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EPA Metadata Editor (EME)

The EPA Metadata Editor (EME) was developed to simplify and standardize geospatial metadata development across the Agency. It allows users to create and edit geospatial metadata records that meet the EPA Geospatial Metadata Technical Specification and Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM) requirements.

The EME version 3.0 is the current version of the EME. It was released on October 31, 2008.

Available Downloads:

EME Announcements:

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's About PDF page to learn more about PDF, and a link to the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

You may also need to have software to "unzip" some of these files. You can find more information about such software at the ZIP page on WikipediaExit EPA Disclaimer or other sources. However, EPA does not endorse any particular product, service or enterprise.

Steps for Installing and Using the EME:

  1. Make a copy of your EME 2.1 database (if it exists on your computer)
  2. Uninstall EME 2.1 (if it exists on your computer)
  3. Check for requirements
    1. ArcGIS 9.2 Service Pack 2
    2. .NET Feature for ArcGIS
    3. Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
  4. Download the EME
    1. Read the 'EMESetup-Readme' (Text document, 5KB)
    2. Install the EME
  5. Configure ArcGIS
    1. Select the EME as the default editor
    2. Disable ESRI tags
  6. Start Using the EME
    1. Enable the metadata tool bar
    2. Open the EME by clicking 'Edit Metadata'
    3. Configure settings
    4. Edit record and validate

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Why won't the EME install?
  2. Why won't the EME uninstall?
  3. Why am I getting an error message stating "Error creating process..." while trying to install .NET 2.0?
  4. Can I install .NET 2.0 along with another version of the .NET framework?
  5. Where can I find the location where I can install the .NET support feature for ArcGIS?
  6. Why can't everyone who logs into my computer get access to the EME?
  7. Why do I get an access denied error when I run the EPA Validator?
  8. Why do I have 100 validation errors in my file?
  9. Why am I getting out of memory errors?
  10. I'm trying to create metadata for an xml data file (not an xml metadata record). When I click on my data that is stored in xml and try to open the EME, it keeps crashing. What am I doing wrong?
  11. Why don't my validation results show up formatted correctly?
  12. What's new in EME 3.0?
  13. Why am I seeing a 'Not Implemented' message in my ArcCatalog metadata tab?
  14. Why am I getting the error "Could not find part of the path 'C:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\EPA Metadata Editor\last_session.xml" and how can I fix it?

EME Training Resources:

Other Metadata Editors:

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