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FDIC Law, Regulations, Related Acts

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4000 - Advisory Opinions

Savings Association Display of Official Eagle Logo
October 23, 1989
Scott Birdwell, Attorney

  Thank you for your letter of September 8, 1989 asking for clarification of the display of new insurance logos. Our regulations require that a savings association shall display the official eagle logo at each teller station or window where insured deposits are usually and normally received in its principal place of business and at all of its branches. For example, this would include a "new accounts" desk where customers open new accounts and deposits are accepted. Nothing in our regulations requires the display of the logo on the front doors though you may do so if you wish.
  The nameplate you enclosed would not be sufficient, by itself. It may, however, be used in addition to the official logo which is 51/8" and must appear at each teller station. In addition, signs in other sizes, colors or materials may be displayed in other locations within your institution.
  I hope that I have answered your questions to your satisfaction. Please call me at (202) 898-3511 or write if I can be of further assistance.

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