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Subpart B—Rules of Practice for Proceedings

  AUTHORITY:  12 U.S.C. 3332, 3335, 3347, and 3348(c).

§ 1102.20 Authority, purpose, and scope.

  (a)  Authority. This subpart is issued under sections 1103, 1106, 1118 and 1119(c) of title XI of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA) (
12 U.S.C. 3332, 3335, 3347, and 3348(c)).
  (b)  Purpose and scope. This subpart prescribes rules of practice and procedure governing non-recognition proceedings under section 1118 of title XI (12 U.S.C. 3347); and other proceedings necessary to carry out the purposes of title XI under section 1119(c) of title XI (12 U.S.C. 3348(c)).

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.20]

[Source:  Section 1102.20 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31650, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992, amended at 57 Fed. Reg. 35004, August 7, 1992]

§ 1102.21 Definitions.

  As used in this subpart:
  (a)  Subcommittee or ASC means the Appraisal Subcommittee of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, as established under section 1011 of title XI (
12 U.S.C. 3310).
  (b)  Party means the ASC or a person, agency or other entity named as a party, including, when appropriate, persons appearing in the proceeding under § 1102.22 of this subpart.
  (c)  Respondent means any party other than the ASC.
  (d)  Secretary means the Secretary of the ASC under its Rules of Operation.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.21]

[Source:  Section 1102.21 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31650, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992]

§ 1102.22 Appearance and practice before the Subcommittee.

  (a)  By attorneys and notice of appearance. Any person who is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of any State or of the District of Columbia, or of any possession, territory, or commonwealth of the United States, may represent parties before the ASC upon filing with the Secretary a written notice of appearance stating that he or she is currently qualified as provided in this paragraph and is authorized to represent the particular party on whose behalf he or she acts.
  (b)  By non-attorneys. An individual may appear on his or her own behalf. A member of a partnership may represent the partnership, and an officer, director or employee of any government unit, agency, institution, corporation or authority may represent that unit, agency, institution, corporation or authority. The partner, officer, director or employee must file with the Secretary a written statement that he or she has been duly authorized by the partnership, government unit, agency, institution, corporation or authority to act on its behalf. The ASC may require the representative to attach to the statement appropriate supporting documentation, such as a corporate resolution.
  (c)  Conduct during proceedings. All participants in a proceeding shall conduct themselves with dignity and in an orderly and ethical manner. The attorney or other representative of a party shall make every effort to restrain a client from improper conduct in connection with a proceeding. Improper language or conduct, refusal to comply with directions, use of dilatory tactics, or refusal to adhere to reasonable standards of orderly and ethical conduct constitute grounds for immediate exclusion from the proceeding at the direction of the ASC.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.22]

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[Source:  Section 1102.22 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31650, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992]

§ 1102.23 Formal requirements as to papers filed.

  (a)  Form. All papers filed under this subpart must be double-spaced and printed or typewritten on 8 1/2" x 11" paper. All copies shall be clear and legible.
  (b)  Caption. All papers filed must include at the head thereof, or on a title page, the name of the ASC and of the filing party, the title and/or docket number of the proceeding and the subject of the particular paper.
  (c)  Party names, signatures, certificates of service. All papers filed must set forth the name, address and telephone number of the attorney or party making the filing, must be signed by the attorney or party, and must be accompanied by a certification setting forth when and how service has been made on all other parties.
  (d)  Copies. Unless otherwise specifically provided in the notice of proceeding or by the ASC during the proceeding, an original and one copy of all documents and papers shall be furnished to the Secretary.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.23]

[Source:  Section 1102.23 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31651, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992]

§ 1102.24 Filing requirements.

  (a)  Filing. All papers filed with the ASC in any proceeding shall be filed with the Secretary, Appraisal Subcommittee, 2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., suite 200, Washington, D.C. 20037.
  (b)  Manner of filing. Unless otherwise specified by the ASC, filing may be accomplished by:
    (1)  Personal service;
    (2)  Delivering the papers to a reliable commercial courier service, overnight delivery service, or to the U.S. Post Office for Express Mail delivery; and
    (3)  Mailing the papers by first class, registered, or certified mail.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.24]

[Source:  Section 1102.24 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31651, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992]

§ 1102.25 Service.

