from a private consultant that indicated total evaporation with claylined ponds may make the La Verkin Springs Project cost effective.  Based on the information from the private consultant, the project was reinitiated in 1983.

Alternatives developed within the La Verkin Springs Unit 1981 Concluding Report were reanalyzed along with new alternatives.  The reanalysis was based on geologic data from

1983 field studies, updated and refined hydrologic data, and feasibility grade designs prepared during the previous study.  A preliminary findings report was prepared in 1984 and recommended the study be discontinued because of poor cost effectiveness.  No project has been built.

See other Basinwide Salinity Control Projects.


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