Friday, September 07, 2007
Administration Oversight, Social Security

GAO Find President's 2005 Social Security Tour Cost Taxpayers Millions

After long delays, due in part to the refusal of the White House to cooperate, today Chairman Waxman released a GAO report assessing the costs to taxpayers of a 2005 White House initiative to support the President’s efforts to privatize Social Security.

The initiative included campaign-style events featuring the President and a roster of top Administration officials as well as the creation of a “Social Security Information Center” in the Department of the Treasury. The analysis shows that the White House effort cost more than $2.8 million, including more than $1.6 million for staging the events, more than $800,000 for Air Force One and Air Force Two travel, and more than $200,000 for the creation of the Treasury Department’s privatization war room and website. The $2.8 million estimate is an underestimate of the true costs, as it does not include the cost of staff time, Secret Service protection, and other expenses.