  (a)  Methods; appearing party. A serving party, who has made an appearance under § 1102.22 of this subpart, shall use one or more of the following methods of service:
    (1)  Personal service;
    (2)  Delivering the papers to a reliable commercial courier service, overnight delivery service, or to the U.S. Post Office for Express Mail delivery; and
    (3)  Mailing the papers by first class, registered, or certified mail.
  (b)  Methods; non-appearing party. If a party has not appeared in the proceeding in accordance with § 1102.22 of this subpart, the ASC or any other party shall make service by any of the following methods:
    (1)  By personal service;
    (2)  By delivery to a person of suitable age and discretion at the party's last known address;
    (3)  By registered or certified mail addressed to the party's last known address; or
    (4)  By any other manner reasonably calculated to give actual notice.
  (c)  By the Subcommittee. All papers required to be served by the ASC shall be served by the Secretary unless some other person shall be designated for such purpose by the ASC.
  (d)  By the respondent. All papers filed in a proceeding under this subpart shall be served by a respondent on the Secretary and each party's attorney, or, if any party is not so
{{8-17-92 p.8590.33}}represented, then upon such party. Such service may be made by any of the appropriate methods specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.25]

[Source:  Section 1102.25 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31651, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992]

§ 1102.26 When papers are deemed filed or served.

  (a)  Effectiveness. Filing and service are deemed effective:
    (1)  For personal service or same-day commercial courier delivery, upon actual delivery; and
    (2)  For overnight commercial delivery service, U.S. Express Mail delivery, or first class, registered, or certified mail, upon deposit in, or delivery to, an appropriate point of collection.
  (b)  Modification. The effective times for filing and service in paragraph (a) of this section may be modified by the ASC in the case of filing or by agreement of the parties in the case of service.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.26]

[Source:  Section 1102.26 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31651, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992]

§ 1102.27 Computing time.

  (a)  General rule. In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by this subpart, the date of the act, event or default from which the designated period of time begins to run is not included. The last day so computed is included, unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday, in which event the period runs until the end of the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or Federal holiday. Intermediate Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal holidays shall not be included in the computation.
  (b)  For service and filing responsive papers. Whenever a time limit is measured by a prescribed period from the service of any notice or paper, the applicable time periods are calculated as follows:
    (1)  If service is made by first class, registered or certified mail, add three days to the prescribed period; and
    (2)  If service is made by express mail or overnight delivery service, add one day to the prescribed period.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.27]

[Source:  Section 1102.27 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31651, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992]

§ 1102.28 Documents and exhibits in proceedings public.

  Unless and until otherwise ordered by the ASC or unless otherwise provided by statute or by ASC regulation, all documents, papers and exhibits filed in connection with any proceeding, other than those that may be withheld from disclosure under applicable law, shall be placed by the Secretary in the proceeding's public file and will be available for public inspection and copying at the address set out in
§ 1102.24 of this subpart.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.28]

[Source:  Section 1102.28 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31651, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992]

§ 1102.29 Conduct of proceedings.

