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Illinois NSDI GIS Data and Standards Coordination System Demonstration Project

Award Number G09AC00080, Category 7: Demonstration of Geospatial Data Partnerships across Local, State and Federal Government

This project will design and implement all of the components necessary to accomplish the following:

  • Enhance the Northeastern Illinois County GIS Cooperative Program (NEIL) GIS data standards so that they can be used to provide vertically and horizontally integrated NSDI compliant data for transportation, structures, and boundary data layers covering DuPage County.
  • Create a prototype of an “Illinois NSDI GIS Data and Standards Internet Portal” that would include the following features:
  1. An Internet data server capable of providing access by the public to all NSDI compliant district boundary, structure, and transportation datasets covering DuPage County for eventual integration into a national database.
  2. FGDC Metadata for all datasets.
  3. A production system for the data that will upload revised data on a published schedule and run QA/QC tests on the data to verify compliance with current NSDI standards.
  4. Documentation for the system that will provide any county within the State of Illinois with the procedures needed to develop NSDI compliant GIS Framework datasets and metadata for these three categories of data, and a list of the resources and procedures required to serve this data on the Internet.
  5. A Wikipedia style web site and digital maps that will provide real time reports to end users of the data and standards including the status of the NSDI compliant DuPage County data, the contact information for the DuPage County GIS data producers, and current information on national, state, and local NSDI data and standards development work.

To accomplish the creation of this prototype, DuPage County will partner with staff of the Illinois State Geological Survey, a Division of the Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC INRS).  The UIUC INRS staff will provide their expertise developed in the creation and maintenance of the Illinois GIS Data Clearinghouse to help develop this new "Illinois NSDI GIS Data and Standards Coordination System".

DuPage County, Illinois Department of Information Technology, GIS Division


William Faedtke
wfaedtke [at]

William M. Syversen
Bill.Syversen [at]

Shelley Silch, USGS Geospatial Liaison for Illinois
ssilch [at]