Oklahoma State University: The STATE's University
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University Catalog

Posted 7/31/08
Catalog breakdown:
Academic Calendar
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education/
Board of Regents for Oklahoma State University/A&M Colleges
OSU System Executive Team / Academic Deans
The University
Institutional Diversity
Undergraduate Admissions
Degree Programs
New Student Orientation
Office of the Registrar
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Tuition, Fees and Cost Estimates
Academic Enrichment Programs
Special Academic Programs, Services and Facilities
Student Services
University Police Services
Regents Resolution on Disruption of the Educational Process /
Student Rights and Responsibilities
OSU Alumni Association / OSU Foundation
OSU-Oklahoma City / OSU Institute of Technology / OSU-Tulsa
University Academic Regulations
College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Education
College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology
College of Human Environmental Sciences
William S. Spears School of Business
Center for Health Sciences
Center for Veterinary Health Sciences
University Faculty
Graduate College Academic Calendar
Graduate College
Graduate Faculty
Course Listings

Archived Catalogs

The OSU Catalog provides information about the academic programs, policies and support services of the University. While the information in the catalog is accurate at the time of publishing, the information may not remain current for the entire academic year. Circumstances may prompt changes in courses, course content, credit, fees, regulations, semester calendar, curriculum, degrees offered, and other University matters. Periodic updates will be provided via this website.

The OSU Catalog is provided to new students in the form of a CD, free of charge, during their new student orientation session prior to their first semester at OSU.

Order a University Catalog

Anyone wishing to purchase a printed copy of the University Catalog may do so by contacting the OSU Student Union Bookstore. The domestic rate is $8.00 (includes $5.00 for the Catalog and $3.00 for first class/priority postage).
The international rate is USD ($5.00 for the Catalog plus actual postage costs).

Visit or contact the Student Union Bookstore at:

Student Union Bookstore
104 Student Union
Stillwater, OK 74078
(405) 744-5237 or 1-800-831-4678

The State's University
Office of the Registrar - Stillwater | Stillwater, OK 74078 | 405.744.6876
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