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346 Titles Match Your Query
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1. Physical/Chemical Data for Shannon Point Marine Center 1974-1979 [spmc_waterquality_70]
Water Quality Physical/Chemical Data for the Shannon Point Marine Center is available. Data includes Temperature, Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen, ...

2. Physical/Chemical Data for Shannon Point Marine Center 1980-1989 [spmc_waterquality_80]
Water Quality Physical/Chemical Data for the Shannon Point Marine Center is available. Data includes Temperature, Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen, ...

3. Physical/Chemical Data for Shannon Point Marine Center 1990-1998 [spmc_waterquality_90]
Water Quality Physical/Chemical Data for the Shannon Point Marine Center is available. Data includes Temperature, Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen, ...

4. Antarctic High Resolution Vertical Profiles (CTD) and Current & Meter Moorings [AWI-OCDB_Anta]
The Ocean-Circulation Database comprises a collection of hydrographic data gathered during various expeditions to the Southern Ocean initiated by the Alfred-Wegener-Institute. ...

5. CTD and Moored Current Meter and Hydrographic Measurements in the Southern Weddell Sea [ROPEX-98]
This data set consists of data from ~120 CTD profiles collected over the southern Weddell Sea during the ROPEX-98 cruise on HMS Endurance, and data ...

6. Fluorescent Dye Tracer Studies of the Coastal Mixing and Optics (CMO) Program from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) [CMO_WHOI_DYE_MIXING]
As part of the Coastal Mixing and Optics (CMO) Program, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) performed tracer studies using fluorescent dyes to study ...

7. Aurora Australis Southern Ocean oceanographic data, cruise au9604 [au9604]
Oceanographic measurements were conducted along a series of meridional and zonal sections along the Antarctic continental shelf and slope region between 80 and 150 deg.E, from January ...

8. North Pole Environmental Observatory Aerial CTD Survey [ARCSS088]
This data set includes conductivity, temperature, depth (CTD), pressure, salinity, potential temperature, and density data, which were collected yearly, 2000 to 2006, in the Arctic Ocean ...

9. CO2, Hydrographic, and Chemical Data Obtained During the R/V Thomas Washington Cruise TUNES-1 in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean, CDIAC/NDP-062 [CDIAC_NDP062]
[Summary adopted from the NDP-062 documentation] The Numeric Data Package NDP-062 consists of measurements of total ...

10. TOGA COARE Workshop Integrated Dataset [COARE_asf_tcwids]
The TOGA COARE Data Information System is responsible for distributing all information related to TOGA COARE. Link to: "". ...

11. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, AM01 Seabird MicroCAT CTD moorings at three depths in ocean cavity beneath the shelf [ASAC_1164_AM01_MicroCAT]   PARENT DIF
AM01 borehole drilled January 2002. Data being collected at annual re-visits to site. Consult Readme file for detail of data files and ...

12. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, AM02 CTD mooring data [ASAC_1164_AM02_MicroCAT]   PARENT DIF
AM02 borehole drilled December 2000. 3 x Seabird 37IM CTD units moored long term in ocean cavity beneath the shelf. Data for 2001, and ...

13. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, 2005-06 - AM04 FSI-CTD profile data [ASAC_1164_AM04_CTD]   PARENT DIF
AM04 borehole drilled January 2006. Data collected in series of casts over a period of 4 days following completion of borehole. Consult Readme file ...

14. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, 2005-06 - AM04 caliper data [ASAC_1164_AM04_caliper]   PARENT DIF
AM04 borehole drilled January 2006. Profiling measurements conducted to test borehole diameter integrity.

15. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, AM03 Seabird MicroCAT CTD moorings at three depths in ocean cavity beneath the shelf [ASAC_1164_AM03_MicroCAT]   PARENT DIF
AM03 borehole drilled December 2005. Data being collected at annual re-visits to site. Consult Readme file for detail of data files and ...

16. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, AM04 Brancker thermistor data [ASAC_1164_AM04_Brancker]   PARENT DIF
AM04 borehole drilled January 2006. Annual data retrieved for 2006, and 2007. Consult Readme file for detail of data files and formats.

17. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, AM04 Seabird MicroCAT CTD moorings at three depths in ocean cavity beneath the shelf [ASAC_1164_AM04_MicroCAT]   PARENT DIF
AM04 borehole drilled January 2006. Data being collected at annual re-visits to site. Consult Readme file for detail of data files and ...

18. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, 2005-06 - AM03 FSI-CTD profile data [ASAC_1164_AM03_CTD]   PARENT DIF
AM03 borehole drilled December 2005. Data collected in series of casts over a period of 5 days following completion of borehole. Consult Readme file ...

19. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, AM03 Brancker thermistor data [ASAC_1164_AM03_Brancker]   PARENT DIF
AM03 borehole drilled December 2005. Partial annual data retrieved for 2006, and 2007. Consult Readme file for detail of data files and formats.

20. Ice shelf - ocean interaction in the cavity beneath the Amery Ice Shelf [ASAC_1164]   CHILD DIFs
---- Public Summary from Project ---- Most of the snow falling on inland Antarctica drains via large ice streams and floating ice shelves to the sea where it lost by iceberg calving or ...

21. National Estuarine Research Reserve System-Wide Water Quality Monitoring Program [noaanosnerr_d_nerrparent]   CHILD DIFs
Water quality monitoring is conducted, for all 22 National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) sites, at two locations within or adjacent to the Reserve. These two locations monitor a reference ...

22. Underway voyage data collected from Australian Antarctic Division chartered ships [underway_ship_data]   CHILD DIFs
Australian Antarctic Division chartered vessels routinely collect environmental information as they move around the Southern Ocean. The type of data collected varies depending on the vessel ...

23. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, 2000-01 - AM02 borehole CTD profile data [ASAC_1164_AM02_CTD]   PARENT DIF
AM02 borehole drilled December 2000. Several CTD profiles obtained in 360 m wide ocean cavity beneath 373 m thick ice shelf. Consult Readme file for detail ...

24. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, 2000-01 - AM02 borehole drilling data [ASAC_1164_AM02_Drilling]   PARENT DIF
AM02 borehole drilled December 2000. Logging files collected during drilling operations including water pressure, temperature adn flow rate, as well as drill speed and depth. ...

25. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, 2000-01 - AM02 seawater and sediment samples, plus AWS data [ASAC_1164_AM02_Other]   PARENT DIF
AM02 borehole drilled December 2000. Several Niskin water bottle samples collected in ocean cavity. 1.44 m sediment core collected from seafloor at 780 m below sea level. ...

26. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, 2001-02 - AM01 [ASAC_1164_AM01]   CHILD DIFs   PARENT DIF
AM01 borehole drilled mid-January 2002. Profiling measurements conducted over a period of one week. Long term monitoring instruments installed 2002-01-16. AM01b ...

27. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, 2001-02 - AM01 FSI-CTD profile data [ASAC_1164_AM01_CTD]   PARENT DIF
AM01 borehole drilled January 2002. Data collected in series of casts over a period of 5 days following completion of borehole. Consult Readme file for detail of data ...

28. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, 2001-02 - AM01 caliper data [ASAC_1164_AM01_caliper]   PARENT DIF
AM01 borehole drilled January 2002. Profiling measurements conducted to test borehole diameter integrity. AM01b borehole drilled mid-December 2003. No new caliper ...

29. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, 2001-02 - AM01 sampling (seafloor sediment, ice cores, seawater) and Automatic Weather Station data [ASAC_1164_AM01_Other]
AM01 borehole drilled January 2002. Samples collected during drilling and scientific sampling phases of work. AWS continuing to operate. ...

30. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, 2001-02 - AM02 [ASAC_1164_AM02]   CHILD DIFs   PARENT DIF
AM02 borehole drilled December 2000. Profiling measurements conducted over a period of one week. Long term monitoring instruments installed 2001-01-06. ...

31. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, 2003-04 - AM01b [ASAC_1164_AM01b]   CHILD DIFs   PARENT DIF
AM01b borehole drilled mid-December 2003. Profiling measurements conducted over a period of a few days. Video recording of borehole walls and sea floor benthos. Sediment ...

32. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, 2003-04 - AM01b sampling (seafloor sediment, ice cores, seawater) and Automatic Weather Station data [ASAC_1164_AM01b_Other]   PARENT DIF
AM01b borehole site Samples collected during drilling and scientific sampling phases of work. AWS continuing to operate (not a new station, but ongoing AM01 ...

33. Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, AM01 Brancker thermistor data [ASAC_1164_AM01_Brancker]   PARENT DIF
AM01 borehole drilled January 2002. Partial annual data retrieved for 2002, and 2003. AM01b borehole drilled mid-December 2003. No new ...

34. Amery Ice Shelf Experiment (AMISOR), Aurora Australis marine science cruises au0106 and au0207 - ship-based CTD, ADCP and mooring data [AMISOR_ship]
Oceanographic measurements were conducted in the vicinity of the Amery Ice Shelf on two cruises, during the southern summers of 2000/2001 and 2001/2002. A CTD transect parallel to the ...

