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Home > Industry Analysis > Research & Analysis > Causes of the S&L Crisis: Bibliography

Causes of the S&L Crisis: Bibliography

Barth, James R., The Great Savings and Loan Debacle, Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute Press, 1991.

Benston, George J., An Analysis of the Causes of Savings and Loan Failures, Monograph Series in Finance and Economics No. 1985-4/5, New York: Salomon Brothers Center for the Study of Financial Institutions, 1985.

Bird, Anat, Can S&Ls Survive?: The Emerging Recovery, Restructuring & Repositioning of America's S&Ls, Chicago: Probus Publishing Co., 1993.

Brumbaugh, R. Dan Jr., The Collapse of Federally Insured Depositories: The Savings and Loans as Precusor, New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1993.

Economic Effects of the Savings and Loan Crisis: A CBO Study, Washington, DC: Congressional Budget Office, 1992.

Ely, Bert and Vicki Vanderhoff, Lessons Learned from the S&L Debacle: The Price of Failed Public Policy, Lewisville, TX: Institute for Policy Innovation, 1991.

Kane, Edward J., Measuring the True Profile of Taxpayer Losses in the S&L Insurance Mess, College of Business Working Paper Series No. 92-53, Columbus, OH: Ohio State University, 1992.

Kanes, Edward J., The S&L Insurance Mess: How did it Happen?, Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press, 1989.

Kaufman, George G., The Savings and Loan Rescue of 1989: Causes and Perspective, Working Paper Series on Regional Economic Issues No. WP-89-23, Chicago: Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 1989.

Origins and Causes of the S&L Debacle: A Blueprint for Reform: A Report to the President and Congress of the United States, Washington, DC: National Commission on Financial Institution Reform, Recovery and Enforcement, 1993.

Resolving the Thrift Crisis: A CBO Study, Washington, DC: Congressional Budget Office, 1993.

The Savings and Loan Industry: Genesis to Exodus, New York: Bear Stearns and Co., 1989.

Schumer, Charles E., Catastrophe in the Thrift Industry: An Analysis of its Causes and a Reassessment of its Scope: A Study by the Office of U.S. Congressman Charles E. Schumer, Washington, DC: U.S. GPO, 1988.

Strunk, Norman and Fred Case, Where Deregulation Went Wrong: A Look at the Causes Behind Savings and Loan Failures in the 1980's, Chicago: United States League of Savings Institutions, 1988.

White, Lawrence J., The S&L Debacle: Public Policy Lessons for Bank and Thrift Regulation, New York: Oxford University Press, 1991.

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