  (a)  In general. Unless otherwise provided in the notice of proceedings, all proceedings under this subpart shall be conducted as hereinafter provided.
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  (b)  Written submissions. All aspects of the proceeding shall be conducted by written submissions only, with the exception of oral presentations allowed under
§ 1102.36 of this subpart.
  (c)  Disqualification. A Subcommittee member who deems himself or herself disqualified may at any time withdraw. Upon receipt of a timely and sufficient affidavit of personal bias or disqualification of such member, the ASC will rule on the matter as a part of the record and decision in the case.
  (d)  User of ASC staff. Appropriate members of the ASC's staff who are not engaged in the performance of investigative or prosecuting functions in the proceeding may advise and assist the ASC in the consideration of the case and in the preparation of appropriate documents for its disposition.
  (e)  Authority of Subcommittee Chairperson. The Chairperson of the ASC, in consultation with other members of the ASC whenever appropriate, shall have complete charge of the proceeding and shall have the duty to conduct it in a fair and impartial manner and to take all necessary action to avoid delay in the disposition of proceedings in accordance with this subpart.
  (f)  Conferences. (1)  The ASC may on its own initiative or at the request of any party, direct all parties or counsel to meet with one or more duly authorized ASC members or staff at a specified time and place, or to submit to the ASC or its designee, suggestions in writing for the purpose of considering any or all of the following:
      (i)  Scheduling of matters, including a timetable for the information-gathering phase of the proceeding;
      (ii)  Simplification and clarification of the issues;
      (iii)  Stipulations and admissions of fact and of the content and authenticity of documents;
      (iv)  Matters of which official notice will be taken; and
      (v)  Such other matters as may aid in the orderly disposition of the proceeding, including disclosure of the names of persons submitting affidavits or other documents and exhibits which may be introduced into the public file of the proceeding.
    (2)  Such conferences will not be recorded, but the Secretary shall place in the proceeding's public file a memorandum summarizing the results of the conference and shall provide a copy of the memorandum to each party. The memorandum shall control the subsequent course of the proceedings, unless the ASC for good cause shown by one or more parties to the conference, modifies those results and instructs the Secretary to place an amendatory memorandum to that effect in the public file.
  (g)  Changes or extensions of time and changes of place of proceeding. The ASC, in connection with initiating a specific proceedings under § 1102.32 of this subpart, may instruct the Secretary to publish in the Federal Register time limits different from those specified in this subpart, and may, on its own initiative or for good cause shown, issue an exemption changing the place of the proceeding or extending any time limit prescribed by this subpart, including the date for ending the information-gathering phase of the proceeding.
  (h)  Call for further briefs, memoranda, statements; reopening of matters. The ASC may call for the production of further information upon any issue, the submission of briefs, memoranda and statements (together with written responses), and, upon appropriate notice, may reopen any aspect of the proceeding at any time prior to a decision on the matter.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.29]

[Source:  Section 1102.29 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31651, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992, amended at 57 Fed. Reg. 35004, August 7, 1992]

§ 1102.30 Rules of evidence.

  (a)  In general. (1)  Except as is otherwise set forth in this section, relevant, material and reliable evidence that is not unduly repetitive is admissible to the fullest extent
{{8-17-92 p.8590.35}}authorized by the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 551 et seq.) and other applicable law.
    (2)  Evidence that would be admissible under the Federal Rules of Evidence is admissible in a proceeding conducted under this subpart.
    (3)  Evidence that would be inadmissible under the Federal Rules of Evidence may be deemed or ruled admissible in a proceeding conducted under this subpart if such evidence is relevant, material, reliable and not unduly repetitive.
  (b)  Stipulations. Any party may stipulate in writing as to any relevant matters of fact, law, or the authenticity of any relevant documents. The Secretary shall place such stipulations in the public file, and they shall be binding on the parties.
  (c)  Official notice. Every matter officially noticed by the ASC shall appear in the public file, unless the ASC determines that the matter must be withheld from public disclosure under applicable federal law.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.30]

[Source:  Section 1102.30 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31652, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992]

§ 1102.31 Burden of proof.

  The ultimate burden of proof shall be on the respondent. The burden of going forward with a prima facie case shall be on the ASC.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.31]

[Source:  Section 1102.31 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31652, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992]

§ 1102.32 Notice of Intention To Commence a Proceeding.

  The ASC shall instruct the Secretary or other designated officer acting for the ASC to publish in the Federal Register a Notice of Intention To Commence A Proceeding (Notice of Intention). The Notice of Intention shall be served upon the party or parties to the proceeding and shall commence at the time of service. The Notice of Intention shall state the legal authority and jurisdiction under which the proceeding is to be held; shall contain, or incorporate by appropriate reference, a specific statement of the matters of fact or law constituting the grounds for the proceeding; and shall state a date no sooner than 25 days after service of the Notice of Intention is made for termination of the information-gathering phase of the proceeding. The Notice of Intention also must contain a bold-faced warning respecting the effect of a failure to file a Rebuttal or Notice Not To Contest under § 1102.33(d) of this subpart. The ASC may amend a Notice of Intention in any manner and to the extent consistent with provisions of applicable law.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.32]

[Source:  Section 1102.32 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31652, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992]

§ 1102.33 Rebuttal or Notice Not To Contest.