35. Aurora Australis SAZ Southern Ocean oceanographic data, cruise au9701 [au97_9801]
Oceanographic measurements were conducted in the Subantarctic Zone south of Tasmania in September 1997. 5 sediment trap moorings were deployed, and a total of 10 CTD vertical profiles ...

36. Aurora Australis SAZ Southern Ocean oceanographic data, cruise au9706 [au97_9806]
Oceanographic measurements were conducted in the Subantarctic Zone south of Tasmania in March 1998. A total of 97 CTD vertical profiles were taken. Over 800 Niskin bottle water samples ...

37. Aurora Australis Southern Ocean oceanographic (CTD) data, cruise au9005 (HIMS) [au9005]
Oceanographic measurements were conducted between Tasmania and Heard Island, and then around Heard and McDonald Islands from May to July 1990. A total of 96 CTD (conductivity, temperature ...

38. Aurora Australis Southern Ocean oceanographic (CTD) data, cruise au9006 (AAMBER2) [au9006]
Oceanographic measurements were conducted from Tasmania to Antarctica, and then primarily in the Prydz Bay region, from January 1991 to March 1991. A total of 159 CTD (conductivity, ...

39. Aurora Australis Southern Ocean oceanographic (CTD) data, cruise au9206 (FISHOG) [au9206]
Oceanographic measurements were conducted in the Southern Ocean around Heard and McDonald Islands, and in the Prydz Bay region, from January 1992 to March 1992. A total of 168 CTD (conductivity, ...

40. Aurora Australis Southern Ocean oceanographic (CTD) data, cruise au9301 (THIRST) [au9301]
Oceanographic measurements were conducted north of Heard Island from August 1993 to October 1993. A total of 58 CTD (conductivity, temperature and depth) vertical profile stations were ...

41. Aurora Australis Southern Ocean oceanographic data from geoscience cruise au9705 [au96_9705]
10 full depth CTD casts were taken in the vicinity of Mawson and Casey as part of the geoscience work on Aurora Australis cruise au9705, January to March 1997. A 12 bottle rosette sampler ...

42. Aurora Australis WOCE Southern Ocean oceanographic data, cruise au9101 [au91_9201]
Oceanographic measurements were conducted along WOCE Southern Ocean meridional section SR3 between Tasmania and Antarctica from September to October 1991. A total of 36 CTD vertical ...

43. Aurora Australis WOCE Southern Ocean oceanographic data, cruise au9309/9391 [au9309_9391]
Oceanographic measurements were conducted along WOCE Southern Ocean meridional sections SR3 and P11 between Tasmania and Antarctica, from March to May, 1993. A total of 128 CTD vertical ...

44. Aurora Australis WOCE Southern Ocean oceanographic data, cruise au9404 [au9404]
Oceanographic measurements were conducted along WOCE Southern Ocean meridional section SR3 between Tasmania and Antarctica, and along the part of WOCE Southern ocean zonal section S4 ...

45. Aurora Australis WOCE Southern Ocean oceanographic data, cruise au9407 [au9407]
Oceanographic measurements were conducted in January 1994 along WOCE Southern Ocean meridional section SR3 between Tasmania and Antarctica, and along a northward section lying between ...

46. Aurora Australis WOCE Southern Ocean oceanographic data, cruise au9501 [au9501]
Oceanographic measurements were conducted along WOCE Southern Ocean meridional section SR3 between Tasmania and Antarctica, and around the boundary of a square-plan test volume south ...

47. Aurora Australis WOCE Southern Ocean oceanographic data, cruise au9601 [au9601]
Oceanographic measurements were conducted along WOCE Southern Ocean meridional section SR3 between Tasmania and Antarctica from August to September 1996. A total of 71 CTD vertical profile ...

48. Aurora Australis marine science cruise au0103 (CLIVAR_SR3) - CTD and adcp data [au0103]
Oceanographic measurements were conducted along CLIVAR Southern Ocean meridional repeat transect SR3 between Tasmania and Antarctica from October to December 2001. A total of 135 CTD ...

49. Average sea surface salinity in latitude bands: 40-50 deg S, 50-60 deg S, 60 deg S-continent [SOE_sea_surface_salinity]
INDICATOR DEFINITION Measurements of sea surface salinity in the Southern Ocean. Measurements are averaged over latitude bands: 40-50 deg S, 50-60 deg S, 60 deg S-continent. ...

50. BROKE West Survey, Marine Science Cruise AU0603 - Oceanographic Field Measurements and Analysis [BROKE-West_CTD_au0603]   PARENT DIF
Oceanographic measurements around the &BROKE-West& survey area along the Antarctic continental margin between 30 degrees and 80 degrees south were conducted aboard Aurora Australis cruise ...

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