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Award Number 06HQAG0108, Category 3: Fifty States Initiative

The goal of Oklahoma Fifty States Project is to define and develop a strategic and business plan for the Oklahoma Geographic Information Council that compliments national, regional, State and local efforts. This will be done by conducting a detailed study of the existing Council’s mission, its short and long-term goals and its relationship to GIS efforts across the field. The study will involve assessing the current status of the Council efforts and include input from a variety of geographic information entities from State, regional, tribal, and local agencies in both the public and private sectors. Throughout the study, goals and objectives will be created that will act as benchmarks for the Council to judge its work or future activities and measure the progress that it is making toward meeting its goals. Use of the NSGIC templates to establish a clear plan for the future of the Council in Oklahoma will ensure national compatibility. The strategic and business plan will be instrumental in the development of a business case to fund the Office of Geographic Information as well as the new State Geographic Information Coordinator.

Final Report

Strategic and Business plan for the Oklahoma (Feb. 9, 2007)

Interim Report

Oklahoma Geographic Information Council

Dr. Mike Sharp
(405) 521-2384
mikes [at]

Other key Contacts:

Shellie Willoughby
(405) 521-2384
shelliew [at]

Mike Sexton
(405) 815-5189
mike_sexton [at]

Mark Gregory
(405) 744-9603
gmark [at]

Link to more information about the 50 States Initiative