  (a)  When required. A party to the proceeding may file either a Rebuttal or a Notice Not to Contest the statements contained in the Notice of Intention or any amendment thereto with the Secretary within 15 days after being served with the Notice of Intention or an amendment to such Notice. The Secretary shall place the Rebuttal or the Notice Not To Contest in the public file.
  (b)  Requirements of Rebuttal; effect of failure to deny. A Rebuttal filed under this section shall specifically admit, deny or state that the party does not have sufficient information to admit or deny each statement in the Notice of Intention. A statement of lack of information shall have the effect of a denial. Any statement not denied shall be deemed to be admitted. When a party intends to deny only a part or a qualification of a statement, the party shall admit so much of it as is true and shall deny only the remainder.
{{8-17-92 p.8590.36}}
  (c)  Notice Not To Contest. A party filing a Notice Not To Contest the statement of fact set forth in the Notice of Intention shall constitute a waiver of the party's opportunity to rebut the facts alleged, and together with the Notice of Intention and any referenced documents, will provide a record basis on which the ASC shall decide the matter. The filing of a Notice Not To Contest shall not constitute a waiver of the right of such party to a judicial review of the ASC's decision, findings and conclusions.
  (d)  Effect of failure to file Rebuttal or Notice Not To Contest. Failure of a party to file a response required by this section within the time provided shall constitute a waiver of the party's opportunity to rebut and to contest the statements in the Notice of Intention and shall constitute authorization for the ASC to find the facts to be as presented in the Notice of Intention and to file with the Secretary a decision containing such findings and appropriate conclusions. The ASC, for good cause shown, will permit the filing of a Rebuttal after the prescribed time.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.33]

[Source:  Section 1102.33 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31652, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992]

§ 1102.34 Briefs, memoranda and statements.

  (a)  By the parties. Until the end of the information-gathering phase of the proceeding, any party may file with the Secretary a written brief, memorandum or other statement providing factual data and policy and legal arguments regarding the matters set out in the Notice of Intention. The filing party shall simultaneously serve other parties to the proceeding with a copy of the document. No later than ten days after such service, any party may file with the Secretary a written response to the document and must simultaneously serve a copy thereof on the other parties to the proceeding. The Secretary will receive documents and responses and will place them in the public file.
  (b)  By interested persons, in non-recognition proceedings. Until the end of the information-gathering phase of a proceeding under section 1118 of FIRREA (
12 U.S.C. 3347), any person with a demonstrable, direct interest in the outcome of the proceeding may file with the Secretary a written brief, memorandum or other statement providing factual data and policy and legal arguments regarding the matters set out in the Notice of Intention. The ASC's Chairperson or his or her designee may not accept any such written brief, memorandum or other statement if the submitting person cannot demonstrate a direct interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Upon acceptance of the written brief, memorandum or other statement, the Secretary shall make copies of the document and forward one copy thereof to each party to the proceeding. No later than ten days after such service, any party may file with the Secretary a written response to the document and must simultaneously serve one copy thereof on the other parties to the proceeding. The Secretary will place a copy of such briefs, memoranda, statements and responses in the public file.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.34]

[Source:  Section 1102.34 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31652, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992]

§ 1102.35 Opportunity for informal settlement.

  Any party may at any time submit to the Secretary, for consideration by the Subcommittee, written offers or proposals for settlement of a proceeding, without prejudice to the rights of the parties. No offer or proposal shall be included in the proceeding's public file over the objection of any party to such proceeding. This paragraph shall not preclude settlement of any proceeding by the filing of a Notice Not To Contest as provided in § 1102.33(c) or by the submission of the case to the ASC on a stipulation of facts.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.35]

[Source:  Section 1102.35 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31653, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992]

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§ 1102.36 Oral presentations.

