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Federal Geographic Data Committee

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FGDC Subcommittees

Active Subcommittees

Current Work Plan
Latest Status Report
Chair Person
Chair Phone
Cadastral 07 Workplan  06 Report Don Buhler, Department of the Interior / BLM 202-452-7781
Cultural & Demographic Data 08 Workplan  07 Report Randy Fusaro, Department of Commerce / Census 301-763-1118
Federal Geodetic Control 07 Workplan  07 Report Juliana Blackwell, Department of Commerce / NGS 301-713-3222
Geologic not provided  not provided David R. Soller, Department of the Interior / USGS 703-648-6907
International Boundaries & Sovereignty  not provided  06 Report Ray Milefsky, Department of State, Office of the Geographer 202-647-1205
Marine and Coastal Spatial Data 08 Workplan
 07 Report Tony LaVoi, NOAA / Coast Services Center 843-740-1274
Spatial Water Data 07 Workplan  06 Report Bob Pierce, Department of the Interior / USGS 770-409-7708

08 Workplan

 06 Report Dr. Ralph Crawford, Department of Agriculture / FS 703-605-5253
Wetlands 07 Workplan  06 Report Bill Wilen, Department of the Interior / FWS 703-358-2278

Ad Hoc Subcommittees

Subcommittee Current Work Plan Latest Status Report Chair Person Chair Phone
Address Content Data Standard 06Workplan  [Street Address Data Standard Executive Summary
[Street Address Data Standard Presentation]
[Street Address Data Standard Dictionary Summary]
 Martha Lombard  205-616-0205

Inactive Subcommittees

Subcommittee Chair Person Chair Phone
Base Cartographic Data Hedy Rossmeissl, Department of the Interior / USGS 703-648-5577
Soils    [07 Workplan] [06 Report] Jennifer Sweet , Department of Agriculture / NRCS 817-509-3421
Spatial Climate Jan Curtis, Department of Agriculture/NRCS 503-414-3017
Transportation Mark Bradford, Bureau of Transportation Statistics / BTS 202-366-6810