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Online Geospatial Metadata Resources

The following online metadata resources are maintained by NSDI stakeholders:

Geospatial Metadata General Education

see also FGDC Geospatial Metadata

Resources for Metadata Trainers

see also NSDI Training

Geospatial Metadata Listserver

Metadata Publishing and Clearinghouses

see also Geospatial One-Stop portal
and Geospatial Data & Services

Content Standard for Geospatial Metadata

see also FGDC Geospatial Metadata Standards

Sample Metadata

Search for samples of metadata by data type at:

Metadata Tool Reviews

see also FGDC Geospatial Metadata Tools

Metadata Creation Software

see also FGDC Geospatial Metadata Tools

Freeware/Shareware tools

  • tkme - Windows-based tool developed and actively maintained by Peter Schweitzer of the USGS Geology Discipline. Supports the biological, shoreline, and remote sensing profiles/extensions.
  • xtme - Unix-based version of tkme.
  • MetaScribe - Online utility for creating a custom metadata entry form (template) for the collection of highly similar metadata from individual or multiple participants. Developed and maintained by the NOAA Coastal Services Center.
  • MERMAid - Online utility for creating, editing, validating, storing and exporting metadata records via the NOAA Coastal Data and Development Center. Supports the biological and shoreline profiles.
  • Metavist 2005 - Stand-along metadata creation and editing tool developed by the USDA Forest Service North Central Research Station.

Commercial tools

  • ArcCatalog - ESRI’s ArcGIS internal data management tool.
  • SMMS (GeoMedia) - Intergraph’s GeoMedia internal data management tool.
  • SMMS (stand-alone) - Stand-alone desk-top version of SMMS GeoMedia that does not require the installation of Intergraph GeoMedia software.

Metadata Validation Software and Services

see also FGDC Geospatial Metadata Tools

Freeware/Shareware tools

  • Metadata Parser (mp) - Available as a Windows, Unix, and Linux utility that checks for conformance to CSDGM specified conditionality, formats, and element domains.
  • Chew-N-Spit (cns) - A metadata pre-parser designed to convert poorly formatted metadata into a record that can be parsed by mp or read by tkme/xtme. 
  • Geospatial Metadata Validation Service - An online version of mp that will review and report errors for metadata uploaded in indented text, XML, and SGML formats
  • MP Batch - A downloadable free utility developed by Intergraph that allows users to run mp as a batch process.

Keyword Thesauri and Attribute Label Definition Sources