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Preparing for an Uncertain Climate
Volume II
By the US Congress,
Office of Technology Assessment
October 1993






See also
Volume I

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 See also Volume I

GPO stock #052-003-01357-6
NTIS order #PB94-134657
Report cover

Full Report ~9457K
Front Matter ~263K
Table of Contents ~225K

1: Synthesis, Summary and Policy Options ~1016K
Chapter 1 References ~765K
2: A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources ~1205K
Chapter 2 References ~603K
3: Global Change Research in the Federal Government ~886K
Chapter 3 References ~343K
4: Wetlands ~1055K
Chapter 4 References ~630K
5: Preserves: Federally Protected Natural Areas ~1423K
Chapter 5 References ~822K
6: Forests ~1557K
Chapter 6 References ~593K

A: List of Tables and Figures ~222K
B: Acknowledgments ~228K
Index ~1027K

 See also Volume I


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