  (a)  In general. A party does not have a right to an oral presentation. Under this section, a party's request to make an oral presentation may be denied if such a denial is appropriate and reasonable under the circumstances. An oral presentation shall be considered as an opportunity to offer, emphasize and clarify the facts, policies and laws concerning the proceeding.
  (b)  Method and time of request. Between the commencement of the proceeding and ten days before the end of the information-gathering phase, any party to the proceeding may file with the Secretary a letter requesting that the Secretary schedule an opportunity for the party to give an oral presentation to the ASC. That letter shall include the reasons why an oral presentation is necessary.
  (c)  ASC processing. The Secretary must promptly forward the letter request to the Chairman of the ASC. The Chairman, after informally contacting other ASC members and the ASC's senior staff for their views, will instruct the Secretary to forward a letter to the party either: Scheduling a date and time for the oral presentation and specifying the allowable duration of the presentation; or declining the request and providing the reasons therefor. The party's letter request and the ASC's response will be included in the proceeding's public file.
  (d)  Procedure on presentation day. On the appropriate date and time, the party or his or her attorney (if any) will make the oral presentation before the ASC. Any ASC member may ask the party or the attorney, as the case may be, pertinent questions relating to the content of the oral presentation. Oral presentations will not be recorded or otherwise transcribed. The Secretary must enter promptly into the proceeding's public file a memorandum summarizing the subjects discussed during the oral presentation.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.36]

[Source:  Section 1102.36 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31653, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992]

§ 1102.37 Decision of the Subcommittee and judicial review.

  At a reasonable time after the end of the information-gathering phase of the proceeding, but not exceeding 35 days, the ASC shall issue a final decision, containing specified terms and conditions as it deems appropriate, in the matter and shall cause the decision to be published promptly in the Federal Register. The final decision shall be effective on issuance. The Secretary shall serve the decision upon the parties promptly, shall place it in the proceeding's public file and shall furnish it to such other persons as the ASC may direct. Pursuant to the provisions of chapter 7 of title 5 of the U.S. Code and section 1118(c)(3) of title XI of FIRREA (
12 U.S.C. 3348(c)(3)), a final decision of the ASC is a prerequisite to seeking judicial review.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.37]

[Source:  Section 1102.37 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31653, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992]

§ 1102.38 Compliance activities.

  (a)  Where, from complaints received from members of the public, communications from Federal or State agencies, examination of information by the ASC, or otherwise, it appears that a person has violated, is violating or is about to violate title XI of FIRREA or the rules or regulations thereunder, the ASC staff may commence an informal, preliminary inquiry into the matter. If, upon such inquiry, it appears that one or more allegations relate to possible violations of regulations administered by another agency or instrumentality of the Federal Government, then the matter shall be referred to that agency or instrumentality for appropriate action. The ASC, pursuant to its responsibilities under section 1103(a)(2) of title XI (
12 U.S.C. 3332(a)(2)) and section 1119(c) of title XI (12 U.S.C. 3348)), shall monitor the matter. If, upon inquiry, it appears that one or more allegations are within the
{{8-17-92 p.8590.38}}ASC's jurisdiction, then the ASC, in its discretion, may determine to commence a formal investigation respecting the matter and shall instruct the Secretary to create a public file for the formal investigation. The Secretary shall place in that file a memorandum naming the person or persons subject to the investigation and the statutory basis for the investigation.
  (b)  Unless otherwise instructed by the ASC or required by law, the Secretary shall ensure that all other papers, documents and materials gathered or submitted in connection with the investigation are non-public and for ASC use only.
  (c)  Persons who become involved in preliminary inquiries or formal investigations may, on their own initiative, submit a written statement to the Secretary setting forth their interests, positions or views regarding the subject matter of the investigation. Upon request, the staff, in its discretion, may advise such persons of the general nature of the investigation, including the indicated violations as they pertain to them and the amount of time that may be available for preparing and submitting such a statement prior to the presentation of a staff recommendation to the ASC. Upon the commencement of a formal investigation or a proceeding under this subpart, the Secretary shall place any such statement in the appropriate public file.
  (d)  In instances where the staff has concluded its inquiry of a particular matter and has determined that it will not recommend the commencement of a formal investigation or a proceeding under this subpart against a person, the staff shall advise the person that its inquiry has been terminated. Such advice, if given, must in no way be construed as indicating that the person has been exonerated or that no action may ultimately result from the staff's inquiry into the particular matter.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.38]

[Source:  Section 1102.38 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31653, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992]

§ 1102.39 Duty to cooperate.

  In the course of the investigations and proceedings, the ASC (and its staff, with appropriate authorization) must provide parties or persons ample opportunity to work out problems by consent, by settlement, or in some other manner.

[Codified to 12 C.F.R. § 1102.39]

[Source:  Section 1102.39 added at 57 Fed. Reg. 31653, July 17, 1992, effective August 17, 1992]

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