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Past Announcements:
• Effective 2-1-08, B6CBAF1/Cr (01B13) is unavailable.
• Effective 2-15-08, CD2F1/Cr (01B11) is unavailable.
Reduction in NCI Maintained Strains/Stocks
Start of NCI BALB/cAnN colony from NIH
• CD2F1/Cr mice available
C3H/HeJCr 3/05 update
C3H/HeJCr 4/05 update
New BALB/c Substrain
Nomenclature - Inbred Mice


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Animal Production Program

  01C30 C3H/HeN-MTV-
(C3H/H;C3H Heston)

Origin: See C3H/HeN-MTV+ - 12. The process of hysterectomy breaks the vertical transmission of the MTV but not that of the Nodular inducing virus (NIV), thus the hysterectomy derived C3H/HeN mice automatically become MTV-, i.e., they do not carry the MTV. The MTV- group is rederived from the MTV+ at intervals in order to keep the two groups genetically comparable.

+, C, rd
Agouti (wild type)

Car-2b, Ce-2b, Es-1b, Es-3c, Es-10b, Gpd-1b, Gpi-1b, Gusb, Hbbd, Idh-1a, Lva, Mod-1a, Mup-1a, Pep-3b, Pgm-1b, Trfb
Hc1, H-2Dk, H-2Kk, Lyb-2b, Lyt-1a, Lyt-2a, Lyt-3b, Thy-1b, Tlab.

Notes: Information from references that do not specify MTV+ or MTV- is listed here unless the MTV was obviously present.
    Neoplastic (Spontaneous):
  • Mammary tumor incidence 5% (726)
    Neoplastic (Induced):
  • Latency period of skin tumor development after induction by ultraviolet light or benzo(a)pyrene was considerably shortened in mice treated with immunosuppressive agents. (120)
  • Benzo(a)pyrene induced more fibrosarcomas in C3H mice than in DBA/2 mice, and simultaneous application of 7, 8-benzoflavone caused a greater increase in tumor incidence in C3H mice; however, 1, 1, 1-trichloropropene-2, 3-oxide plus benzo(a)pyrene induced a higher incidence of fibrosarcomas in DBA/2 mice. (781)
  • 3-Methylcholanthrene induced brain tumors in 71%. (404)
    Non-Neoplastic (Induced):
  • Susceptibility to Herpes simplex virus-1 was 100-fold that of C3H/HeJ, and resistance to Salmonella typhimurium was 1000 times that of C3H/HeJ. (598)
Other Characteristics
  • Expression of XenCSA is high on both thymic and splenic lymphocytes. (488)
  • Susceptibility to mouse hepatitis virus 3. (405)
  • Concanavalin A is a potent allergen in this strain. (468)
  • Immune response (pfc) to dinitrophenyl-bovine serum albumin is high. (321)
  • NK cells, monocytes, and peritoneal macrophages possess natural cytotoxic activity selective for tumor and virus transformed cells at a significantly higher lever than C3H/HeJ. (727)
  • Lipopolysaccharide treatment produces a serum amyloid A (SAA) inducer in macrophages which when passively administered to C3H/HeJ induced production of serum amyloid A and of an acute phase SAA response. (677)
  • C3H/HeN mice exhibit a several hundred-fold increase in SAA concentration at the peak of an acute phase response to endotoxin, in contrast to C3H/HeJ, which do not produce a significant SAA response to E. Coli K235 lipopolysaccharide (LPS). (451)
  • A tumor associated transplantation antigen expressed by several transplacentally induced lung tumors of C3HfeB/HeN mice (H-2kb) is not expressed in normal tissues of this strain, but is expressed in normal tissues of C3H/HeN mice. (324)
  • No significant MLR or graft-vs-host response between C3H/HeN and C3H/HeJ, and reciprocal skin grafts are not rejected. (599)
  • Low producers of interferon after NDV induction. (696)
  • Unresponsive to pertussis HSF. (778,500)
  • Many backcross male mice resulting from matings of (CBA/N X C2H/HeN)F, mice X CeH/HeN mice are unresponsive, in vitro, to thymus-independent-1 (Tl-1) antigens as well as to Tl-2 antigens, do not exhibit proliferative responses to several B-cell nitrogens, and have an abnormality in the mlgD:mlgM ratio on B lymphocytes which is substantially more striking than that of CBA/N. (066)
  • Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase is inducible by 3-methylcholanthrene and other polycyclic hydrocarbons. The “responsive” Ahb allele is present. (404,403)
  • Lactose synthetase activity in mammary glands was controlled by thyroid hormones in tissue explants, 3, 5, 3’-triiodo-L thyronine addition to epithelial cells fro m euthyroid mammary glands overcame a dependence on DNA synthesis for differentiation in response to insulin, hydrocortisone, and prolactin, and for synthesis of active o-lactalbumin. DNA synthesis before differentiation was not required for epithelial cells from hyperthyroid mice. (761)
  • Choline Kinase activity of mammary glands is low in virgins, increases during pregnancy, and becomes maximum during lactation. Cultivation of tissue explants with insulin, cortisol, and prolactin induced ultrastructural and biochemical changes associated with development of mammary gland during pregnancy and lactation. (518)
  • The excellent correlation between diazepam occupancy of benzodiazepine receptor sites and protection against penthylenetetrazol-induced seizures provides a model for drug treatment of convulsions and seizures (535)
  • Survival time was significantly shortened by the intraperitoneal, bu not oral, administration of benzo(a)pyrene. (737)