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Black Hills Digital Mapping Association - Bringing People Together – GIS Coordination, Cooperation, and Learning

Award number 05HQAG0122, Category 3: Geographic Information Coordination

The purpose of the grant was to provide funds to sponsor a two-day GIS conference (May 2-3, 2006) in Rapid City, South Dakota. Planning for this meeting was organized by the Association’s Board of Directors, which includes two officers (President and Secretary/Treasurer) and seven Representatives (Federal Government, Local Government, State Government, Academic, Tribal, Private Sector, and Member-at-Large Representatives). The focus of the conference design includes speaker presentations and training related specifically to National Spatial Data Infrastructure priorities, including metadata documentation, standards implementation, and GIS community framework development. The grant has the following specific goals:

  • Serve as a model for other geospatial organizations in South Dakota and surrounding region to follow regarding interagency coordination and cooperation.
  • Increase membership involvement in the Association.
  • Provide a forum for multi-agency cooperation and involvement related to spatial technologies and implementation in South Dakota and demonstrate the existing interagency coordination capabilities of the Association.
  • Improve data access and use by disseminating information on available data sources.
    Increase participation in national geospatial data programs by presenting information on these programs and how they can benefit government agencies.
  • Provide education and training opportunities to conference attendees, specifically in the areas of metadata documentation and standards implementation.
Final Report

Black Hills Digital Mapping Association


Jenifer Sorensen, Black Hills Digital Mapping Association
(605) 641-2581
jensorensen [at]

Other Contact:

J. Foster Sawyer, Black Hills Digital Mapping Association
(605) 394-2229
foster.sawyer [at]